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which is the most unbiased news source?

the stinking enigma

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3 hours ago, The Phat Tog said:

I fail to see how anyone could accuse the BBC of a pro-Brexit bias.  It's obviously pro-EU and left wing and so far up Jeremy Corbyn's alimentary canal they can tell what he had for breakfast. 

I find the BBC is balanced and reports both sides fairly. You probably find it pro-EU because your partisan view is so entrenched. 

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I said I find it Pro EU.  How anyone can consider it balanced I just don't know, unless, of course, it's particular bias coincides with your own.  I'm actually the quintessential floating voter.  I did vote Tory at the last election and it was the first time in my life that I have.  It was also with some reluctance as the sitting MP is a remainer but the alternative was the Lib Dems, whose position on Europe is fundamentally at odds with my own. 

Labour were not considered because the prospect of having the likes of Corbyn, McDonnell and Abbott in control of the UK is a nightmare scenario and should scare people far more than anything Brexit might throw at us.  As for why, Corbyn and McDonnell are devoted to an outdated and discredited ideology (a milder version of which damn near bankrupted the country in the seventies) and Abbott is, in my opinion, too lacking in ability to hold high office.

I don't expect to convince you of my position any more than you will convince me about yours, so we'll just have to agree to differ.

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13 minutes ago, Freggyragh said:

What’s your connection to the Isle of Man? 

I come to the Island regularly and have spent well over two years of my life on the rock.  Does that mean that Manx residents should not discuss Brexit as the Isle of Man is neither a full nor associate member of the EU?

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They have been pushing for it for a while, now they are going to push a little more. For the life of me I can't see why there is so much of a clamour to ban the state sponsored RT when some of us still have to pay for the bilge on the neo fascist state sponsored BBC. RT is ok. I find it quite humourful in it's use of irony. It's not pushing for war like the daily mail or the sun are. What's the problem?

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On 3/2/2018 at 8:00 PM, ScotsAlan said:


The Guardian is biased left, the BBCis supposed to be middle....But by God, the two most feared news oulets in the world are the BBC and the Guardian

BBC IS supposed to be middle as a publicly funded entity, but is actually left. Guardian is off the scale left, but I laughed out loud at the notion of it striking fear. Into whom?

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There are no unbiased media sources. Every outlet is owned by someone and it's human nature to have a view, even if that view flip flops or changes from subject to subject.

By far the most dangerous people are the ones who attach their views on everything to their preferred ideology and only take in information from outlets that reinforce that standpoint. To do so is extremely self limiting, at both ends of the political spectrum.

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