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which is the most unbiased news source?

the stinking enigma

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It's regarded by right-wingers as left wing (particularly in the vast majority of the UK so-called "newspapers") and regarded as right wing by the likes of Len McCluskey.

So what's new?

PS - what do you thing of Wenger leaving? After all, you took your HGV in Salisbury....

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Oh goodness Stinky.  Are you still fixating on some perfect ideal of impartiality.  It doesn't exist.  Every organisation has a point of view.

The BBC expresses the UK established consensus view.

Exactly what that is is complicated - The National Front, Enoch Powell, UKIP, Militant tendency, various Trotskite and leftist groups have at times bordered the Overton Window, while at other times been outside it.  UKIP and Momentum have gained entry to the window over the last decade or so; while Neil Kinnock's Labour fought a battle to keep Militant outside.


The BBC encompasses a broad church, but that church controls the views that can be expressed by it and surely you really aren't so naive as to pretend to be shocked that access to that was monitored and controlled.

Radical Islam isn't going to be given an editorial role in the BBC, neither are White Supremacists, or revolutionary communists (awaits for Woolley's harrumph).

Are you really surprised by that, or that when someone with such views applies for a job a quiet word is had and the application suddenly gets lost. 

The BBC isn't unbiased - it just tries in a very BBC way to be consistent within the acceptable window of views it represents.



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44 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Oh goodness Stinky.  Are you still fixating on some perfect ideal of impartiality.  It doesn't exist.  Every organisation has a point of view.

The BBC expresses the UK established consensus view.

Exactly what that is is complicated - The National Front, Enoch Powell, UKIP, Militant tendency, various Trotskite and leftist groups have at times bordered the Overton Window, while at other times been outside it.  UKIP and Momentum have gained entry to the window over the last decade or so; while Neil Kinnock's Labour fought a battle to keep Militant outside.

The BBC encompasses a broad church, but that church controls the views that can be expressed by it and surely you really aren't so naive as to pretend to be shocked that access to that was monitored and controlled.

Radical Islam isn't going to be given an editorial role in the BBC, neither are White Supremacists, or revolutionary communists (awaits for Woolley's harrumph).

Are you really surprised by that, or that when someone with such views applies for a job a quiet word is had and the application suddenly gets lost. 

The BBC isn't unbiased - it just tries in a very BBC way to be consistent within the acceptable window of views it represents.

That's an interesting OPINION of yours Mr C.

Unlike every other media outlet Aunty Beeb has to be "balanced" in it's reporting. In business we called it "juggling the monkeys" as it's pretty much an impossible task. Because no matter what they broadcast it's going to offend someone. So when they give factual reports on the state of the nation - food banks, record numbers of children living in poverty, NHS in crisis, social care in crisis, not enough houses being built, rising crime due to police cuts etc etc the UK press call "Foul...!" - the BBC has a left wing bias. Of course, as part of these reports an ambitious sacrificial lamb from the tory party is wheeled out to say "We're giving £zillions to the NHS" whilst blithely ignoring the fact that it' sounds a lot until you realise it's simply not enough to keep the service running....

T'was ever thus...

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13 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Because i was based in wiltshire at the time. You weren't the tester pk were you?

Larkhill, Bulford, wherever?

You know, an outfit that re-arranges the countryside using HE.

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1 hour ago, Chinahand said:

 while Neil Kinnock's Labour fought a battle to keep Militant outside.

kinnock was more successful at elections than corbyn.....

just sayin.....


the problem with the bbc is the reporters view is now more important than the actual story.....


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27 minutes ago, woody2 said:

kinnock was more successful at elections than corbyn.....


I've never been a labour voter but in the interests of clarity, how are you measuring success here? Corbyn achieved a larger percentage of the vote in the last general election than Kinnock ever did in any of the general elections when he was leader. I assume you are therefore measuring success by some other term?

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