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Contract To Promote TT.....


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1278 T133

7. TT promoter – Appointment of Vision Nine – Motion carried
The Minister for Economic Development to move:
That the appointment of Vision Nine as TT Promoter for a period of up to 10 years with an option for a further five years be approved.
[GD No 2016/0019 is relevant to this Item.]


The Minister for Economic Development (Mr Skelly): Moving to the business of today, the TT is a huge part of our local identity and brings the Isle of Man both recognition and visitors from around the world. In recent years, the Department has greatly improved the event’s 4475 marketing, operations and safety, as well as the economic benefits and Government income. The steps our Department and its partners have taken in recent years to enhance the TT and the Festival of Motorcycling, including the Classic TT, have substantially improved the quality of the events. Over the last five years, the number of visitors attracted to the Island has increased by 43% to 57,000. The economic value has increased by 63% to £28 million, and Government 4480 income has increased 63% to £5 million.


We have reached the point where we need additional expertise, networks and investment if we are to improve the visitor experience, grow our coverage and reach a wider audience, and so ensure the events continue to grow sustainably.


Following a tender process and subject to Tynwald approval, Vision Nine have been selected 4485 as the Department's preferred TT partner. They will work closely with the Department and many other partners who make these exciting events possible, including Government bodies, private businesses, volunteer organisations, and riders and teams.


Vision Nine will also bring valuable new partners, including the world-leading sports TV distributor, IMG who will help raise the image and awareness of the events globally. Vision Nine 4490 has industry-leading skills in developing events and will bring substantial investment to fund essential innovations that will attract more visitors and generate more spending in our economy.


The Festival of Motorcycling, including the Classic TT and Manx Grand Prix, has seen considerable growth, and further development by Vision Nine provides a great opportunity for increasing visitors with the continued involvement and support of the Manx Motor Cycle Club. 4495


Our Department and our partners will be working closely with Vision Nine to increase visitors to the Island via a new, global and more diverse fan base, whilst retaining our core TT audience. The experiences TT visitors have enjoyed for many years will be maintained into the future, be that walking around the paddock for free or watching from the hedgerows for free.


As well as Vision Nine increasing visitor numbers through enhanced experiences, both parties 4500 will have the option to discuss the feasibility of future TT off-Island events. No such event shall be permitted without the permission of the other party and focus for Vision Nine will be on the current domestic event. Our Department has the power of veto for an off-Island event progressing if it will damage the TT or the Department. No financial commitment has been made to support such events. 4505


Vision Nine have discussed their proposals with the current race organiser, ACU Events, which is led by Gary Thompson as Clerk of the Course. ACU Events are Vision Nine’s preferred supplier if appointed. Whilst there will be development and some changes with regard to the promotional aspects of the TT, the race organisation, the delivery of the practice and race schedules and the overall safety and marshalling of the event will not be compromised and from 4510 a race organiser’s point of view it will be ‘business as usual’.


This proposal is about evolution, not revolution, by enhancing the visitor experience and growing the TT races and their coverage. In turn, this will generate increased economic activity, providing benefits for both Island businesses and Treasury.


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It was recommended in the Scope of Government Report in 2006 and reaffirmed in 2012 that 4515 Government should concentrate on its core functions and seek alternative means of delivery. This proposal is consistent with that recommendation, whilst also delivering on Government’s key strategic objectives to balance the budget and grow the economy.


I recommend the motion to you and request that the appointment of Vision Nine as TT Promoter for a period of up to 10 years, with an option for a further five years, be approved. 4520


Gura mie eu.


The President: Hon. Member, Mr Cretney.


Mr Cretney: I beg to second and reserve my remarks.

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The Minister to reply.


We have seen the birth of the Classic TT and also the Festival of Motorcycling. The 5005 opportunities that that created in terms of growth in this event, in terms of local spend and benefit to the Isle of Man in terms of exposure. So this has been a journey.


One of the big issues surrounding this is actually the procurement. I do need to let you know, first and foremost, we have engaged with the procurement exactly as mandated, with Treasury on board. We issued a press release – I do not know the exact date – in October, announcing 5010 what our intentions were after we did not go forward with the TT Series, which had a deadline of 25th November. Of course then it did go from expressions of interest to the pre-qualification questionnaire.


There were only a few days in between that. However, once the expressions of interest were in, the pre-qualification questionnaire became secondary, and then actually, the unsuccessful candidates were communicated on 8th December, which meant that the 5015 documentation and data were released to the successful candidates on 9th December.


We then had a deadline to submit the letter of financial backing, which is important for due diligence and additional financial standing information on 15th January.



Then we had the contract finalisation.



The bids were presented on 8th February and a bespoke promoter agreement was issued and signed by bidders on 25th February. 5020


So it is a relatively tight schedule, I would admit. The reason for that was simply to actually bring this forward to you in good time, if we were to make a decision in time for TT 2017,



1289 T133


because we do need somebody in situ this year to observe and understand more of the culture, and we have been through that, obviously, already.

