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Live 8 Petition


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If the Western leaders REALLY wanted to help the African nations they would agree to re-colonise. them


Ill informed rot. It's an impressive rant Rog, but it's all sh1t and shows up your ignorance of the subject. Nobodys asking for equal wealth. Nobodys expecting the poorest african nations to suddenly become developed countries, don't talk out of your chuff. What people like Geldoff (and when you talk about him you're really talking about Bono, Richard Curtis, Sir Bob Geldof, Harvey Goldsmith, John Kennedy, Midge Ure, etc) are talking about is an end to extreme poverty. Reducing the number of people who are dying because they have absolutely nothing, which is entirely preventable.


They're not suggesting your average Ethiopian suddenly starts driving porches and owning their own summer house.


I like the way you cite India as an example of why we should re-colonate Africa. The same India, who pulled itself free of colonial rule? The same India that's managed to drag itself out of the 3rd world by forging the kind of trade links with the developed world thats artificially prevented in Africa? That India?



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This serious of concerts is big, very big. But I too wonder what true long term difference this will make to the countries that are ruled by dishonest, greedy and/or totally evil leaders.


What difference will it make to those countries who cannot enjoy free trade. What difference to the Aids problem? ? Too many children dying too young from a preventable or curable sickeness?


This will bring the debt problems to light and will involve the emotions of a lot of young people. I really hope it does more than I fear.


A million good wishes to everyone for trying though.

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"...some peoples simply are not suited to live in a modern society but instead are infinitely more competent at living a primitive subsistence existence."


Having to eat isn't a modern fad, infact it's a basic requirement for survival

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and speaking of AIDS, haven't the leaders of these nations also failed to spread the message to their people who believe myths and fallacies regarding the disease; I bet none of the Beamer-driving african diplomats would think twice about using a rubber but they've sat on their arses watching them die. That's where I agree with Rog to an extent.

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and speaking of AIDS, haven't the leaders of these nations also failed to spread the message to their people who believe myths and fallacies regarding the disease; I bet none of the Beamer-driving african diplomats would think twice about using a rubber but they've sat on their arses watching them die. That's where I agree with Rog to an extent.


Yes, it's a political problem. Thats the whole point see? Thats why this isn't a fund raiser. Hand outs wont help a political problem, it needs a political solution.


Rock: How do you stop catholic families from having children?

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If this is about raising a political will for change why are the objectives so ill defined - their is precious little on the offical website? They want millions of people to march on Edinburgh, and many more to agitate around the world, but what for?


There was an open letter from Geldof in today's papers, that highlighted Aid, Debt and Trade as areasthey want action on. But it is unconvincing among the things I have a problem with is this -


On Debt: Confirm the 100% debt cancellation from the G8 finance ministers meeting and commit to 100% debt cancellation for ALL the countries that need it and remove damaging economic policies that are imposed as a condition.


ALL countries? And what will the impact of this be in Zimbabwe. More money to Mugabe?


In any case the G8 leaders already know the public's views on Africa.


No black artists? You've utterly missed the point. Billions will not tune in to a WOMAD concert. Billions will tune in to see U2. That's the point, and you utterly missed it.


So? If it is about conciousness raising and about African empowerment why not allow at least some Africans into the party.


Everything about this smacks of a group of wealthy rock stars reasserting themselves in the marketplace. Otherwise they'd an African pressence, and you'll notice how few young acts are there as well, it is as if the rock establishment is telling the rest of the world to xxxx off.


Want proof? How come thousands of extra copies of Dark Side of The Moon, and Echoes have suddenly appeared in prominent displays in record shops across the country, ahead of Pink Floyd's reformation.


I wonder how many of today's acts will follow Elvis Costello's example at the original Live Aid and play a song they've never (and will never) release comercially?


The original Live Aid was a nieve attempt to make a difference, this is at best a wooly, ill-definded political rally and at worst a cynical money making exercise.

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I hate glib tw4ts who stand in their ivory towers saying "it´ll never work" "waste of time""saint Bob who does he think he is""let 'em pay their own debt""it's their problem" etc. etc.


