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which is the most unbiased news source?

the stinking enigma

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An interesting video from the BBC 'Ideas' website. Claiming to outline the dangers of uncontrolled 'Populism', associating it with the Brexit referendum and the candidacy of Donald Trump. Surely proof enough of the Corporation's general political outlook, heavily biased against Leavers and Trump's presidency. Impartial?



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7 minutes ago, quilp said:

An interesting video from the BBC 'Ideas' website. Claiming to outline the dangers of uncontrolled 'Populism', associating it with the Brexit referendum and the candidacy of Donald Trump. Surely proof enough of the Corporation's general political outlook, heavily biased against Leavers and Trump's presidency. Impartial?



You might to look into McCarthyism.

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I'm familiar. That was then, this is now. You did take three minutes to watch the video, I hope. Rather than it becoming an ideological debate, is there an obvious bias in that video or not, objectively speaking? It doesn't seem anywhere near impartial in its presentation of an important subject such as Brexit, it subtly infers an 'us and them' scenario. The BBC reportage should report the news, not try to politically influence its viewers. BBC radio4 is just as biased. 

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4 minutes ago, quilp said:

I'm familiar. That was then, this is now. You did take three minutes to watch the video, I hope. Rather than it becoming an ideological debate, is there an obvious bias in that video or not, objectively speaking? It doesn't seem anywhere near impartial in its presentation of an important subject such as Brexit, it subtly infers an 'us and them' scenario. The BBC reportage should report the news, not try to politically influence its viewers. BBC radio4 is just as biased. 

However, Brexit and the Drumpf administration have been very good examples of "populism" (from both sides).

And in a "digital" decision process (choice A or choice B) there is inherent "Us and them" mentality.

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4 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

And in a "digital" decision process (choice A or choice B) there is inherent "Us and them" mentality.

Ok, as I said, I'm not interested in an ideological debate, it's just about that particular video. Does it not carry an obvious bias? It's just the impartiality issue, nothing else. A simple yes or no will suffice. The BBC is supposed to be impartial. Its presentation of that item clearly shows it is not, by portraying Brexit and Trump as some sort of chilling consequence of their definition of populism. Whether they are or not is immaterial to my question. 

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15 hours ago, quilp said:

Ok, as I said, I'm not interested in an ideological debate, it's just about that particular video. Does it not carry an obvious bias? It's just the impartiality issue, nothing else. A simple yes or no will suffice. The BBC is supposed to be impartial. Its presentation of that item clearly shows it is not, by portraying Brexit and Trump as some sort of chilling consequence of their definition of populism. Whether they are or not is immaterial to my question. 

Is the BBC impartial?  No.

Extended answer:  I felt that the BBC gave "unfair" amounts of airtime and focus towards to the Pro-Leave campaign.  And I felt a very definite Pro-Israel, Pro-War, Pro-Western "Imperialism" skew to the BBCs reporting.

Trump and Brexit are contemporary to the time as examples of popularism.  Like I said earlier, McCarthyism is also a good example, albeit an older example.

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3 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Is the BBC impartial?  No.

Extended answer:  I felt that the BBC gave "unfair" amounts of airtime and focus towards to the Pro-Leave campaign.  And I felt a very definite Pro-Israel, Pro-War, Pro-Western "Imperialism" skew to the BBCs reporting.

Trump and Brexit are contemporary to the time as examples of popularism.  Like I said earlier, McCarthyism is also a good example, albeit an older example.

73% of airtime was remoaners.......

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3 hours ago, RIchard Britten said:

Extended answer:  I felt that the BBC gave "unfair" amounts of airtime and focus towards to the Pro-Leave campaign.  And I felt a very definite Pro-Israel, Pro-War, Pro-Western "Imperialism" skew to the BBCs reporting.

Even when media statistics show quite the opposite of your summation?

@woody2  on the run up to the brexit referendum, the percentage is actually higher. I posted in this or a related thread the recent official stats. After the referendum that percentage rose even higher. If that's not pro-EU bias... 

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1 minute ago, quilp said:

Even when media statistics show quite the opposite of your summation?

@woody2  on the run up to the brexit referendum, the percentage is actually higher. I posted in this or a related thread the recent official stats. After the referendum that percentage rose even higher. If that's not pro-EU bias... 

i watched newsnight last night for the first time in ages, 2 remoan mp's.......

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From behind the great firewall.

BBC is probably the most unbiased. But I had no time for Carrie Gracie. I cant explain why. I just sensed anti China sentiment.

News apps on Ipad and Chindroid phone that work.

CNN, Fox news, BBC, Huff Post, Guardian (only ipad) Daily Mail, and the Chinese stuff.

News where the website works always , but no app... Breitbart,

News where the website works sometimes.... WashPost, and various other stuff such as LaTimes, Chicago Tribune seems to be cached.

Total no no websites from China.... Manx Radio and 3FM. Blocked from your end.

News is a hobby for me. Especially Breitbart and the Daily Mail. China cant see Breitbart comments, we can see mail comments, but we cant see any huff post or CNN stories because it is all emedded Twitter and Youtube.

On the BBC app, videos sometimes work.

Also, Only BBC and the Guardian, apps or websites, are free from big TIT clickbait adds.

The Guardian is biased left, the BBCis supposed to be middle....But by God, the two most feared news oulets in the world are the BBC and the Guardian

The most powerfull is Fox.... Cos thats what Trump watches.

The most unbiaed...BBC

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I fail to see how anyone could accuse the BBC of a pro-Brexit bias.  It's obviously pro-EU and left wing and so far up Jeremy Corbyn's alimentary canal they can tell what he had for breakfast.  Don't even start me on the Guardian...

Worse I think is the Independent.  I remember when it launched that it was done so on the basis that it would have no bias.  Perhaps it's in training to replace the Grauniad when it goes tits up.

I would love for there to be a genuinely unbiased news source but right now there isn't, so you just have to sift through all the bollocks and draw your own conclusions.

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