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Tynwald gave approval of the appointment.


Guess it hinges on whether that appointment is "subject to contract" or not...


Maybe a note for all Tynwald approval processes in the future, make all approvals of appointments / procurements subject to contract or subject to agreement of terms and conditions


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As someone has mentioned, this will be an interesting test for Farmer Quayle.

If he has balls he will ask Skelly to stand down graciously, and offer Corlett the same and to both go quietly, therefore acting in the best interests if the Island.

What's the odds he does though?

Quayle will do what the civil servants tell him to do. That's why he's CM.

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The President: The motion before the Court is set out at Item 7 on your Order Paper. Those in favour, please say aye; against, no. The ayes have it.

A division was called for and electronic voting resulted as follows:
In the Keys – Ayes 20, Noes 2



Mr Bell
Mr Boot
Mr Cannan
Mr Cregeen
Mr Gawne
Mr Harmer
Mr Joughin
Mr Malarkey
Mr Peake
Mr Quayle
Mr Quirk
Mr Robertshaw
Mr Ronan
Mr Shimmin
Mr Singer
Mr Skelly
Mr Teare
The Speaker
Mr Thomas
Mr Watterson



Mrs Beecroft
Mr Karran


The Speaker: Madam President, in the Keys, 20 votes for, 2 against.
In the Council – Ayes 7, Noes 1



Mr Anderson
Mr Coleman
Mr Corkish
Mr Cretney
Mr Crookall
Mr Henderson
Mr Wild


Mr Turner


The President: In the Council, 7 votes for and 1 against. The motion therefore carries. 5140
The Court will now adjourn, and the adjournment will be until –



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The President: The Hon. Member, Mr Cretney.


Mr Cretney: Yes, thank you.


Can I just say, as far as I am concerned, the TT has always evolved. We had the 1907 St 4885 John’s; 1911, the Mountain Course; 1970s, the loss of the World Championship status; the mid-2000s, a major review of safety and economic contribution think-tank was appointed. It has always evolved. There have always been changes, and I believe that this is the next step along that way.


In 2006, a younger team were appointed in terms of taking the TT forward. They have much 4890 more relevant riders. They have engaged really well with the teams in terms of bringing success to the Isle of Man, and I think, despite the fact that everybody, when I left Tourism in 2006, said the TT is going to finish after the Centenary event, it has continued to go from strength to strength and bring more money to the Island. In 2011, obviously the Centenary of the Mountain Course and, as has been described by others, more revenue, more numbers, more success have 4895 come since then.


One of the questions that has been raised this afternoon is what happened about the ACU in buying back in a 20-year arrangement? What happened in my time was that the event which had been operated by the ACU was also criticised – for donkey’s years it was criticised – ‘the Isle of Man can run this, why do we need to have the ACU in?’ So subject to my negotiation with the 4900 then Chairman of the Auto-Cycle Union, we got it. We got it so that it was operated on the Isle of Man by the Isle of Man. But sadly, it failed. There were internal politics, a number of local issues, and it failed. The ACU Events took over running the event again, which they have done in my opinion very successfully since, and will continue to do so in the future.


One of the things that people say to me is what experience have Vision Nine of running 4905 motorsport events? Well, none. They are events specialists, but the ACU Events will continue to run the races together with the marshals, together with all the other integral parties who are so important to the success of the event. Vision Nine have met with the various organisations on an ongoing basis since they became the successful tenderer.


They have a history of event delivery and other events elsewhere which have been very 4910 successful. They have engaged with a number of key partners on the Island and elsewhere, and one of the events which they run – which some people say ‘What relevance has that got at all?’ – is Boardmasters, which is a surfboard event. What happened with that was, at the time that they took that event over, there was a lot of concern amongst local community and local councils, etc, ‘Oh, this is going to cause us problems’. Nothing could be further from the truth. 4915 That event has grown from strength to strength as well – as I believe will happen here. They have grown events elsewhere.


What we have here is an event which is the best in the world but, in order to ensure its future success, requires significant ongoing investment. What we are told by the transport-


1287 T133
providers – again in answer to some of the questions asked already – is that for example on the 4920 Steam Packet, only 10% of their sailings are sold out. So despite what was said, there is spare capacity at the moment during TT, other than the first weekend between Practice and Race Week. What has been said by the Steam Packet is that if the market demands it and I would expect this to be the case, either the Steam Packet or the air operators will put on additional capacity. That is the business they are in. That is what they will do. The Steam Packet have said 4925 that that is what they will do.


We now have, for example, easyJet, with really good prices coming to the Isle of Man and going from the Island. They obviously will step up to the plate –as will others. Even this TT, we see adverts about Citywing putting on additional flights. I know they are only small aeroplanes, but others will, in my opinion, step up to the plate if we make progress here. 4930


What is going to happen is exactly as Mr Harmer, the Hon. Member for Peel, described: a proper joined-up e-marketing campaign throughout the year. They certainly have great expertise in that respect.



