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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

13 minutes. Not bad.

 But, as always, Quilp managed to fluff you more than a few minutes earlier. It just so happens I had finished breakfast and logged on to check any alerts. 

Oh, and please be aware, in my replies to you I wasn't rude, I didn't use offensive language, I stuck to very oblique biblical references. So please don't try to claim that it was some sort of aggressive attack to garner sympathy or claim you're mentally injured. It wasn't. What I said it very clear for all to read. 

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2 hours ago, woolley said:

The Woolley Patent Guide to Countering Provocation and the Avoidance of Online Conflict.

Spot the obvious casus belli. Usually a totally random barb calculated to irritate and inflame lobbed in out of the blue and usually out of context. With a bit of experience they stick out as though they were printed in bold red. Example:

Don't go confusing attacks on the EU and rabid supporting of Brexit as a critique on globalization.

Never react aggressively. Challenge the premise calmly and with facts.

Then there is the claim to advocacy for some assumed reasonable yet silent majority who for some obscure reason cannot speak up for themselves and require a benevolent spokesperson:

I think you might find that a lot of people who have read your posts for the last 18 months might well regard your support of Brexit to be, well, more than a bit rabid….

Make it clear that he is entitled to his opinion but it is of no importance to you. "A lot of people....." can speak for themselves if they are so inclined.

Do not engage in name calling. Ever.

Then there is the annoying claim that you have changed your tune about something – when clearly you haven’t.

You sound like you've finally found the road to Damascus. Let us rejoice.

Do not rise to it. If you have the time, post the evidence to the contrary as in the case of this thread above.

If the agent provocateur becomes cornered then silence generally ensues or as in this case the reasonable sounding but usually obfuscating and often self-contradictory climbdown:

Well Brexit didn't exist in 2011 and 2013.  

Quite. And totally demolishing his original accusation that I had confused my “rabid support for Brexit” with a critique on globalisation.

And note, we about managed to have that exchange without effing and blinding and calling each other various organs of the body.

ETA after later provocative post:

After you have proved the point beyond any reasonable doubt, you may well be accosted again with insults and risible claims that you have been "called out"

Again, do not rise to it. Just leave it for posterity to tell its own story.

Feel free to have the last word though, hboy. I enjoyed our little exchange on here last night and what it illustrates. Glad I dropped by.

The optimum way of engaging with this inciteful posting is never to become annoyed or abusive, and to answer all points calmly and factually, no matter how erroneous or provocative the premise. I commend it to the House.

Nice post. :lol:

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I can't see what the issue is here apart from perhaps Wooleys bruised ego. Many posters seem more than capable of escalating debates into abusive slanging matches very effectively indeed and the above doesn't seem to be one of those incidents to me. Woolley himself did for a long time become a Brexit one trick pony in almost every thread so it's odd that he would get upset when another poster points that out to him. It's all just part of debating issues on MF. People have opposing views. So what? There's no need to throw toys out of the pram about it. Move on. This is a thread about Sportsdirect. 

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2 hours ago, hboy said:

 But, as always, Quilp managed to fluff you more than a few minutes earlier. It just so happens I had finished breakfast and logged on to check any alerts. 

Oh, and please be aware, in my replies to you I wasn't rude, I didn't use offensive language, I stuck to very oblique biblical references. So please don't try to claim that it was some sort of aggressive attack to garner sympathy or claim you're mentally injured. It wasn't. What I said it very clear for all to read. 

Not rude apart from the bit calling him a big girl... :rolleyes:

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15 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

I can't see what the issue is here apart from perhaps Wooleys bruised ego. Many posters seem more than capable of escalating debates into abusive slanging matches very effectively indeed and the above doesn't seem to be one of those incidents to me. Woolley himself did for a long time become a Brexit one trick pony in almost every thread so it's odd that he would get upset when another poster posts that out to him. It's all just part of debating issues on MF. People have opposing views. So what? There's no need to throw toys out of the pram about it. Move on. This is a thread about Sportsdirect. 

To be fair he was getting it from a number of different angles all from people with pretty rabid Leave arguments who wouldn't entertain any kind of intelligent debate on the subject for fear of encountering some cognitive dissonance. That and their obsession with anything that might not be deemed anti-Trump. 

