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Choudary banged up at last

Shake me up Judy

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Radical Islamicist cleric Anjem 'Andy' Choudary has been spreading his poisonous ideology for twenty years; but what gets me was the media's collusion in giving him a regular platform to preach his filth. There was a time, until quite recently, when he appeared on nearly every news and current affairs programme almost on a regular basis. The same invite and hospitality wasn't extended to Nick Griffin or his organisation though. I've no time for ex BNP leader Griffin or his ilk either, but there was a real liberal media bias going on here that I think they've only recently woken up to. Anyway, I hope Andy gets a cell window facing towards Mecca and Medina.

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From beer-drinking, hash-smoking idealist to radical Islamist preacher, in no time at all. Choudary is a conman. Surrounding himself with gullible, useful (and dangerous)idiots, he's a cunning opportunist who cosied-up to the liberal dhimmi's, playing them at their own game. This chancer had the left running in circles to accommodate his every whim, crumbling at the merest hint of accusations of 'Islamophobia'. It is without doubt not before time that this hate-monger is shown up for what he is. An embarrassment to Islam and most Muslims.

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Did anyone else see the press conference where Choudary was spouting his usual anti-western (and in particular) anti- british bile, when a reporter asked him if he hated the british system so much, why does he accept all those benfits he receives from the British people? His answer was "It's Allah's money so I'm enttitled to it''

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It was always his..... lol as was the world but he gave bits of it away like "the promised land" .


It's all part of the quasi religious cobblers IMO.


But it's only certain religions that are "accepted" why are the 'pagan religions ridiculed' , unless and until they are designated as "part of an ethnic culture".


I really don't care what 'god' folk wish to worship IMO they are all as valid as each other , until any one claims to be superior flowers.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

And during his prison dawah, all Andy's needs will be well catered for. Dietary and spiritual. He will hold court with all the other Islamic supremacists, proselytizing his warped interpretation of Islam and surrounding himself with subjugated lackey's who will follow his every whim.


He'll love it, do it standing on his fucked-up head.


No punishment, really.

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And during his prison dawah, all Andy's needs will be well catered for. Dietary and spiritual. He will hold court with all the other Islamic supremacists, proselytizing his warped interpretation of Islam and surrounding himself with subjugated lackey's who will follow his every whim.


He'll love it, do it standing on his fucked-up head.


No punishment, really.

apparently he's going to be put in with the lifers and long term prisoners basically people who aren't getting out of jail anytime soon so he can preach all he likes.

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