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Contract To Promote TT.....


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At least Howard Quayle made the decision to keep Skelly at DED to sort the fiasco out / avoid shifting the blame. Is it now time for Skelly to fall on his sword?

John Shimmin told me they'll be no falling on swords please, thank you.

Skelly won't go, it will take a negative Tynpotwald committee and report before he throws in the towel, by which stage one of new wise chimps will be thrown into the job.

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I very much doubt you can claim there's an implied contract when you're in the process of negotiating a formal contract (and the commencement of services has been delayed pending that contract).

You would need to have the timeline of events. The delay came long after the commencement of preparations and it was later announced by Mr Skelly that it was a delay due to detail and that it would be sorted out, not leaving enough time to progress the 2017 event. Work apparently ceased at this point but not until a lot of time and money had been spent in preparation for this.

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From the moment this idea was mooted, anyone with any knowledge of the TT and tourism knew this was a non-starter, and would go nowhere.


And knew that in a couple of years DED and Skelly would be getting a grilling - yet again - from the Public Accounts Committee.


It's likely now the grilling will be much earlier than that.


It's amazing that Tynwald went along with the idea with little quibble.


It was a another lame idea, like the fiasco of the World Series TT idea, (which cost £750,000.)



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It's a fooking disgrace. If this is going to cost anywhere near what I reckon it will cost, people need to be held accountable to the tax payer.


Sacked. And I don't mean moved.


And not just some dozy minister carrying the can, and then bouncing back after a year straight into his next fuck up.


Enough is enough.

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I thought that cost 330k?

Does it matter how much it cost? It cost a 6 figure sum, the amounts are becoming immaterial as time after time, losses after losses are racked. I know your a defender of IOM Government to max, whatever anyone says, you will shoot them down in flames. Quite frankly I can only assume you enjoy watching politicians and civil servants wasting money. It's now becoming obscene and the rest of the island suffers financial hardship, whilst politicians and civil servants live a luxury lifestyle, along with some of hanger on luvvies, those sucking on the islands teat. This TT fiasco will cost the island dearly, personally I think IOMG will capitulate and make a large payment to prevent any adverse negative publicity from Vision On, who will also try to recoup some of their reputation, badly tarnished. Still these payments racking up, perhaps the economic development fund should be reduced. There's little chance of any decent business with intelligence setting up shop here.

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I know something for sure....Tynpotwald should be worth tuning into tomorrow, fella!

Sadly it's those idiots in the keys tomorrow. Fcuk all will be done or mentioned. There more interested in dog muck and chewing gum, than matters of real importance. It will be interesting to see Rob Collister having to defend DED - Entertainment value on its own! Let's see if has the gumption and bottle to do something.

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