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Sounds to me like a wake up call to all of us.


Rog, you do pick interesting topics, however, please try to make the distinction between rhetoric and policy.

The new regime in Iran, if anything, is slightly less zealous than the outgoing one.

It is fact, nevertheless, that Iran may now be less amenable to US foreign policy, hence the bad press.

The main criticism of Iran is focussed on its nuclear power program. Western nations know quite well that the nuclear power industry is linked to nuclear weapons programs.

We have crossed swords before ( Rog) regarding nuclear policies. I would remind you that your position was that nuclear weapons have maintained a peace (of sorts). According to your argument, the cold war remained as such (cold) because neither side would risk the deployment of nuclear weaponry.

I dont really understand a logic which then proceeds to a new postion, whilst maintaining the old one, which shouts shock horror .. a Muslim Country might conceivably develop nuclear weapons.

We should all exercise some caution when making judgements about Muslim nations. First we should examine the credibilty of the information we are provided with. The UK media, in particular, is very good at presenting the official line. Undoubtedly, the official US and UK line is influenced by the amount of oil reserves in the Iran / Iraq area.

In summary I would ask everyone to make the distinction between Iran's rhetoric and its relatively moderate policies. Dont jump on the US bandwagon too quickly anyhow!

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Yep, I bet there was some heavy sh1t in that bin of yours dude, what with the young one being around and all.




Too right...humming in this weather, glad i'm not still in Baldrine, what with the 2 weekly collection of old.


Although i have a fondness for the place, many a moment.

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-snip- I would remind you that your position was that nuclear weapons have maintained a peace (of sorts). According to your argument, the cold war remained as such (cold) because neither side would risk the deployment of nuclear weaponry.

I dont really understand a logic which then proceeds to a new postion, whilst maintaining the old one, which shouts shock horror .. a Muslim Country might conceivably develop nuclear weapons. -snip-

I think I understand where he's coming from: There's a subtle difference between Russia and Iran having a red button - during the cold war, the US and Russia knew that the guys across the pond had one and that kept the peace, because none of them really wanted to use it, mainly because their religious beliefs weren't as strong as the ones of muslim extremists, willing to die for their cause (and they didn't expect a bunch of virgins at the pearly gates when they did so).


After 9/11, people simply got more jumpy, and the pure thought of a state like Iran having a red button, together with anti-western remarks of the new president is enough to make security experts work overtime...


And yes, I agree: We should be careful about the news we are fed everyday - does "society of fear" ring a bell?

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I think I understand where he's coming from: There's a subtle difference between Russia and Iran having a red button - during the cold war, the US and Russia knew that the guys across the pond had one and that kept the peace, because none of them really wanted to use it, mainly because their religious beliefs weren't as strong as the ones of muslim extremists, willing to die for their cause (and they didn't expect a bunch of virgins at the pearly gates when they did so).


Precisely so.


To die in holy martyrdom is a ticket to go straight to paradise. This life is seen as a period of something like trial to sort out those who will from those who will not go the right way. A chance to make sure that you go the right way is what drives the homicide bombers and will drive any homicide state that emerges.


There are very very few people in the West who really understand islam though many think that they do. It is them who are almost as much danger to us all as the devout muslims as they persuade the rest that there is no real danger, that there is no Third World War, and that everybody is really the same.


Enough. I'm just repeating myself. Let those who can hear, hear. Let those who can not, hopefully hear in time.

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china has just invested 2 billion in irans oil cant see them being too happy about a american strike. on tuesday russia delivers the final parts to the iran newk facilitys

meaning if america is going to hit iran it will be before tuesday or the whole middle east will be radioactive. america is severaly streched manpower wise so a milletery draft will be needed. this will not be tolerated by the american people who are slowly awakining to whatreallyhappened.com on 911


has no one using these fourums heard off the DSM downing street memos.these minutes show bush and blier disussing invading iraq 2 years before 911


face facts 911 was a inside job all intelegence was fixed to suit the agenda


new laws being rushed thro include all live events on a 10 min time delay this gives the powers that be time to edit alleged terror attacks


dr kelly was eliminated because he would not bend to the agenda

same goes for charlies x wife what white bloodline wants a moslim half brother and how long ago did she die thats 8 years before 911


so who owns the news you read


"kee betachbulot ta'ase lecha milchama"


http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/hoax.html free news with facts


Enough. I'm just repeating myself. Let those who can hear, hear. Let those who can not, hopefully hear in time.


rogs words and i agree for once

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There are very very few people in the West who really understand islam though many think that they do.


Which are you Rog?



I'll answer that seriously.


I'm one of the few who really do understand islam. I wish I were not - ignorance is bliss, certainly where islam is concerned.


I’ve lived in countries where islam was the predominant ideology – I won’t use the word religion as it is inappropriate, I’ve worked managing, with, and for muslim people, I know the matter very well indeed.

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