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Shooting in Munich


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Whole city literally on lock-down, shooting at a shopping center and also in the center of town. Multiple dead and injured. WTF






Obviously live media in overdrive right now but what is cool to see is that Munich had plans in place for an event like this. Almost immediately all subway trains were stopped, all buses returned to their depots and all taxis received text messages not to pick up passengers. Whole city virtually on lockdown. I hope they catch the cunt(s) fast.



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No details yet, but first indications are might be German. Also, rumoured to be three shooters.


Authorities have activated the so called KATWARN Alarm. Didn't even know we have that. During incidents like this or any other catastrophic event, authorities send SMS to all mobiles in a specific area, in this case Munich. Every mobile user in the city just got this message: "Warnung Sonderfall, gültig ab sofort. Amoklage in München. Zu Ihrer Sicherheit Plätze & Straßen meiden; Täter flüchtig; Bahn & Busverkehr eingestellt; Radio und Fernseher einschalten. Hinweise: Zuhause bleiben."

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Video of the shooter on the top of a car park, with onlookers shouting abuse at him. One exchange of words in the video:


Shooter: I am German

Onlooker: A wanker is what you are.


Proud of my fellow Bavarians there!



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Is he justifying what he's doing Amadeus? Amazing footage.


Yes, he was shouting something about failing at school, being bullied and now he has to get a gun and kill everyone. Also something about "fucking foreigners" or some such thing. There is no indication that this is Islamist IS type shit right now. More right wing / mental health nutcase(s) with guns. GSG9 (our SAS equivalent) is flying to Munich now. Whole parts of the city sealed off, cars being checked, etc. Cunts still not caught.

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No details yet, but first indications are might be German. Also, rumoured to be three shooters.


Authorities have activated the so called KATWARN Alarm. Didn't even know we have that. During incidents like this or any other catastrophic event, authorities send SMS to all mobiles in a specific area, in this case Munich. Every mobile user in the city just got this message: "Warnung Sonderfall, gültig ab sofort. Amoklage in München. Zu Ihrer Sicherheit Plätze & Straßen meiden; Täter flüchtig; Bahn & Busverkehr eingestellt; Radio und Fernseher einschalten. Hinweise: Zuhause bleiben."

Warning special case, effective immediately. Amoklage in Munich. For your safety, avoid places and streets; Perpetrators volatile; Train & bus set; Radio and TV on. Notes: Staying at home.

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What are the odds that local reporter “Richard Gutjahr”, reporting on this event and also witnessed the Nice truck event is married to an Israeli politician and former Mossad agent and Knesset member named Einat Wilf.


Here he is, eye witness in Nice...http://www.dw.com/en/attack-witness-richard-gutjahr-speaks-to-dw/av-19401774


​Here is his Munich dialogue...From the BBC


"I took shelter in a nearby flat, about 200 metres away from the shopping centre. About 12 people are here. They were taken in by a resident. And they told me what they've seen. Shots were fired inside the shopping centre as well as outside in the car park. These shots were not connected to the shooting outside a close-by fast food restaurant. That means, considering all these accounts, we might indeed be dealing with several perpetrators."


The irish times

"I saw people running out, ducking for cover in residential buildings nearby,” said Richard Gutjahr of BR public television"


Could this Actor, reporter have been pre-positioned in both of these events, or is it coincidence? I think MR Richard Gutjahr is a system tool helping to manipulate your emotions and bring in marshal law to yet another European country...

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