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Electricty Pre Payment Keys


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Tennants that have moved into the new Corpy flats in Load Street Douglas have been refused permision to have pre payment key metres fitted by the Corpy. As most of the tennants are low income people the need for the key metres is a must.

I was under the impression that as the meters are the property of the MEA, not the Douglas Corporation, then the descision the place a pre-pay meter in place was that of the MEA. Surely if the tennants request a pre-pay meter the Corporation can have no grounds to object as the electricity supply contract is with the tennant anyway and the physical equipment has nothing to do whatsoever with anyone but the MEA regardless of who owns the property.

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It’s not unusual for highly intelligent people to verbally communicate in way that is  difficult to follow.  In part this is that their very active mind is frequently making jumps from peak to peak whilst the part of their brain that is used for speech is lagging behind.




especially someone like Peter Karran whose record speaks volumes and in a form that anyone with an ounce of grey matter should be able to read.


Rog, I worked for many years in a Philosophy faculty. I too have met and worked with people of outstanding intellect. Please dont patronise me and anyone else reading this forum by misrepresenting Mr Karran's obvious difficulties with the English language as indicators of high intelligence. I would suggest his problems are related to lack of education.

I have no doubt Mr Karran is well meaning and honest.

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