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hurricane mathew

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What strikes me, is how, how can I say it... the massive loss of life in Haiti, an impoverished nation on the doorstep of the USA, the richest nation ever to have existed, is just dismissed as "not our problem". Of course, the tax deductible charities have kicked in. But why this disparity in the first place?


There was a weather Chanel report yesterday, where the the presenter claimed that Haiti was deforested because the children were eating the trees. Straight up. Google it. It's recorded. It was broadcasted.


If the calf of man was a separate nation, populated by impoverished people, would he all head down to the cafe to point at them and laugh at their poverty? I think not. If a storm was coming, would we snuggle up in our stone houses and leave the people on the calf to their fate in their tin sheds?


Fuck no. We would be over there building stone houses, together, no matter what the political bent of their leader was.


Tin shacks in Haiti. Wooden houses in Florida. Mud brick houses in China (18 typhoons so far this year), and everyone is amazed when a storm causes death and destruction.


I don't know. Is there a solution?

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What strikes me, is how, how can I say it... the massive loss of life in Haiti, an impoverished nation on the doorstep of the USA, the richest nation ever to have existed, is just dismissed as "not our problem". Of course, the tax deductible charities have kicked in. But why this disparity in the first place?


There was a weather Chanel report yesterday, where the the presenter claimed that Haiti was deforested because the children were eating the trees. Straight up. Google it. It's recorded. It was broadcasted.


If the calf of man was a separate nation, populated by impoverished people, would he all head down to the cafe to point at them and laugh at their poverty? I think not. If a storm was coming, would we snuggle up in our stone houses and leave the people on the calf to their fate in their tin sheds?


Fuck no. We would be over there building stone houses, together, no matter what the political bent of their leader was.


Tin shacks in Haiti. Wooden houses in Florida. Mud brick houses in China (18 typhoons so far this year), and everyone is amazed when a storm causes death and destruction.


I don't know. Is there a solution?


Who couldn't be arsed reading "The Three Little Pigs" story then ? sad.png

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