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which is the most unbiased news source?

the stinking enigma

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54 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Hmmm, that's a bit naive. 

Excuse me but the Grauniad is head and shoulders above all the rubbish that makes up todays MSM of the UK.

So they printed up what was probably a load of old uncheckable bs. So effin' what. The reaction of Murray was well OTT. Toys well out of pram. But then, who cares what Craig Murray thinks or does? Besides Craig Murray that is.....

I like the Grauniad because it's middle ground and is not slavishly in thrall to the agenda of the owner, unlike the rest of the bottom feeders. So I find this particular non-story somewhat amusing.

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On 9/26/2018 at 4:16 PM, P.K. said:


I like the Grauniad because it's middle ground and is not slavishly in thrall to the agenda of the owner, unlike the rest of the bottom feeders. So I find this particular non-story somewhat amusing.


you honestly believe that. Have you ever read an article in that paper? 

Would love you to find just one article which is centre right. 

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3 hours ago, Gizo said:


you honestly believe that. Have you ever read an article in that paper? 

Would love you to find just one article which is centre right. 

With the complete and utter clusterfuck that is the tory party and their brexit so-called negotiations I wouldn't want to see anything even remotely "right" atm!

If we crash out of the EU everything we export will attract the highest tariffs with increases of up to 30% which will hit UK manufacturing and agriculture really hard.

However we will be able to reduce tariffs on imports which will hit UK manufacturing and agriculture really hard.

So Gizo, why don't you explain why most of the UK MSM aren't shouting these salient facts from the rooftops...?

Go on. Off you go. I can't wait to hear this....

Hmmm could be the perfect double-edged sword.......


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2 hours ago, Gizo said:


you honestly believe that. Have you ever read an article in that paper? 

Would love you to find just one article which is centre right. 

You have to compare its content with a couple of things.

1. The extreme right wing bias of the rest of the UK MSM

2. The international concsensus of left/right/middle, especially the European Social Democratic traditions.

There are a few conclusions you can draw. First, the Guardian is middle ground, second, the hysteria about Corbyn being extreme left is so untrue. His policies aren’t half as radical as Atlee, and most of the things he, and labour, are proposing are accepted middle ground in the rest of Europe, accepted by Centre left and right, and part of the common social fabric.

Thatcher pushed the tories so far right, to create clear blue water and monetarism, that Blair shifted labour into the middle right to cover a wide spectrum. It’s now moving back to its natural social democratic base, but the tories are flirting with even more extreme right to try and compete with Farage. That’s why we end up with the swivel eyed loonies like Rees Mogg, Gove, Byrne, Fox, Fisch, et al even being elected and given a platform.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

You have to compare its content with a couple of things.

1. The extreme right wing bias of the rest of the UK MSM

2. The international concsensus of left/right/middle, especially the European Social Democratic traditions.

There are a few conclusions you can draw. First, the Guardian is middle ground, second, the hysteria about Corbyn being extreme left is so untrue. His policies aren’t half as radical as Atlee, and most of the things he, and labour, are proposing are accepted middle ground in the rest of Europe, accepted by Centre left and right, and part of the common social fabric.

Thatcher pushed the tories so far right, to create clear blue water and monetarism, that Blair shifted labour into the middle right to cover a wide spectrum. It’s now moving back to its natural social democratic base, but the tories are flirting with even more extreme right to try and compete with Farage. That’s why we end up with the swivel eyed loonies like Rees Mogg, Gove, Byrne, Fox, Fisch, et al even being elected and given a platform.

Not forgetting of course, human nature being what it is, that the more right-wing you are the more you will think papers like The Grauniad are left-wing and the dear old BBC very much so. Even though the Beeb seems to have been emasculated somewhat for daring to suggest that Brexit is a crock of shit.

As a Liberal I would put The Grauniad very central and not exactly leaning to the left but rather walking with a slightly left tilt.

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