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21 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

To be fair he was getting it from a number of different angles all from people with pretty rabid Leave arguments who wouldn't entertain any kind of intelligent debate on the subject for fear of encountering some cognitive dissonance. That and their obsession with anything that might not be deemed anti-Trump. 

He appeared to me to drive the whole debate to the point that it was easier for some people (including me) to completely leave the forum post Brexit as there was simply no point in trying to debate the issues sensibly whatsoever as you were hit by a wall of abuse for even trying to discuss a case for Remaining. It was really unpleasant. You can't do that to that degree over thousands of posts and expect other posters, many of whom you clearly targeted in that concerted campaign, not to remind you of the fact every now and again surely? I can't see anything wrong with the above exchange that warranted Woolley posting what he did. There wasn't even the usual bad language that is commonly brought into play by some of the other posters like Woody2, or Notty et all. It's really hard to see why someone would go off the scale like that to be honest when they don't seem to have really been provoked. 

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1 minute ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Is that in English as it makes no sense to me? 

He appeared to me to drive the whole debate to the point that it was easier for some people (including me) to completely leave the forum post Brexit as there was simply no point in trying to debate the issues sensibly whatsoever as you were hit be a wall of abuse for even trying to discuss a case for Remaining. You can't do that to that degree over thousands of posts and expect other posters not to remind you of the fact every now and again surely? I can't see anything wrong with the above exchange that warranted Woolley posting what he did. There wasn't even the usual bad language that is commonly brought into play by some of the other posters like Woody2, or Notty et all. It's really hard to see why someone would go off the scale like that to be honest. 

Reads fine to me. You might want to read it a bit slower. Or use a dictionary.

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1 minute ago, thesultanofsheight said:

I edited the comment I just get annoyed when phrases like cognitive dissonance are used. 

That figures.

I stopped posting for a few months for the very reason that everyone on here seemed to be so pro-Leave and Anti-Trump that you couldn't even discuss something as banal as the weather without some reference to Trump and climate change denial or the value of the pound post-Brexit vote stopping people escaping the UK to go see some sun. It was ridiculous. It was like everyone had lost a family member the level of ire. Added to that everything negative in the world was the fault of either of the two topics.

Woolley at least attempted to bring some balance to the debates. As I tried but he clearly has more patience than me.   

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48 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

That figures.

I stopped posting for a few months for the very reason that everyone on here seemed to be so pro-Leave and Anti-Trump that you couldn't even discuss something as banal as the weather without some reference to Trump and climate change denial or the value of the pound post-Brexit vote stopping people escaping the UK to go see some sun. It was ridiculous. It was like everyone had lost a family member the level of ire. Added to that everything negative in the world was the fault of either of the two topics.

Woolley at least attempted to bring some balance to the debates. As I tried but he clearly has more patience than me.   

Personally I think he made most of the debates a lot worse and actually drove the agenda as his post count was often 30 a day or more at the height of it all. There's were thousands of posts in total from one person and it was easier to leave the Forum than deal with the weight of them all. Some other people clearly feel the same way and I'm not surprised people are prepared to take him to task on it. Sadly we seem to be back to a forum that is primarily managing Woolley's ego after only a few weeks. To throw the toys out of the pram like that off the back of a few one or two line posts says it all. If people don't agree with Woolley (and a few others on here) they will attempt to drive them from these boards in one way of another as I know to my cost. 

Now can we get back Sports Direct? 

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Thanks for your support Sultan but it doesn't bother me. Wooleys been told countless times that he spends too much time on here, that here isn't real life, and that these forums are really arent serious platform anything of any consequence really. It's normally just people titting about. He's obviously had a few weeks of MF cold turkey and has thrown a complete wobbler again the minute anyone has dared to take him to task in something. 

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You are exactly the same Sultan.  I'm not sure what you are getting so precious about.

Back to Sports Direct - Ashley runs a very good proven business which he's bringing to a place with no real competition and enough footfall and disposable income to support the investment.   They're creating jobs to and will be contributing to the public purse.

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