This dude has spent over 20 years of HIS life on this cause, he doesn't have to do it, he doesn't profit from it, nobody even asked him to do any of the work he has done


If we do sod all (when we can) then nothing will change, a person will die needlessly every 3 seconds in Africa and we can all sit nice and comfy in front of our pc typing more garbage about the next problem that isn't ours


OK, we may not eradicate the crux of the problem but I for one feel better knowing someone out there appreciates my help because I cared

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If this is about raising a political will for change why are the objectives so ill defined - their is precious little on the offical website? They want millions of people to march on Edinburgh, and many more to agitate around the world, but what for?


Ill defined? We've had a 12 hour show live on telly with the message 'make poverty history' and the images of the eight leaders that message is addressed to on 50 foot screens. You want them to tatoo it on their heads or what?


ALL countries? And what will the impact of this be in Zimbabwe. More money to Mugabe?


The debt cancellation deals that were anounced a few weeks ago had political and governance pre-reqs. It's not just Zimbabwe, there's corruption, war and poor governance in lots of African nations. I recon the details are for the suits to work out, Sir Bobs good at shouting his 'stop this now' message, and hopefully some of it will get through.


In any case the G8 leaders already know the public's views on Africa.


You recon? I'm not so sure. Would it even be on the radar now without the original Live Aid? Something of this scale aimed at just eight men has to focus their attention just a bit don't you think?


Interesting stastistic out of john macenroe, that only 20% of Americans have passports too, it's a very inward looking nation, and needs stuff like this to open it up.


So? If it is about conciousness raising and about African empowerment why not allow at least some Africans into the party.


There's a south african stage declan, going all day. There's also an african music stage in Cornwall going all day too. You can red button it and watch that instead. They're headlining the hyde park stage because thats where the acts are that'll pull the massive viewer numbers, which is what it's all about.


Everything about this smacks of a group of wealthy rock stars reasserting themselves in the marketplace. Otherwise they'd an African pressence, and you'll notice how few young acts are there as well, it is as if the rock establishment is telling the rest of the world to xxxx off.


Want proof? How come thousands of extra copies of Dark Side of The Moon, and Echoes have suddenly appeared in prominent displays in record shops across the country, ahead of Pink Floyd's reformation.


Bull. The same bull that's in the press and spewing out of albairns mouth too. These acts are in because they're the biggest names in the world. Who's bigger than U2, Madonna, Robbie, Paul McArtny? It's got nowt to do with marketplace, and even if it had, who gives a damn, that just makes it win-win if there's billions tuning in.


Who cares if more floyd albums sell? Who cares if they profit from this? Fair play to them, if its also acheived the aims of raising awarenes. If floyd albums are flying off the shelves, it means the news of Live 8 has spread, and thats good, isn't it?


I wonder how many of today's acts will follow Elvis Costello's example at the original Live Aid and play a song they've never (and will never) release comercially?


Yeah, cos making money is EVIL!! Who cares?


The original Live Aid was a nieve attempt to make a difference, this is at best a wooly, ill-definded political rally and at worst a cynical money making exercise.



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cos, slim, I do understand it's political, and the reason why is because it's a convenient way to wash your hands of your conscience- I bought the t-shirt...nothing will change, like dec said, the public views are well known anyway. Even 1mm people in Edinburgh would only be 1% of the UK adult population. If we all really wanted it to change, we would sit down and write some letters; to the people who manage our company pensions, life insurance and so on and say that we would take our money out and give it to the co-op because they don't allocate monies to companies which don't support fair trade. Do the same to your politicians, supermarkets, pharmaceuticals, telephone company etc and if evryone, repeat, everyone did that, then it would change. But then, that's a bit boring and grown-up.


On a different tack, I've just been told by a friend who is a practising christian that they put a message on the g8rally site which had the word 'god' in it...when you read that message the 'g' word is ****'d out! Try it yerself, what the eff is the world coming to when people can't express sentiment like that? Precisely why I don't support such self-righteous BS; it's a high-brow ego rush. I'm an agnostic btw but it's that sort of crushing of free speech which has killed africans.


Do agree, some great acts; best are velvet revolver and snoop for me...

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so you know that I sit on me bum and don't write such letters then? you know that I do nothing to help other people in the best way I can? Thought it was just rog & vader who got slated for being conspiracy theorists then?

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