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non rouge rogue nuclear state

the stinking enigma

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Haven't noticed any calls for regime change from any of the media as yet. Probably too busy covering the paralympics

The US is not exercised by the UK, France or Israel possessing Nuclear weapons - North Korea, Iran or Saddam's Iraq on the other hand...


If you think the disparity isn't understandable I'd like to hear your logic.


I have difficulty understanding those who's moral equivalence lumps Israel in the same category as those three Tyrannies, but do try and explain.

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Why do they need 200 nukes when no-one else anywhere near has any.


Quick history lesson time!


Do a quick read up on the following:


Six-Day War (1967), War of Attrition (1967–1970), Yom Kippur War (1973)


All wars where they were ganged up upon. In fact, the Yom Kippur war is a perfect example of why they have nukes - a surprise attack on Yom Kippur from massive troops on each side. The amount of military hardware destroyed in that war alone is insane, thousands of tanks on each side, hundreds of aircraft, thousands of soldiers dead on each side.


Israel needed something to stop the Arab states from trying again, hence they needed the ultimate deterrent - nukes. I have no idea what targets they are aimed at, but it doesn't matter - it's not a big deal to change the target. More important is the range of Israeli nuclear capable missiles, which if a quick google search on their capabilities is roughly correct, it's about 2000 km - so basically the entire of Europe, Middle East and Moscow

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Here is my take on this gun selling stuff.


The US gives guns to Isreal. It sells missiles and jet fighters to Saudi Arabia. The source of Whabbi extream Islamics. It's almost as if America wants to keep wars going. They support both sides of a religious conflict, and subsidise both. The common factor is the massive defense industry in the US. Lots of jobs depend on it. $650 billion a year I think. Equal to the next 12 highest national spend combined.


As most people here know, I live in China. I live within spitting distance of the South China Sea. China Claims it. America says no. China says " Fuck you it's ours to defend". America says " No, we will defend it". China says that they ( China ) need to defend it because it is vital for Chinese trade". America says it is " Vital for US trade from Asia".


The trade is between China,, EU and Africa. The US trade goes the other way, via the Pacific. Except for the US stuff going to the US East coast of course ( Because American infratructure coast to coast is a bit rubbish).


So... The New Yorkers want their Iphone 7. It will probably go via the Mallacca straight. To get there it needs to go via the South China Sea ( Iphones are made 50 miles down the road from my house). America needs to defend the right of free transit through this sea to make sure this American product gets to it's market. And Europe too. And Africa, Middle East, India. It is vital America defends capatilaism.


Lets not even get into UNICLOS. America never ratified it. America is policeing a 1970's UN resolution that they never ratified.


Don't get me wrong here. I do not support China's claim to the South China Sea. It is rediculous. But so is the American counter claim that they are defending trade. It is stupid beyond stupid. All designed to sell more guns.


Musical interlude.... blah blah.. mid rant pause.


Went for a bike ride today. Just around my local area. We went past a P&G factory. We went past an Amway factory, a Duracell factory, American factory after Anerican factory. American money, outsourcing American ( and global) manufacturing jobs to China, to take advantage of cheap labour.


Interlude finished.


Who is defending what?


Who is doing the antagonising?


America has the strongest military in the history of humanity. They have 10 supercarrier groups. If the entire world outside of the US declared war on the US tomorrow, the US would win. They want to controll everything. They want to defend capitalist investment in China, at the cost of American jobs, to keep the industrail war machine going.


I agree with Chinahand. Hamas needs to wind back a bit.


But America needs to wind back more. It is nothing but a bully. But they claim other Nations are the bullys. China is defending trade routes from American factories to their American market. America is doing the same. Who is defening what?


I live in a country surrounded by an American ring of fire. 50K troops in South Korea. 80K in Japan. Ships in the Phillipines. B52's on a British Island in the Indian Ocean. America takes an agressive stance to the soil (concrete) on which I live.


Fuck me. If I was back living in Queen Street in Castletown, surrounded by neighbours armed to the teeth because they thought they were right and I was wrong, I might just try to sneek out to buy mysef an air pistol in case they invade.


But I bet my open door Hagmany party would be a gun free zone. And much fun would be had :-)


Sorry for the rant. I just can't understand why people are still making guns and missles etc in 2016. Well, yes I can. They do it because the American economy depends on it. I just wish they would stop so other countries could spend the money on hospitals etc.


American exceptionalisim has held the world back for too long.


I salute the nations who stand against them.

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Here is my take on this gun selling stuff.



Went for a bike ride today. Just around my local area. We went past a P&G factory. We went past an Amway factory, a Duracell factory, American factory after Anerican factory. American money, outsourcing American ( and global) manufacturing jobs to China, to take advantage of cheap labour.


You missed out American Standard ... Loos for the multiverse!

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I don't know, just seems a bit unfair to me. Why do they need 200 nukes when no-one else anywhere near has any. Would some of them be aimed at russia do you think?

The Israelis have a deserved reputation for parsimony: they have enough nukes to ensure a second strike capability-they will not be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East. The whole idea is to ensure anyone thinking they can wipe Israel of the map will be met eye for eye, tooth for tooth. Israel has many enemies who wish to end its existence. It has enough nuclear weapons to deter them acting,. It doesn't need any more.

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Here is my take on this gun selling stuff.



Went for a bike ride today. Just around my local area. We went past a P&G factory. We went past an Amway factory, a Duracell factory, American factory after Anerican factory. American money, outsourcing American ( and global) manufacturing jobs to China, to take advantage of cheap labour.

You missed out American Standard ... Loos for the multiverse!



Yup Chinhand.


No way will an American industrialist squat for a shit. But the American MacTeachers will do it for 5K RMB a month because they are "helping China' :-)


The white Knight thing. Recorded on a wordpress blog via a VPN. I cant get a job back home, but I can be a professor here if I squat for a shit :-)


"But I am here because I want to liberate the people"


We have both met them.


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The problem with secret nukes, is it sort of destroys the MAD concept.


South Africa was a nuke state for a while, but it decided against it. Isreal has been a nuke state from the 70's. But it's a secret. What's the point of having secret nukes? Thats not a deterrant, That's a goad..... come on then.. have a go...let me show you what I have.


MAD is negated. If a state does not admit it's ownership of nukes, because those nukes become offensive, not defensive.

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