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Ramsey Rocks


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What is these rocks you talk of? We moved to the Point Of Ayre to 'live' on Friday, its the best place in the whole wide world. I even got to try out the storm proofing ropes on the house - wicked! Moved back to crumby Douglas this morning (about 7.30am - babies & tents maaaan they get up early!)

I'm liking Ramsey loads at the moment and they have music too?

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Mission, all I know is Pigs on the Wing are playing on the stage in front of the Traf on Friday(?).


There is a yellow flyer going round the town detailing events - but obviously not made it to your shop yet...

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We got an A3 poster which is pinned on the noticeboard and there was an A5 flyer in the courier. The A5 flyer just says live bands but doesn't name them. I didn't read the A3 poster, maybe that has more info. I'll check it when I'm back at work.

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From what I heard, it was geared towards families, with things like mini go-karts, quad bikes and multiple bouncy castles. Only one music stage (outside the Traf) and the two bands that the person I spoke to saw were a middle aged bunch who weren't that good and a teenage group who were.


I didn't go personally as I had to get some work done.


Would have been nice to know who was actually playing in advance and I'll mention that to the organisers when I see them.


EDIT: Fireworks looked good from my gaff though.

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From what I heard, it was geared towards families, with things like mini go-karts, quad bikes and multiple bouncy castles.


Ah yes, been to those events before, geared towards parents spending a small fortune.

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It was very busy..... pretty friendly atmosphere


My band were due to play but the singer was off Island which I was most gutted at...


I saw a couple of the bands - missed the teenagers.... they were good bands but I just felt it wasn't the right style of music for a "Street Party" - needed to be lively rock rather than chilled blues and Pink Floyd


oh well

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