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Global Jihad


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Irans new president Mahmood Ahmadinejad said his election coincided with what he has called a global Islamic revolution.

"The wave of the Islamic revolution will soon reach the entire world," Ahmadinejad said. "In one night, the martyrs strode down a path of 100 years."


"Thanks to the blood of the martyrs, a new Islamic revolution has arisen and the Islamic revolution of 1384 [the current Iranian year] will, if God wills, cut off the roots of injustice in the world.


The era of oppression, hegemonic regimes, tyranny and injustice has reached its end."


Sounds to me like a wake up call to all of us.


Source --- http://www.worldtribune.com/worldtribune/0...1027777777.html


There is a Chinese curse “May you live in interesting times”.


It will be very interesting to see what happens now.

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Ah - it's Rog again, always good for a political discussion :) (I mean that in a nice way)


Going by this part of the article..


The 49-year-old Ahmadinejad, who participated in the takeover of the U.S. embassy in Teheran, in 1979, was regarded as the most anti-Western of the presidential candidates.


...it should be pretty clear what's gonna happen - Condie is gonna have a field day, Dubya is going to consider another war and the US will be weakened even further.


At least, they're gonna have something else to talk about at the G8 summit - taking that countering terrorism is on their list of issues to be discussed.


In case you wanna watch the chaos in Scotland live, here's a few webcams:


Princes Street Edinburgh


Some more from Edinburgh


Gleneagles webcam - not much to be seen there to be honest - the cam is on the golf course, but maybe you get a glimpse of George W practising his swing...

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This is nothing new! How many moderate Muslims will listen to this guy, my bet it's not many? Besides he's a Shi'a isn't he?


Let's speak to these people and show them that the west is reasonable, I.E not reactionary...


I can just imagine some guy in Iran being a mirror opposite of Rog when Dubya was shouting about crusades.


Do you propose a crusade in response? What the hell can we do but talk to these people. I for one will not be invading anyone, I will fight if I see a treat but all I can see is hot air coming from east and west...

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What do you know of Jihads! I was just a boy when the infidels came to my village in their Blackhawk helicopters. The infidels fired at the oil fields and they lit up like the eyes of Allah. Burning oil rained down from the sky and cooked everything it touched. I could only hide myself and cry as my goats were consumed by the fiery black liquid death. In the midst of the chaos, I could swear that I heard my goats screaming for help. As quickly as they had come, the infidels were gone. It was on that day I put a jihad on them. And if you don't believe it, then you'd better kill me now, because I'll put a jihad on you, too.


derka derka

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Allowing for metaphoric licence and translation, I'd say his language was quite moderate compared to certain christian preachers' proclamations of doom and damnation. (Ian Paisley, Billy Graham, David Icke etc).

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Allowing for metaphoric licence and translation, I'd say his language was quite moderate compared to certain christian preachers' proclamations of doom and damnation. (Ian Paisley, Billy Graham, David Icke etc).


Hmm, yes but they are not the leaders of a country of some 70 million muslims who are about to get their hands on nuclear weapons and whose borders are surrounded by US troops are they?

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Oh joy, yet more grief on the horizon.


Can someone give me directions to the Stargate?


I think I'll take my chances off-world...



You keep chippa Mission, we can find doom in everything that is a part of our lives.


If everyone was doom laden...we lose all sense of hope.


Hope and optimism are what keeps us going.

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