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Sports Direct IOM


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I went this morning to pick up a few bits and have a skeet. Really well laid out with masses of choice which is a welcome change. Its an extra floor above what used to be the cafe.

Saves people using the web or waiting until they go across for sports gear. Intersport has been shit for years.


I like USC but the current stock is not really impressing.


Couple more units yet to open. Not sure what they are

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1 hour ago, trmpton said:

Never said it was everyone, like I said a very small number of people.

There are plenty live here with people who do everything for them, housekeepers, nannys, gardeners, estate managers, live in dog carers etc.

Just because you don't see something, and the majority of people don't do it doesn't mean it isn't going on at all.

Maybe 5 people employ personal shoppers who are hardly going to keep Flannels going are they? If you have a personal shopper they'll be buying at Mulberry, or Louis Vuitton, Cartier, or Jimmy Choo's not from some crappy Flannels on Strand Street which really is aimed at chavs. I really do wonder if MF is a true reflection of the real people in the IOM anymore. It seems to now be clogged full of aggressive finance workers and over paid civil servants who clearly regard things like personal shoppers to be the reality of life in the IOM when it's clear what the actual average earnings of Manx residents are and what the normal wealth profile of people who live in the Island is from the various surveys conducted. 

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I popped in this afternoon. It's a Sport Direct, there's nothing new about it. it's well stocked, pretty much the whole range you'd expect and they have all the usual sale racks you see in any other Sport Direct store. It was busy, but not knee deep packed. 

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1 hour ago, thesultanofsheight said:

I really do wonder if MF is a true reflection of the real people in the IOM anymore. It seems to now be clogged full of aggressive finance workers and over paid civil servants who clearly regard things like personal shoppers to be the reality of life in the IOM when it's clear what the actual average earnings of Manx residents are and what the normal wealth profile of people who live in the Island is from the various surveys conducted. 

Nobody said any of that, both posts I made referenced the fact that it's a very small number of people living in a very different world to the rest of us.

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1 hour ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Maybe 5 people employ personal shoppers who are hardly going to keep Flannels going are they? If you have a personal shopper they'll be buying at Mulberry, or Louis Vuitton, Cartier, or Jimmy Choo's not from some crappy Flannels on Strand Street which really is aimed at chavs. I really do wonder if MF is a true reflection of the real people in the IOM anymore. It seems to now be clogged full of aggressive finance workers and over paid civil servants who clearly regard things like personal shoppers to be the reality of life in the IOM when it's clear what the actual average earnings of Manx residents are and what the normal wealth profile of people who live in the Island is from the various surveys conducted. 

It actually seems clogged up with bitter deluded old people like you that don't have any kind of clue what happens outside your own circle because you're too busy being bitter that people will shop in a certain shop. 

Hive Ashley a shout. It sounds like he's missing your balanced input in his business model

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5 hours ago, thesultanofsheight said:

Maybe 5 people employ personal shoppers who are hardly going to keep Flannels going are they? If you have a personal shopper they'll be buying at Mulberry, or Louis Vuitton, Cartier, or Jimmy Choo's not from some crappy Flannels on Strand Street which really is aimed at chavs. I really do wonder if MF is a true reflection of the real people in the IOM anymore. It seems to now be clogged full of aggressive finance workers and over paid civil servants who clearly regard things like personal shoppers to be the reality of life in the IOM when it's clear what the actual average earnings of Manx residents are and what the normal wealth profile of people who live in the Island is from the various surveys conducted. 

Do you sit alone in a corner of the pub muttering to yourself and looking darkly at anyone who dares laugh? Most people who are as negative as you now appear to be end up doing so.

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18 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

Do you sit alone in a corner of the pub muttering to yourself and looking darkly at anyone who dares laugh? Most people who are as negative as you now appear to be end up doing so.

