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which is the most unbiased news source?

the stinking enigma

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He's all human interest and comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable - feeling sorry for one lot, and hoping to make the other side feel guilty.


It is a bias, and I suppose it is leftward leaning, but it isn't a classic left right thing, more woolly liberal and humanitarian.

Oh come on you can't possibly know that! But if some good comes from it then surely so much the better.


The "BBC left-wing bias" is a really old chestnut that has surely been done to death on here. However China's statement above reminds me of something similar. To wit Xmas is coming and the annual beating up of the God Squad by the UK right wing press, which is to say pretty much all of it, is nearly upon us. To me it's pretty illustrative of everything that is wrong with the relationship between the Beeb and the rest of the meeja.


This is where the keepers of the nation's conscience, of various denominations, get up on their hind legs to remind us in these times of xmas largesse to spare a thought for those less fortunate than ourselves. It actually works as I spent one xmas working in a "Crisis at Christmas" centre for the poor, homeless etc etc. As it is a "national interest" piece the Beeb will report on it exactly as they should. The numbers of homeless, children living in poverty etc etc will be churned out to hopefully make those of us with a conscience hang our heads in shame, as we all should, and actually do something about it. This is a totally apolitical act that hopefully some good will come from.


The Daily Wail, The Excess, The Torygraph and the appalling red-tops will all cry "FOUL!" and accusations will fly with tory MP's needing publicity stating that "The C of E should not meddle in politics" and how it "proves" the Beeb has a "left wing bias" for following up on the story and so forth.


They are not "meddling in politics" at all. It's simply that it's in the political arena where the consequences of their policies get played out. And the numbers of homeless, children living in poverty etc etc are almost certainly the result of their legislation. You don't like it being pointed out by the national broadcaster then next time simply vote against it you moron....


Two other factors give me cause for concern.


Firstly the UK press is probably the most right-wing in Europe. They have a large influence on how people vote. I'm very uncomfortable with the idea that various newspaper proprietors who don't even live here have deliberately engineered us leaving the EU.


Secondly it's a fact that folks buy the newspaper that tends to suit their own political leanings. That's a shit-load of households swallowing the bs peddled by Murdoch, the Barclay brothers, Lord Rothermere etc etc. If you're not worried by that you should be! So if you have a "vague feeling" that the Beeb is left wing then maybe you're reading the wrong newspapers...


Thank God for the impartial Auntie Beeb. The UK's most trusted media outlet!

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Not enough people buy newspapers any more to have influenced the referendum outcome to that extent, PK. The left-wing has an inbuilt tendency to believe that it has the superior wisdom on everything. The moral high ground, if you like. People can see the nature of the EU, for instance, far more clearly than you obviously do, and they want no part of it. Many will have voted to leave even in the knowledge that they would be worse off financially in the short term, and that the EU would do its best to make life difficult. Had I been entitled to vote, I would have been one of them. It isn't "leaving Europe"; it is casting off the centralising bureacracy with pretensions to statehood in Brussels. Europe will be the better for its demise.


As for the BBC, it isn't so much that they report what they report, although I would question their editorial selection. It is more the slant they put onto it.

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Not enough people buy newspapers any more to have influenced the referendum outcome to that extent, PK. The left-wing has an inbuilt tendency to believe that it has the superior wisdom on everything. The moral high ground, if you like. People can see the nature of the EU, for instance, far more clearly than you obviously do, and they want no part of it. Many will have voted to leave even in the knowledge that they would be worse off financially in the short term, and that the EU would do its best to make life difficult. Had I been entitled to vote, I would have been one of them. It isn't "leaving Europe"; it is casting off the centralising bureacracy with pretensions to statehood in Brussels. Europe will be the better for its demise.


As for the BBC, it isn't so much that they report what they report, although I would question their editorial selection. It is more the slant they put onto it.


Are you kidding me or what! These days both the main political parties always grovel to Murdoch prior to an election. Are you telling me they know something you don't?


This made me smile. A typical Brexiteer gives his reasons for voting Leave. Well worth watching to the end. He reminds me of the folks on here Woolley....



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You have the entire spectrum of intelligence levels and comprehension on both sides of the fence, PK. I've seen similar interviews with youngsters who voted remain because they thought they would no longer be allowed to go on holiday on the Med if the UK left the EU. If you are saying that a lot of people are idiots who don't understand the issues, I agree with you. But don't run away with the idea that it only afflicts those on the other side of the debate to you, because it certainly doesn't. Your point concerns a deficiency of democracy rather than anything to do with in or out. Perhaps we should all take an intelligence test before we vote?


As for grovelling to Murdoch, the Sun's circulation is down to under 2 million and falling. The electorate of the UK is 44 million-ish. Would you grovel to him?

