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which is the most unbiased news source?

the stinking enigma

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After painstaking research carried out by myself consisting of clicking the top 2 links it appears that the non profit ngo problem solving International Crisis Group are funded by amongst others carnegie group, the rokefeller corporation, shell, chevron and georgie boy soros himself. Luckily for countries of great natural resource like venezuela, democracy will never be too far away.

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Below is a link to Venezuela’s trade schedule with the WTO. You’ll see that the EU and US both allow Venezuela very preferential tariffs, with rates of 30% - 95.6% on all imports to Venezuela (with most of the higher rates on food), and average tariff lines below 1% for Venezuelan goods going to their biggest export markets; the US, India, China, Switzerland, Singapore & Cuba (oil, steel, aluminium & cement), and the EU (mostly through the Dutch Antilles) and Japan (agricultural goods).

Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves, and had European levels of GDP per capita for most of the 50s, 60s and 70s. Things changed when the price of oil collapsed in the 80s and have spiralled out of control since.  20,000 politically unreliable workers were sacked by the state oil company in 2002. It hasn’t invested in training or infrastructure since and now finds it can’t maintain production levels, even though the price of oil is rising. 48% of its economy is trade, but currency controls, price controls and tarrifs mean the general public don’t have enough medicines, or enough food to eat (90% poverty rate) and the currency will be devalued this week by knocking off five zeros.

Maduro has consistently refused foreign aid, but the EU and Colombia, and to a lesser extent, the US, are doing what they can to support charities working in the country and for the refugees flooding into Colombia. 

Venezuela is a basket case and since Maduro stole the election there will be even more desperate people wanting regime change. Whether the drone attack was real or a false flag excuse for repression doesn’t really matter - the Maduro regime will hang on desperately for as long as possible, but will have to go eventually. I don’t think the U.S. or U.K. have any need to falsify stories about Maduro, the facts speak for themselves. 


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1 hour ago, woody2 said:

corbyn wants the uk to turn into venezuela......


No, that’s exactly what hard line brexiteers will achieve with no deal and WTO rules

This is what a high profile pro Brexit campaigner and blogger says, this week

Peter J. North, the editor of the Leave Alliance blog, outlined how fantastic he thinks post-Brexit Britain will be, once the UK finally gets out of the EU in 2019:

"... Effectively we are looking at a ten year recession. Nothing ever experienced by those under 50."

"We can the expect to see a major rationalisation of the NHS and what functions it will perform. It will be more of a skeleton service than ever. I expect they will have trouble staffing it. Economic conditions more than any immigration control will bring numbers down to a trickle.

"In every area of policy a lot of zombie projects will be culled and the things that survive on very slender justifications will fall. We can also expect banks to pull the plug in under-performing businesses. Unemployment will be back to where it was in the 80's.

"... Anyone who considers themselves 'Just about managing' right now will look upon this time as carefree prosperity. There are going to be a lot of very p***** off people.

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  • 1 month later...

Must say, when it comes to criticism of israel, haaretz seems more unbiased than any uk news source. What that says about uk news sources or haaretz, i'm not sure. 


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I often disagree with the Guardian’s politics but usually they are pretty careful with their journalism. 

They are pretty sympathetic to Assange. The link blames them for deliberately lying that doesn’t ring true to me. 

Do you think they were duped, Stinky?

PK will be along in a minute to sing its praises. Though even the most careful journalist can get it wrong once in a while. 

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I don't think they were duped no. 

"One reason I was so stunned at the Guardian’s publication of these lies is that I had gone direct from the Ecuadorean Embassy to the Guardian building in Kings Cross to give an in-depth but off the record briefing to Euan MacAskill, perhaps their last journalist of real integrity, on the strategy for Julian. I told Euan that Russia was ruled out. I did not mention this yesterday as I greatly respect Euan and wanted to speak to him first. But on phoning the Guardian I find that Euan “retired” the day the lying article was published."

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On 9/24/2018 at 8:22 PM, Chinahand said:

I often disagree with the Guardian’s politics but usually they are pretty careful with their journalism. 

They are pretty sympathetic to Assange. The link blames them for deliberately lying that doesn’t ring true to me. 

Do you think they were duped, Stinky?

PK will be along in a minute to sing its praises. Though even the most careful journalist can get it wrong once in a while. 

Tsk Mr C.

Journalists are people and people fuck up.

C'est la vie.

But I would still stack The Grauniad up against any number of Daily Wails, Suns, Excesses, Torygraphs, Times, etc etc or any one of the UK's so-called "newspapers' that are the  most right wing publications in Europe.

Got to quite like The i as well....

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I had a nose around as I was a bit surprised at the language used by Murray.

So the Grauniad printed a "story" that wasn't checked for veracity as it was totally uncheckable and Murray hits critical mass.

What a load of old flannel it all is.

The Grauniad didn't deliberately lie about anything.

And I'm sure that if the Grauniad printed "Craig Murray is one of Julian Assange's most loyal and vociferous supporters" that wouldn't be a lie either.

The irony is the output by rwo-bit bloggers is never checked for accuracy because no-one cares what they push out over the airways...

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