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17 hours ago, notwell said:

You are exactly the same Sultan.  I'm not sure what you are getting so precious about.

Really? So someone who had been back posting here a few weeks is now driving an agenda exactly the same way as someone who has made 18,000 posts and who within a few posts of coming back seems to have had a complete meltdown as he wasn't getting his own way? I'm not really getting it to be honest. 

Yes back to Mike Ashley. I doubt he needs to be that smart a business man to successfully sell sports wear to chavs to be honest. 

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I will reflect on the interesting comments here. Thank you. I think they deserve some instant feedback.

My post you refer to was really my first detailed comment on the collective nervous breakdown that the forum has suffered in recent times. I stand by it as regards the other poster. It's been coming for some time and it does not cut across the rules in the clause. It actually does work in avoiding a pages long scrap. Others might usefully take note.

For everyone else, while not surprised that plenty would disagree with my views, I am quite surprised to think that anyone would think I was actually driving that situation, although I confess that by volume of posts it might well be that I put my views over more than others. I will reflect seriously on that too. It's not that I "Iive" here; more that I have access to being online a lot of the time and I look in probably more than others simply because I have the opportunity and to add a post doesn't take a moment. One of the words used a little while ago was "rant". That amused me because it puts me in mind of the Nuremberg Rallies and I don't think I ever quite got to that pitch even on a good day. I would be interested if someone would refer me to one of my "rants".

I don't "have to be right" at all as someone put it, and I know that unless we are offering scientific or historical fact, or requested information, then all of what each and every one of us post here is simply opinion. It's opinion and not fact. So some of us will express opinion more forcefully than others, but if we are commenting on possibilities or the future then I would have thought that we would all be adult enough to accept our contingent fallibility without having to put "In my opinion....................." in front of every assertion. I have very often on here bemoaned the fact that we don't have MORE shades of opinion from far more contributors. I would like to see more rather than less, and perish the thought that we dwindle to a forum where everyone felt the same way. How boring that would be if there was nobody to debate with.

I will discuss anything with anyone of any shade of opinion without resorting to obscenity or name calling - except mutual poking fun - but I object to having my views misrepresented and being told I've been "called out" when I have demonstrated the veracity of my statement.

So while I am off to reflect, you all (well, most of you) enjoy your Sunday. Mike Ashley, it's over to you.

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I think it's a bit rich from the sultan to claim woolley made him not post here when it was the sultan himself that had a post Brexit meltdown unconnected  in my view from whatever woolley had said. To spend 6 months under the duvet then come back accusing others when the problem was he himself is a bit laughable.  And hboys passive aggression is starting to get a bit tiring too. 

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15 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Why don't you both agree to shake hands and give it a rest by agreeing to not wind each other up for at least two weeks? No loser then.


I'm happy to shake hands with Woolley as it wasn't me he attacked but having totally given up previously against the weight of the onslaught in the other direction (especially over Brexit) I felt there was a valid point to make here. Almost anyone who goes against the pre ordained agenda on here seems to get effectively driven off. Or gives up voluntarily. You yourself were in the same position Albert when you called for changes to MF. It was the only reason I started posting again as I thought the Mods were going to be more pro active. There's no point in someone posting a handful of posts when they return after a few weeks and then chucking the toys out of the pram when they get challenged. It just looks silly. The forum has changed as people, you yourself especially, asked for it to change. 

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9 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

I think it's a bit rich from the sultan to claim woolley made him not post here when it was the sultan himself that had a post Brexit meltdown unconnected  in my view from whatever woolley had said. To spend 6 months under the duvet then come back accusing others when the problem was he himself is a bit laughable.  And hboys passive aggression is starting to get a bit tiring too. 

It's true though. And I didn't have the firepower or the time to post 20, 30, or 40 posts a day to wear anyone who disagreed with me down so I just gave up. That's the truth. There seem to be some professional forum people on here and that's not me. I don't have the time to force my agenda and my views on anyone else as I'm happily having a life outside of MF and actually I dont take what's said on here that seriously at all. 

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1 minute ago, thesultanofsheight said:

It's true though. And I didn't have the firepower or the time to post 20, 30, or 40 posts a day to wear anyone who disagreed with me down so I just gave up. That's the truth. There seem to be some professional forum people on here and thata not me. I don't have the time to force my agenda and my views on anyone else as I'm happily having a life outside of MF and actually I dont take what's said on here that seriously at all. 

I said I have no problem with you. I don't think that you are ever agent provocateur.

Please then also accept as the truth that despite whatever number of posts I might have made in a day (I wasn't counting), they were never posted with the intention to "wear anyone who disagreed with me down" to the extent that they would bugger off for the duration. I might not agree with what you say but I would prefer to read it and reply to it, and maybe reply to it forcefully, but that is all part of the cut and thrust. There is no glory in shouting somebody down. I appreciate we have had others here who have tried to do that. You might think that by sheer number of posts that I was too, but you'd be wrong. It might have been the effect on you, but never the intent.

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13 hours ago, woolley said:

i don't have a problem with SoS at all. Although I would like him to point me to one of my rants.

I have never (I dont think) accused you of ranting at all. Just of firebombing this forum constantly with your views in an apparent attempt to drive the total forum agenda. Perhaps you need to accept there are people on here who won't agree with you and leave it at that? I thought the new rules were working but now I'm not sure.

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11 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Shake hands I suggested...not throats.

It's nice of you and Woolley to pop back up after a few weeks to offer sage words.

As I said I'm happy to shake Woolleys hand. I just wanted to make what i thought were a few valid points in the process

Quilp; it's so obvious what's been going on here to be honest validated by the way that everyone's popping back up in this thread. 

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10 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

 And constantly dragging your supporters in too.

I don't have "supporters" to drag. Wish I had. :)

They are (I assume) all individuals that happen to agree with positions I have taken, and it's the same for the other side of the argument. It was inevitable when you had such a divisive subject that virtually polarised the entire population almost down the middle.

I agree that the one specific debate became almost all consuming when at one time the international section of the forums hardly got a post from one week to the next. But again, that simply reflected society at large. The fact that it could cause such a rupture in relationships on a tiny forum on an offshore island bears witness to the magnitude of the issue.

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1 minute ago, woolley said:

 agree that the one specific debate became almost all consuming when at one time the international section of the forums hardly got a post from one week to the next. But again, that simply reflected society at large. The fact that it could cause such a rupture in relationships on a tiny forum on an offshore island bears witness to the magnitude of the issue.

Let's leave it there then.

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3 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:


Quilp; it's so obvious what's been going on here to be honest validated by the way that everyone's popping back up in this thread. 

Obvious? What's obvious to me is you, and your various guises.

This forum is dying of boredom. 

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