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Choudary banged up at last

Shake me up Judy

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And during his prison dawah, all Andy's needs will be well catered for. Dietary and spiritual. He will hold court with all the other Islamic supremacists, proselytizing his warped interpretation of Islam and surrounding himself with subjugated lackey's who will follow his every whim.

He'll love it, do it standing on his fucked-up head.

No punishment, really.

Hold on...his cell mate is Ronnie "the Gnasher" Grunt, a white supremacist "Britain First" enforcer from Hoxton. Preach away Andy.

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Doesn't Islamic law state that if a woman is raped or even gang raped it is 90% her fault? Let's hope the same applies to clam chouder.


Might want to try reading the Bible and how it proscribes to treat women...not exactly squeaky clean in there either...

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Doesn't Islamic law state that if a woman is raped or even gang raped it is 90% her fault? Let's hope the same applies to clam chouder.


Might want to try reading the Bible and how it proscribes to treat women...not exactly squeaky clean in there either...


I've read the bible thanks, found the plot a bit far fetched tbh. Anyhoo, as Choudry is always spouting Islamic law I thought it would be more appropiate to cite it.

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Why not consider how 'progressive' Christianity has become instead of playing the moral equivalency game? What is it with you?


Dhimmi ...


Considering there are still people setting people on fire for being witches in the world, citing the Bible as the reason...I don't think Christianity is the shining beacon to be held up for comparison...


And "progressive"? I prefer the term weakened as people are steadily cottoning on to the bullshit and turning to reason and understanding instead of magical sky ghosts.

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Considering there are still people setting people on fire for being witches in the world, citing the Bible as the reason...I don't think Christianity is the shining beacon to be held up for comparison...


And "progressive"? I prefer the term weakened as people are steadily cottoning on to the bullshit and turning to reason and understanding instead of magical sky ghosts.


Quite possibly. People are seeing the light about all that Christianity bullshit. So what shall we do next? Let's import a load of nutters with staunch beliefs in even more savage brands of bullshit. Great plan!

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Considering there are still people setting people on fire for being witches in the world, citing the Bible as the reason...I don't think Christianity is the shining beacon to be held up for comparison...


And "progressive"? I prefer the term weakened as people are steadily cottoning on to the bullshit and turning to reason and understanding instead of magical sky ghosts.


Quite possibly. People are seeing the light about all that Christianity bullshit. So what shall we do next? Let's import a load of nutters with staunch beliefs in even more savage brands of bullshit. Great plan!



Just a little heads up that might shake you tiny, scared little world....the vast majority of Muslims are not "a load of nutters with staunch beliefs in even more savage brands of bullshit".


Do I have to explain IS/AQ/Etc do not represent the worlds Muslim population no more than the KKK or Westboro Baptist represent the worlds Christian population again?

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Was you who was going on about the Christianity bullshit. So what about the Islamic bullshit? Or is that just adding to the rich mix of our cultural diversity?


You are the same as all of the fascist "liberal" left. Anyone who doesn't see things your way - the correct way - lives in a "tiny, scared little world".

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Was you who was going on about the Christianity bullshit. So what about the Islamic bullshit? Or is that just adding to the rich mix of our cultural diversity?


You are the same as all of the fascist "liberal" left. Anyone who doesn't see things your way - the correct way - lives in a "tiny, scared little world".


You're the one crying and wetting yourself at the thought of someone with a different opinion or belief to you.


Religious bullshit is bullshit no matter the particular flavour. Saying anyone brand of bullshit is any more bullshit than the others is...bullshit.


When it comes to body counts neither of the two largest two is exactly ahead of the other....historically or currently.

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Was you who was going on about the Christianity bullshit. So what about the Islamic bullshit? Or is that just adding to the rich mix of our cultural diversity?


You are the same as all of the fascist "liberal" left. Anyone who doesn't see things your way - the correct way - lives in a "tiny, scared little world".


You're the one crying and wetting yourself at the thought of someone with a different opinion or belief to you.


Religious bullshit is bullshit no matter the particular flavour. Saying anyone brand of bullshit is any more bullshit than the others is...bullshit.


When it comes to body counts neither of the two largest two is exactly ahead of the other....historically or currently.


You have a major fixation with crying and wetting. It is a theme throughout all of your posting. Maybe you should see somebody. And you are wrong. Your views are extremely dismissive of anyone who does not subscribe to the perceived "liberal" utopia.


Of course all religious bullshit is bullshit. That is irrelevant. What counts is how seriously its adherents take it.

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Rmanx has a wee fetish basically.


Anyway the sentence is pathetic. The only reason I can see him not being locked up before hand is if the intelligence services were using him to locate terror cells. Didn't stop poor Lee Rigby from getting killed though.

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