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Here is the problem:




It is about financial, political and governmental sovereignty v an order (or disorder) imposed at a supra-national level. There is no way this crumbling edifice is going to survive. Don't bet the farm on the euro. The current effects are just froth caused by speculation. A free trade zone is desirable. The current nonsense is not.


I doubt that the arrogant presenter on LBC has considered such matters in detail.

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The Torygraph! Well, that won't be biased towards the wishes of the Barclay brothers one little bit now will it!




The only person I ever grovel to is the missus and only then when the annual week away with the chaps drinking too much beer Carp and Barbel fishing comes around!


I thought the LBC interview really did typify the Brexit voter. By the way don't try and ignore the fact that as a self-employed sparky he's going to be reasonably bright or he would have fried long ago.


Also history has taught us that all Empires fall and I would expect the Greater French one to join them. Or at least transmogrify in some way.


How I hope that in return for a decent set of tariffs the EU insists on free movement of labour across borders so we can all enjoy the irony...

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Of course I'm not saying that the ill's of the Eurozone are all made up by the UK's appallingly right wing press. I'm saying that they absolutely followed the agenda of their owners. Even the so-called "Independent" ended up towing the owners line. That's why this whole thread on "most unbiased news" is such a fucking joke!


Despite what you say the piece by Otmar Issing still the opinion of just one bloke as reported by the Torygraph. What prompted that I wonder? Ever thought about that? That's the thing about the t'interweb, you can always find some so-called "evidence" that your "opinion" is going to turn out to be fact. Me personally I don't have the arrogance to do that...


Anyone who thinks that the Euro is going to shortly nosedive is, inho, completely underestimating just how much nations like Germany and France have invested in it continuing as per.


Sure I could be wrong and yes it may die a slow death eventually but not until the Brexit vote has well and truly royally shafted the UK.


THe LBC phone-in, consisting of REAL people and not just the opinion of some bloke, makes that point rather well.....

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@ PK: That's the thing about the t'interweb, you can always find some so-called "evidence" that your "opinion" is going to turn out to be fact. Me personally I don't have the arrogance to do that...


w00t.gif You really took my breath away with that one. You don't even realise you are doing it. What about the LBC bloke? A case in point.

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@ PK : Anyone who thinks that the Euro is going to shortly nosedive is, inho, completely underestimating just how much nations like Germany and France have invested in it continuing as per.


Never underestimate the power of the cock up. Germany and France have no control over this in the long term. Remember the financial crisis meltdown? The genie is well and truly out of the bottle. It depends how long they (Germany) are prepared to (or able to) continue to prop it up. It will become either financially or politically impossible in the medium term. One country, however powerful, cannot support the profligacy of an entire continent.

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@ PK : Anyone who thinks that the Euro is going to shortly nosedive is, inho, completely underestimating just how much nations like Germany and France have invested in it continuing as per.


Never underestimate the power of the cock up. Germany and France have no control over this in the long term. Remember the financial crisis meltdown? The genie is well and truly out of the bottle. It depends how long they (Germany) are prepared to (or able to) continue to prop it up. It will become either financially or politically impossible in the medium term. One country, however powerful, cannot support the profligacy of an entire continent.


Shit happens.


I agree with you that without powerhouse Germany the end will come a lot sooner. But even that could be years off yet. By which time, as I posted previously, the UK will be well and truly royally shafted by the xenophobic Little Englanders like Sparky Ashley.


@ PK: That's the thing about the t'interweb, you can always find some so-called "evidence" that your "opinion" is going to turn out to be fact. Me personally I don't have the arrogance to do that...


w00t.gif You really took my breath away with that one. You don't even realise you are doing it. What about the LBC bloke? A case in point.


Yes, a VERY GOOD case in point.


A real time, unrehearsed, honest to goodness shafting of, imho of course, a typical Brexit voter by someone who at no time exhibited any political leanings and just did his job extremely well.


Unlike the piece you posted up. What prompted it? Why did The Torygraph print it? Did The Torygraph seek the piece out and pay for it? These are questions you should be asking yourself because with the proprietor instructing editors what to print it's getting harder to distinguish between news and propaganda.

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Doesn't the bbc feel sorry for everybody and just wishes it all wasn't so awful?


They try really hard to feel sorry for Israelis and Palestinians, Irish Nationalists and Unionists, the immigrant from Poland. They even try to feel sorry for the UKIP supporter who doesn't like immigrants and who's community has been totally transformed in the last few decades.


The trouble is they have difficulty feeling sorry for some people and not for others. Hence UKIP and the Israelis especially being rather wary when it comes to the BBC reporter.


He's all human interest and comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable - feeling sorry for one lot, and hoping to make the other side feel guilty.


It is a bias, and I suppose it is leftward leaning, but it isn't a classic left right thing, more woolly liberal and humanitarian.

I think you've come as close as anyone has to summing it up in a few words there. Very good.

I agree. Spot on Chinahand.

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