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Can anyone who knows please tell me how to access an item referenced by a number in Hansards


As an example - not th eone I want actually - Access to Government Information, Code of Practice on, disclosure may not be in public interest, 538


Where does one go to locate, say, item 538? Thanks.

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Not sure if this is what you mean but . . .


When you open the pdf you should see an icon that looks like a pair of binoculars. Click on it and a menu will appear that says "What word or phrase would you like to search for?" Enter the reference, eg 538 in the box and click search. It will then find all instances of 538 within that pdf and you can jump to each one.


Is that what you wanted to know?

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Thanks Minxie


Is that what you wanted to know? Not exactly.


For instance, I was actually looking at ...


Mount Murray Inquiry legal fees –

all Ministers, backbenchers and Government employees

have the right to legal representation at ~, Members must

take this into account when setting up, 398

final legal fees of Treasury Minister amount to

£30,218.60, 398


... and other things on here referenced 398 but I don't know how to view the whole thing rather than only a part of the item.


So, how do I find (what I assume to be) document 398?

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I think Addie is after how to find any of the reference numbers referred to.


Hansard pages first session of the year starts at number one and then continues---shown at top left of page


Acrobat Reader for Tynwald Hansard Tuesday 14th December 2004 for 398 shows as--- 398 (18 of 80)


So you need to download occasional hansards to give an idea which page number is in which session

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For anybody interested in Hansard page numbers and associated session


Page numbers Tynwald session

1 - 100 19th October 2004

101 - 172 20th October 2004

173 - 246 21st October 2004

247 -332 16th November 2004

333 - 379 17th November 2004

380 -460 14th December 2004

461 -556 15th December 2004

557 -647 18th January 2005

648 -738 19th January 2005

739 -800 15th February 2005

801 -866 16th February 2005

867 -942 15th March 2005

943 -1014 16th March 2005

1015 -1064 17th March 2005

1065 -1146 19th April 2005

1147 -1204 20th April 2005

1205 -1294 17th May 2005

1295 -1313 18th May 2005

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