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The majority of their stock (i suspect) will be sold in sales at big "discounts" which people will be drawn too.  It's the oldest retail trick in the world on those huge margin designer label items.

I can only assume you and your grandson went in Flannels because you simply had no idea what they sell.  If you did, you wouldn't have been in there.

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If people wish to spend lots of money on clothes........ crack on. If it makes the store successful great and keeps people employed then even better, Let's face it without SD and the other associated businesses the Strand Centre would be a empty shell devoid of real investment. Now it's had money pumped into it and will in the next day or so have some young People queuing up at Sports Direct for their Chav Suits. Yes I'm cynical, but at this moment in time we should embrace the new retail opportunities, whilst we can, in other words make hay whilst the sun shines. It won't last forever.

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3 minutes ago, woolley said:

The idea of what the margin might be on it would be enough to put me off, I'm afraid. Do they have a rubber stamp to put "mug" on the punters' foreheads?

They just give you a bag that you can carry around, screaming "sucker" 

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4 minutes ago, woolley said:

The idea of what the margin might be on it would be enough to put me off, I'm afraid. Do they have a rubber stamp to put "mug" on the punters' foreheads?

Most clothing has a margin of at least 100% mark up. A lot of furniture has the same. ;)

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5 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Most clothing has a margin of at least 100% mark up. A lot of furniture has the same. ;)

Oh yes. But I wonder what an £850 coat or a £350 pair of jeans cost to make? Sorry. It comes from a lifetime of calculations!

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11 hours ago, 2112 said:

I must agree with Notwell, for a change! SD have done their research and wouldn't have spent money on the Strand Centre if they didn't have faith. Yes, the prices are expensive. However, without trying to be sexist, some women like designer shoes and handbags. Some women are prepared to spend a lot of money buying a designer handbag to cheer themselves up. It's a case of whatever floats your boat. Personally I like Slaters where I can get good quality clothing, some expensive designer gear, without it costing over the odds. The best thing is .......... free alterations. If you tell them your catching a ferry/plane back to the island, they always make sure your alterations are prioritised. 

If JD Sports open up as intermated, then the shoppers of the island could well be spoiled for choice. 

The Island's too small for a designer clothes chain. Think about it.... your missus goes to a charity do and across the room is another woman wearing the same thing one size bigger. And they've both paid whopping great wads of cash. 

The current Mrs Andy would never dream of spending the equivalent of 850 squid of hard earned cash in a chain store in the hope that she was going to look unique. A one off may be, but not from a retail chain.

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8 minutes ago, notwell said:

Propbably the same % as the £25 t shirt you might buy that M & S, Next etc where they pick them up for a fiver.

But for at those prices I don;t mind seeing someone else wearing the same. If I was spending a 850 squid I'd expect to be uniquely dressed.

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They'll only have a small selection of very high price handbags and the like and there are more and more people every year retiring on gold plated pensions with nothing to spend it on with the mortgages paid off. I think they'll do okay as long as they don't push it.

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6 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

They'll only have a small selection of very high price handbags and the like and there are more and more people every year retiring on gold plated pensions with nothing to spend it on with the mortgages paid off. I think they'll do okay as long as they don't push it.

I'm not so sure. Peter Luis couldn't make a shop pay and they were aimed at a wider wealthy and less chavvy audience who could afford the expensive clothes they sold and they still didn't have demand in the end. 

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Just now, thesultanofsheight said:

I'm not so sure. Peter Luis couldn't make a shop pay and they were aimed at a wider wealthy and less chavvy audience who could afford the expensive clothes they sold and they still didn't have demand in the end. 

Peter Luis was stuck in the last century and his stock reflected that. Flannels is new, shiny, sells the names women of today want to be seen with and there are a whole host of banks lined up offering credit cards for the ones who don't quite have the depth of bank account to splash out on the hoof. 

Don't get me wrong stock won't be flying out the door but the people who opened it will have done enough research.

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