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which is the most unbiased news source?

the stinking enigma

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

You’ve been reading the Torygraph or listening to Chris Thomas, again, could be either with those adjectives.

Maybe, but eminently suitable adjectives in this case.

And I only listen to Chris Thomas when I've run out of Mogadon...

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

"...not exactly leaning to the left but rather walking with a slightly left tilt."

What's the difference..? 

Well some people will immediately realise what the difference is and others will NEVER get it. You're clearly in the latter group.

The difference is:





























A sense of humour.....


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  • 1 month later...
On 11/1/2018 at 7:20 AM, quilp said:



You've insulted millions of UK liberals

You disgust me.

I'm going to take this very personally and remember this for literally years and let it warp the way I think.

With gammon shouty man I just thought I would give you a dose of your own medicine for a change but from now on I'm going to refer to you with a lot of foul language because as we all know it lends weight to the point being made.

I'm also going to start believing that the EU is run by evil Goblins intent on world domination.

What about proof of their evil intent?


Who needs it....

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Guardian seems to be picking up a fair bit of flack over this story of US crook and former Trump cheerleader Paul Manafort meeting with Julian Assange. Wikileaks have got themselves into a bit of a flap about it, threatening to sue for libel and launching a gofundme campaign. They used to be friends. 

Glen Greenwald, who worked closely with Edward Snowdon in the surveillance leaks published by TheGuardian has his take here https://theintercept.com/2018/11/27/it-is-possible-paul-manafort-visited-julian-assange-if-true-there-should-be-ample-video-and-other-evidence-showing-this/

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