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non rouge rogue nuclear state

the stinking enigma

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The French gave Israel the plans for the bomb as a reward after they persuaded Israel to invade Egypt as a cover for the Suez intervention by the UK and France. The French PM at the time is on the record as saying they owed Israel a nuke after pulling them into the crisis.

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Keep drinking the Kool aid Tarne..If you can get in then a visit to Gaza might change your perspective on who is good and who is not so.


"WASHINGTON — The United States agreed Wednesday to provide Israel a record $38 billion in new military aid over the next decade. The pact is a sign of the two nations' close alliance despite major differences over Iran's nuclear program and other policies."



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If you happened to be born in one of those nearby countries rather than living here bumming off your mum and dad and masturbating over fantasies of "dating" real girls, would you still feel the same way tarne?

Israel has been a good and cooperative neighbor with those countries which have made peace with it such as Egypt and Jordan. The Palestinians should give it a try rather than swallowing the genocidal hate preached by Hamas etc.
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