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New UKIP Leader stands down after 18 days


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"UKIP leader Diane James is standing down from her role 18 days after she was elected.

In a statement to the Times newspaper, she said she would not be "formalising my recent nomination".

The 56-year-old MEP for South East England said she did not have "sufficient authority" to see through changes she had planned.

Ms James succeeded Nigel Farage on 16 September after he quit in the wake of the UK's vote to leave the EU.

She had not appointed a deputy and UKIP officials were unable to say who was leading the party." -BBC NEWS


Colour me shocked. You're average UKIP voter don't strike me as the sort that would stand for a woman running things.

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Not if Paul Nuttall has his way. He is a strong personality and the Scouser may well provide just the right leadership skills to unite a partially-fragmented UKIP to seriously challenge the deplorable Corbyn and the current Labour seats in the heartlands.


Another shock-horror for the hand-wringers of the Left.

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Not if Paul Nuttall has his way. He is a strong personality and the Scouser may well provide just the right leadership skills to unite a partially-fragmented UKIP to seriously challenge the deplorable Corbyn and the current Labour seats in the heartlands.


Another shock-horror for the hand-wringers of the Left.


Anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-immigration, pro-breaking up the NHS, climate change denier...


Yup that's the kind of person we need running the joint...sigh



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