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Live 8 Petition


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Where did Bob make his money then?

According to the Rich list most of his wealth comes from his stake in TV production companies. He owns the company that produced Survivor and stuff like that.

Yep, TV companies, obviously still a few pounds from the Boomtown Rats (although they are currently suing him) and he also used to own a travel company.


That thing was called deckchair.com and was sold a while ago for around 3mil pound after it started losing money - he remained on the board of the company for a while, but it seems his business and management skills aren't very much sought after, going by a comment of the CEO of the company that bought it:


"We don't want someone like [Geldof] to manage the business," says World Travel Holdings Chief Executive Jonathan Biles. "We want him to turn up when we need him to front the company. Yesterday, he did seven television appearances for us."


Source: Forbes


I'm not saying that he made all his cash with Live Aid/8, but it certainly helped - Books, Speeches, the lot.. And be honest: After the first event, if he went to the bank and asked for money for some business idea, don't you think that the fact that 2 billion people know you helps a bit?


I'm not questioning his honourable motives, I'm just saying that he's capitalist enough to make some cash out of it as well - as probably anyone would..


Doesn't change the fact that the whole Live8 thing is missing the target a bit - as you've probably noticed if you read the articles about unwanted Aid mentioned earlier...

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Doesn't change the fact that the whole Live8 thing is missing the target a bit - as you've probably noticed if you read the articles about unwanted Aid mentioned earlier...

The point is certainly being missed by someone! Live8 wasn't just about aid, it was about cancelling debts that can never be repaid and removing trade barriers that simply increase the need for aid.

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Doesn't change the fact that the whole Live8 thing is missing the target a bit - as you've probably noticed if you read the articles about unwanted Aid mentioned earlier...

The point is certainly being missed by someone! Live8 wasn't just about aid, it was about cancelling debts that can never be repaid and removing trade barriers that simply increase the need for aid.

The last two bits I agree with, but sending more aid is missing the point - that's why I said "a bit" - let's hope the whole circus was good for something...

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I'm not saying that he made all his cash with Live Aid/8, but it certainly helped - Books, Speeches, the lot.. And be honest: After the first event, if he went to the bank and asked for money for some business idea, don't you think that the fact that 2 billion people know you helps a bit?


You implied that he was nothing without live aid, that he's a millionaire as a result. Now you're hastily backpeddling after googling I presume?


Doesn't change the fact that the whole Live8 thing is missing the target a bit - as you've probably noticed if you read the articles about unwanted Aid mentioned earlier...


As has been said, it's you that's missed the target.

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I wouldn't say he had nothing before Band Aid but his career amounted to three singles 'Lookin after Number 1', 'Rat Trap' and the famous 'Don't like Mondays' - he also had a bitpart in The Wall; by 1984 his career was going down the pan so it is fair to say that the capital he's gained has come, albeit indirectly, from Live Aid.

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I'm not saying that he made all his cash with Live Aid/8, but it certainly helped - Books, Speeches, the lot.. And be honest: After the first event, if he went to the bank and asked for money for some business idea, don't you think that the fact that 2 billion people know you helps a bit?


You implied that he was nothing without live aid, that he's a millionaire as a result. Now you're hastily backpeddling after googling I presume?

I think my words were


That's the only thing he's famous for (ok, and one song..) and he's a multi-millionaire by now, charging thousands to give speeches and pass on his wisdom - doesn't profit from it, my a***!


Before Live Aid, he obviously had some success with the boomtown rats, but by the time he did the big gig, that success had faded and solo releases flopped, so there is a very good chance he would have never met the kind of business partners he worked with later on, hadn't it been for Live Aid and the exposure it gave him - if it calms your mind, I shall stick to my guns:


Without Live Aid, he'd be nothing less than a long forgotten rockstar



Doesn't change the fact that the whole Live8 thing is missing the target a bit - as you've probably noticed if you read the articles about unwanted Aid mentioned earlier...


As has been said, it's you that's missed the target.

Your opinion, fair enough...

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You implied that he was nothing without live aid, that he's a millionaire as a result. Now you're hastily backpeddling after googling I presume?


I honestly believe the majority of people perceive him as an expert on African affairs .. at least within the parameters he has set for himself. He may or may not have that expertise, I dont know. However, the question over the whole Live8 thing is whether or not it can do any good. I find it hard to imagine a massively successful rock concert can have any impact at all on the whole sorry situation.

Someone else has mentioned The UK Government has Africa as a lead candidate on the G8 agenda. Gordon Brown has put forward really sensible and achievable proposals and maybe .. just maybe we would all do better supporting these rather than the idealistic .. and distinctly offensive . world view put forward by the Live8 organisers.

By the way ..it was a super event wasnt it ?

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He made his money with TV Production, iand the biggest hit which made a lot of money was The Big Breakfast - I think it is a company called Planet24. His wife used to do the interviews on the bed - that is how she met Mick Hutchence.


Hugely successful in all its guises. To suggest he made his money through Live Aid is absolute nonsense.

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nobody was suggesting he actually bilked live aid for dosh but planet24 was founded in 1992; would it not be reasonable to say he wouldn't have got in on this deal and made it so successful without the profile gained by live aid? Love him or hate him, you have to admire the guy- he's one of those people who I probably wouldn't like in person but have this kind of respect for nonetheless...

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