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which is the most unbiased news source?

the stinking enigma

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"Respected news outlet" is a misnomer stinky. I doubt you've encountered the Arab version and even the English speaking divisions are not what we view here in the West. They are sanitised versions of world events. A good comparative example was Iran's, 'Press TV'. It's English version was bereft of the ad hominem, antisemitic bile and pro-palestinian bollocks. Examples of such propagandising, jihad-promoting and racial/cultural hatred are regularly featured on memritv, if you wish to be informed. 

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It is rather ironic that it is been called "... the main tool of Daesh [the Islamic State group], Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran."

Hezbollah and Iran are at war with Daesh who regard all Shia as apostates to be decapitated and enslaved.

A parallel would be saying the BBC was the main tool of the IRA and UDA.



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Trump is quite right about fake news coming from the transnational corporate owned media companies. Unfortunately, the elite are not targeting these corporate run fake news outlets, which are heavily anti-Trump -- they are looking to censor real news and bring back a corporate media monopoly. Trump is right on the money to bypass these media gatekeepers and instead communicate directly to the American people via social media and White House outlets.

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5 minutes ago, llap said:

Trump is quite right about fake news coming from the transnational corporate owned media companies. Unfortunately, the elite are not targeting these corporate run fake news outlets, which are heavily anti-Trump -- they are looking to censor real news and bring back a corporate media monopoly. Trump is right on the money to bypass these media gatekeepers and instead communicate directly to the American people via social media and White House outlets.



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24 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

Something something 1984 something something not an instruction book...

It is because of Orwellian control of the media that Trump has to bypass it and communicate with people directly. Trump is literally fighting Big Brother and having to get information to the people past the Thought Police and Ministry of Truth who are 100% against him. I wish him good luck.

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8 minutes ago, llap said:

It is because of Orwellian control of the media that Trump has to bypass it and communicate with people directly. Trump is literally fighting Big Brother and having to get information to the people past the Thought Police and Ministry of Truth who are 100% against him. I wish him good luck.



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