No I just don't employ a personal shopper, neither do I spend money on poor quality overpriced designer crap. I'm sure that is now the norm for the aggressive finance sector Idiots who seem to post a lot here, and for the overpaid (largely retired I'd guess) public sector contributors who undoubtedly have a very false view on what the Manx economy delivers for anyone else whilst being blinded by their own mega gravy train exits. But really it's hard to see what the representative group on MF is anymore. It doesn't seem to be reflecting the majority view (which can be seen in parts of the quality of life survey) in the IOM at all. In fact most contributors don't seem to live in the world that 60% of the population live in and anyone who tries to put forward the view from the perspective of the average worker just seems to get abused. It's looking like the last days of the Raj on here to be honest. A small number of self obsessed right wing reactionary freeloaders with money falling out of their arses trying to deny there are some real structural issues with the way the IOM functions who actually sound fearful that one day other people might work out just how badly they've been screwed over.  Best try to ignore some of our problems and send your personal shoppers out to buy you some new deck shoes for your next cruise. 

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2 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

No I just don't employ a personal shopper, neither do I spend money on poor quality overpriced designer crap. I'm sure that is now the norm for the aggressive finance sector Idiots who seem to post a lot here, and for the overpaid (largely retired I'd guess) public sector contributors who undoubtedly have a very false view on what the Manx economy delivers for anyone else whilst being blinded by their own mega gravy train exits. But really it's hard to see what the representative group on MF is anymore. It doesn't seem to be reflecting the majority view (which can be seen in parts of the quality of life survey) in the IOM at all. In fact most contributors don't seem to live in the world that 60% of the population live in and anyone who tries to put forward the view from the perspective of the average worker just seems to get abused. It's looking like the last days of the Raj on here to be honest. A small number of self obsessed freeloaders with money falling out of their arses trying to deny there are some real structural issues with the way the IOM functions who actually sound fearful that one day other people might work out just how badly they've been screwed over. 

Like I said...

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Congratulations Sultan on getting so much bile in one post.

You sound borderline jealous to be honest.  Very bitter old man you come across as.

Like I said, you really need to be personally advising all the businesses coming here to set up just how bad it is.  Just because you're depressed and on the bones of your arse doesn't mean everyone else is. 

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Just now, notwell said:

Congratulations Sultan on getting so much bile in one post.

You sound borderline jealous to be honest.  Very bitter old man you come across as.

Like I said, you really need to be personally advising all the businesses coming here to set up just how bad it is.  Just because you're depressed and on the bones of your arse doesn't mean everyone else is. 

Not any bile whatsoever. We clearly just disagree because many of you seem to live in an Island that only exists for the privileged few and can't understand at all why some of the issues discussed on here are issues for other people. The latest survey is proof of that. People arent happy and those people represent a significant part of the population who are not in your sunny, comfortable, overpaid bubble where you seem to think you can throw rocks at everyone else for trying to discuss some of the failings that need to be addressed. 

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Did not seem that busy at lunchtime but perhaps people were not aware it is open.it is going to have to have a massive turnover to warrant all that space but I expect they have done there homework.  I did notice a shop further down the street being converted called JD Direct is this another sports shop ?  There seem to be about three new jewellery shops as well since I was down that end of town and Anne Summers is closing....Inreally must get out more !!!

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23 minutes ago, thesultanofsheight said:

It's looking like the last days of the Raj on here to be honest. A small number of self obsessed right wing reactionary freeloaders with money falling out of their arses trying to deny there are some real structural issues with the way the IOM functions who actually sound fearful that one day other people might work out just how badly they've been screwed over.  Best try to ignore some of our problems and send your personal shoppers out to buy you some new deck shoes for your next cruise. 

Yep you nailed it there. Utter wankers most of the people on here now. They can't see why the peasants are revolting and they don't like it. They're finance sector wankers, businessmen who make massive money off government contracts but still think they're Alan Sugar, and senior gravy trainers who think they can pour scorn and hurl abuse at anyone who does not hold their own saccharine view of the Manx Establishment. All hiding behind anonymous accounts because they would never say what they say under their own names on social media as they would be picked up and ridiculed for it. Most have already admitted they're cowards who don't post on facebook as they wouldn't want to be held to account for it when they've been doing very nicely for years off the back of other people's efforts and tax money. 

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