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Contract To Promote TT.....


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22 carat, gilt-edged clusterfuck. Nice one Lawrence. Surely, time for Skelly and Corlett to do one??


It certainly doesn't look good for either of them but especially the CEO?


He has a veritable army of people in his department many of whom are well out of their depth when it comes to commercial matters. Methinks this never went anywhere near Treasury's Procurement Department or the AG's office until it was way too late, hence the comment a few weeks ago about the delay to the contract because of inter-departmental disagreement.


Joined up government. What joined up government?


I would tend to agree with this

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If you think they would somehow have grounds for litigation or costs you are not aware of how business works.

Ahem....just in case your memory fails again...

Just for context (because I know you are a sad twisted twat) that comment was made in relation to the allegation by Max Power that Vision 9 had drawn on a load of private equity funding and that they would somehow have grounds to sue the iom government.


I'd actually be surprised if any funder would be funding sub without sight of full due diligence. I.e a signed contract.

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I thought that cost 330k?

Does it matter how much it cost? It cost a 6 figure sum, the amounts are becoming immaterial as time after time, losses after losses are racked. I know your a defender of IOM Government to max, whatever anyone says, you will shoot them down in flames. Quite frankly I can only assume you enjoy watching politicians and civil servants wasting money. It's now becoming obscene and the rest of the island suffers financial hardship, whilst politicians and civil servants live a luxury lifestyle, along with some of hanger on luvvies, those sucking on the islands teat. This TT fiasco will cost the island dearly, personally I think IOMG will capitulate and make a large payment to prevent any adverse negative publicity from Vision On, who will also try to recoup some of their reputation, badly tarnished. Still these payments racking up, perhaps the economic development fund should be reduced. There's little chance of any decent business with intelligence setting up shop here.

I don't defend government on everything.


The exploration of a tt world series etc at 334k is small change really. If it was down to people like you the island would simply be sat here waiting for business to fall at its feet. I hazard a guess you're one of those irritating back office types that are a drain on a business if anything.


As for this fiasco, IMHO not one announcement should have been made until the contract was finalised and signed by all parties. The initial Tynwald discussion is around Vision 9 as a partner. Assuming what is presented satisfies the relevant people then the hard work of contract negotiations should begin.

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I see that the idea of a debate was voted down in Keys. Good decision. Most of them will have insufficient detail on the matter at present to make a worthwhile contribution. It would have looked like the House was in panic and had dropping everything to look at this.

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