Myself and one of the officers of the Department, when we were in London for another event recently, visited the offices of Vision Nine. We were able to meet each of the various directors of the organisation, who were able to go through in depth the other 4935 events that they are involved in which have seen success and progress.



They describe exactly as Mr Harmer has spoken about. That is exactly how they would do it throughout the year, marketing the events. So I think what we are talking about here is the encouragement of a new audience to join us on the Island – a more family-based audience because we need to build upon the core audience. I am probably the core audience: somebody who is getting a bit older; 4940 somebody who has been committed to the races all my life, but we need to make sure, in order to ensure the future success, that we bring in new people. And in order to bring new people in – families, etc. – we need to have a new, attractive offering for them to come here. There are real plans over the next few years to achieve that.


We are not giving away anything. If I felt for a moment that this was not going to be a 4945 successful event, I would not be standing up here. I am standing up here because I believe, when you look … We do not have an endless supply of money. When cuts are having to be made in some essential services, Treasury have made it clear that there is no more money for the TT. If we are going to take the TT forward, we need to get private money in, and the private money which is coming in, I believe, is something we should all be welcoming in here. We have had all 4950 these conversations about ‘Government doesn't have to do everything’ and that ‘we can work with other partners’. That is exactly what this is.


The other thing I have seen is that ‘this event is going to be privatised’. It is not being privatised at all. We are getting involved with a new partner, just as we have ACU Events, just as we have the marshals and a number of others who are partners who work with the Government 4955 to deliver the event. That is exactly what will happen here, and their expertise is about events – all the different things and activities that will be put on, not only for them to come to visit us but also, I believe, it is something that will be really welcomed by younger people on the Isle of Man, because it will really add to the atmosphere.


This plan will, in my opinion, ensure the future security of the TT by bringing in new revenues, 4960 a new audience and new events to the Island. I understand the concerns, which I am sure the Minister will address, which have been raised by Members around the financials. My principal concern is to ensure, as a lifelong fan of this event, that it is going to be there into the future. Clearly, we have upset and will upset some interests who have benefited financially in the past and who may not be in that position in the future, but sometimes you have to make difficult 4965 decisions. I believe that this constitutes the best opportunity for future success of this event: a number of partners working together to deliver the best road races in the world, and I hope that Hon. Members will take that view when they come to the vote.


The only other thing I would say, in case somebody raises it in here: we always hear about the unsuccessful arrangements that happened after I left Tourism, with Signature. But what we 4970 did need to do there and what we had not done for a long time, was to try and maximise the

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return to the economy. Crude though those were, and rushed though those decisions may have been, it certainly led to the future success that we have seen since then, in terms of maximising the return of the event to the Isle of Man, which is clear for all to see now.


My final point: it has been said twice in here, a kind of a throw-away remark and I should not 4975 bite, really, but anybody who knows me knows that I am a sensitive old soul! Yes, I was a Minister for a long time, but even last night I was talking to people at 11 o’clock on the phone, so I have always tried to help people, and despite the fact that my career and Mr Karran's career took different paths, I think I have tried to do my best for the Island along the way as well as he has.

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So from Robertshaws comments in the Keys, it seems to be that objections from other government departments are the problem. Seems odd given that the ministers of these other departments all voted in favour of the arrangement in Tynwald.

Perhaps it is unfair to put all the blame for this on Skelly/DED.

It is unfair to put the blame on anyone until all the facts are known.

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Why did it collapse then? What difficulties became apparent after the process that wasn't obvious before?

In truth I don't know, but a fair guess (silo mentality) is that DED pushed this through COMIN/Tynwald without other "stakeholders" (can't stand that term actually) being fully in the picture. Then when the details come out someone...probably several someones...says "Er...what about X...and Y...and Z?" Cue DED panic and back-tracking.

Based on Robertshaw's Keys comments today, my speculative comments above may prove closer to the truth than I had thought. This will (eventually) all come out and promises to be interesting...and doubtless dispiriting too.

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So from Robertshaws comments in the Keys, it seems to be that objections from other government departments are the problem. Seems odd given that the ministers of these other departments all voted in favour of the arrangement in Tynwald.

Perhaps it is unfair to put all the blame for this on Skelly/DED.

It is unfair to put the blame on anyone until all the facts are known.

Well by that reckoning, nobody will take the blame as they are hiding behind sub-judicie. Before long commercial confidentiality will be mentioned. Let's face it, IOMG and COMIN and Tynpotwald are incapable of telling the truth. If push comes to shove they will cover for themselves and their reputations. The newbies sadly will watch the older MHKs behaviour and become accustomed to it, they will think it's acceptable to mislead the Manx public. I'm sorry if people think I'm being harsh - These idiots have got away with things for too long, hiding behind bullshit instead of manning up and saying 'I've screwed up, for the good of island I resign, and I won't contest the next general election'............ cowards!

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