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which is the most unbiased news source?

the stinking enigma

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13 hours ago, quilp said:

Rod Liddle's not the subject in this case. It's Maitless' dire performance and glaring bias toward her guest. 

I think Liddle is equally the subject; I confess I’d be displaying glaring bias too if I was interviewing such an odious worm as he.

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There is no such thing as an unbiased news source or unbiased source of any kind. The very term "unbiased" is a bit like Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. It doesn't exist. Nobody is unbiased; nobody is capable of acting or thinking without bias.

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25 minutes ago, woolley said:

Yep. The off switch. Moving around between appointments this morning I switched on R4 on three separate occasions. Each time within a minute came the word 'racism'. Each time off it went.  

Ahhhh yes, clearly missing John Humphrys and his brexiteer brown-nosing....

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13 hours ago, Uhtred said:

I think Liddle is equally the subject; I confess I’d be displaying glaring bias too if I was interviewing such an odious worm as he.


On 9/26/2019 at 12:49 AM, quilp said:

So what about Maitless pk? What about the findings of the BBC. That was the thrust of my post. You probably won't even dare watch it, lol...

Pity she didn't kick that poisonous individual Liddle in the credentials. Someone needs to:

2014 : Selfish Whining Monkeys - synopsis - Of Britain as “a nation of broken families clamouring about their entitlements siring ill-educated and undisciplined kids unfamiliar with the concept of right and wrong”? Who described with relish “the hulking fat tattooed chavmonkey standing in the queue at Burger King”? Who characterised the British masses as inhabiting “a dumbed-down culture”, being in thrall to “the background fugue of idiocy, the moronic inferno, of celebrity fuckstories”, and spending their time “watching TV, masturbating to pornography on the internet, getting drunk”

2018 : The Great Betrayal - synopsis - Liddle’s “chavmonkeys” have been redeemed by the Brexit referendum. Their “fugue of idiocy” is now a swelling symphony of reasserted sovereignty, their “dumbed-down culture” a fount of wisdom. The man who saw a “the moronic inferno” now champions the people against the “stereotype of the decrepit moron Leave voter”. For now, apparently, it is liberal remainers who commit the unforgivable sin of calling those voters stupid, “uneducated thickos” – and racists to boot. The evidence for this contention, as for everything else in Liddle’s polemic, is vanishingly thin. Yet the claim is central to his diagnosis of “a grotesque and unprecedented betrayal of the country” by the BBC, parliament, the judiciary, the civil service, Theresa May’s government and of course the “Irish spite” embodied in that “oily little shit”, the Taoiseach Leo Varadkar.

Liddle has such a charming use of the language has he definitely not...

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4 minutes ago, quilp said:

Lol, lifted wholly from that bible of liberal delight, the guardian. Who'd have thought?

Of course.

In these days of quite appalling nonsense being peddled by the UK rabid right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, I can understand some folks finding it difficult to keep themselves reasonably well informed. Especially as the BBC, the most trusted broadcastef on the planet, has come under so much pressure and scrutiny.

However that's no reason not to try now is it...?


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So this is the same Fintan o'Toole who compares Israel's efforts to defend itself to the Nazi mentality. And stands accused of stoking Irish republican grievances with his superciliousness and xenophobia about the British?

Have you ever read any of his output outside of that rag? 

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12 minutes ago, quilp said:

So this is the same Fintan o'Toole who compares Israel's efforts to defend itself to the Nazi mentality. And stands accused of stoking Irish republican grievances with his superciliousness and xenophobia about the British?

Have you ever read any of his output outside of that rag? 

I don't know, I don't read The Irish Times.

Surely your no doubt diligent research to try and dig some dirt came up with something interesting? Have to say it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if he has a downer on supercilious brexit twats like Farage, Gove and Johnson. After all, their stupidity may well bring violence back to his country. Not something the brexiteers seem bothered about. Good job the EU is.

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1 hour ago, quilp said:

Lol, lifted wholly from that bible of liberal delight, the guardian. Who'd have thought?

He never credits his sources, but that doesn't matter because he only has one. I sometimes wonder at the self-delusion of someone who regularly accuses me of anger and bitterness,  but who simultaneously turns out contributions loaded with expletives and such venom that every word appears festooned with blood and spittle. 

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Correct woolley. He also needs to remember that just because the guardian says so it doesn't mean it is. Typical anti-bigot bigot. He then berates me for doing a runaround sourcing material in the hope of discrediting his post! You couldn't make it up...

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