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Well .. I do like an assertive man but ...

could you please give some explanation Rog ?

I too carry some doubts regarding the suspension or cancellation of debt for third world countries. My doubts are based on the corruption which seems endemic in Africa. i.e will it make any difference ? I hope someone can convince me it will.

I also have to admit I am possibly the only person in the European area to be offended by Saint Bob's latest venture into "saving" Africa.

Where are all the Black artists on his shows ? Does he think it is the white man's duty to take responsibilty for Black people ? I personally find it condescending and offensive that anyone should continue to carry that sort of paternal Imperialist thought in 2005. .... On the other hand I may be over critical of his motivation.

Anyone who has studied Orientalism will recognise my concerns about Saint Bob.

For a more positive take on the African situation, which doesnt involve a condescending " we can save you because we are white " philosophy .. take a look at Gordon Brown's proposals. Sensible, achievable, and visionary.

I hope the G8 nations take note.

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I also have to admit I am possibly the only person in the European area to be offended by Saint Bob's latest venture into "saving" Africa.


From what I've heard recently, you are NOT alone.

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I also have to admit I am possibly the only person in the European area to be offended by Saint Bob's latest venture into "saving" Africa.


From what I've heard recently, you are NOT alone.

You certainly aren't..


Although I like the initial idea behind it, and have to admire the naiv, child-like "I can change the world" idealism Sir Bob displays, I seriously doubt that the whole thing will bring anything..


And it really seems a bit strange that he only recruited a few coloured artists after the media noticed the apparent lack of the same - me white man, me save you!


Apart from that, there are so many points where one may criticize him:


- The Ebay Ticket thing - you can't stop capitalism, Bob, but you could have learned how to auction off the tickets yourself..


- Are all the artists going to donate their profits from increased record sales after the concert to Africa? Doubt it... Although I don't want to dispute that most artists take part because they want to support the whole thing, there are certainly going to be a few that did the maths when Bob called:


Global Audience + Me on stage = more record sales - "Count me in, mate!"


And to call for everyone to come to Edinburgh to demonstrate is just outright irresponsible - the whole thing will cost millions in taxpayers money, from damaged property over the cost for a massive police force having to be deployed, down to the clean up operation afterwards - people will be hurt and the great 8 won't even notice it, as they are well protected and outside town - I think he should be made liable for any damage caused..


And the biggest point that shows how far away from reality he is:


Africa is the second biggest continent, an area of 11,700,000 square miles with 690 million people living there - and he expects a few concerts to wipe out poverty there?


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If saint Bob feels he can save the world why does'nt he go and see Mugabe and tell him face to face to stop destroying Zimbabwe. When someone does bring down this evil dictator, who will pick up the bill for putting the country back on its feet?

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Lets give Sir Bob credit for getting off his ass 2x in his lifetime to do something huge to try and make poverty history.  I know for sure none of us will ever do it.

No doubt, credit where credit is due, but I think it will merely be remembered as "The biggest concert in history" instead of "The concert that made poverty history" - it's just not gonna happen...


I guess as long as it makes people more aware end maybe even saves a few lives on a smaller scale, it's worth it...

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Oh well, its a waste of time, lets just not bother?


No black artists? You've utterly missed the point. Billions will not tune in to a WOMAD concert. Billions will tune in to see U2. That's the point, and you utterly missed it.


Geldoff himself has said it'll fail, but it doesn't mean you can't try, and even if it makes some small difference, isn't it worth it? Even if it simply raises the awareness in all our minds, and in the minds of our kids too, isn't that better than fek all?


How you miserable cynical tw4ts can slag geldoff off is beyond me..

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Geldoff is a misguided fool. Like many of his disciples in this matter well intentioned maybe, but utterly misguided.


Even if all the wealth in the world was to be shared out equally within the first few minutes some would have lost theirs, some would have gambled theirs away, some would have made bad deals, some would have found what others had lost, some would have stolen, some would have made advantageous deals --- get the picture?


If the Western leaders REALLY wanted to help the African nations they would agree to re-colonise. them


Freedom is a strong wine. Freedom comes hand in glove with responsibility and responsibility is a very heavy burden requiring many things including ability to do the job, willingness to sacrifice for those over whom you are responsible, and provide even for those who don’t want to be provided for and much more besides.


It is painfully obvious though comes as no surprise to those who have not been brainwashed with the ‘everybody is equal’ rubbish that some peoples simply are not suited to live in a modern society but instead are infinitely more competent at living a primitive subsistence existence.


Althgough they want all the good things from our evolved society they are incapable of sustaining such a model of society when left to themselves even when, as in the case of Kenya, Nigeria, Rhodesia, and South Africa for starters they are handed one on a plate at the time of the gaining of independence.


Consider other countries, a good example being India. A huge country – actually a sub-continent - with millions of people and with far less going in their favour come independence than the majority of African states especially Rhodesia, and yet over the years and in spite of war and partition the people of India have achieved great success, have become an industrialised nation that puts GB into the shade, and now are doing the same in many other fields besides. I just wonder what would have been the outcome if India as a nation had started from the same advantageous position that Rhodesia and South Africa and Nigeria did. And all down to the innate nature of the people.


No, I remain of the opinion that although it amounts to modern day heresy the very best that could be done for the people of Africa would be re-colonisation.


And for the benefit of those who might think otherwise, that is NOT a troll post.

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The Holocaust lasted for a number of years, it saw the planned and systematic killing of over 6 million innocent people.


Never again should such events be allowed to happen.


The problems in Africa, also largely man made and maintained will wipe out the same number of people in 120 to 200 DAYS. (based on the figures of 30-50,000 per day).


The whole point of Live8 is to act as a centre of attention, to bring together those who are appauled by world relative events, those who wouldn't have a voice to shout, or would be sole voices without an organised event.


I'm sceptical about 'superstars' like Elton John etc. who can blow money faster than small countries can generate it, and there is corruption within countries that us 'ordinary' folks can never understand.


Despite this, it is possible to make a change to the lives of innocents.


Too many say "It'll never change", well no wonder because those they are a part of the problem! They would take interest quick enough if they saw a way to make something from the afflicted though.


The "I'm alright mate, f**k anyone else, not worth bothering" attitude makes me sick. It is apathy that is costing lives, and the reason why those who can, won't.

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