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Contract To Promote TT.....


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I love Cretney's comments on how the TT was failing when it was brought in house before a new young team was brought in to rescue it. His department invested nothing, no time or marketing, modern equipment, funding for the operator. Then suddenly from 2007 onwards, money was no object! How the turnip head does spin!

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If any court proceedings are heard on the Isle of Man then Vision 9 have no chance. They'd have to get a Manx advocate for a start.


Look what happened to the MEA illegal loans er, peccadillo.


So IoMGov, get the usual firm of advocates in, let the deemster boys do their work behind the scenes - job done nicely.


Vision 9, "done like a kipper".

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If any court proceedings are heard on the Isle of Man then Vision 9 have no chance. They'd have to get a Manx advocate for a start.


Look what happened to the MEA illegal loans er, peccadillo.


So IoMGov, get the usual firm of advocates in, let the deemster boys do their work behind the scenes - job done nicely.


Vision 9, "done like a kipper".

You forgot to mention the old Manx issues - conflict of interest and bias.

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So from Robertshaws comments in the Keys, it seems to be that objections from other government departments are the problem. Seems odd given that the ministers of these other departments all voted in favour of the arrangement in Tynwald.

Perhaps it is unfair to put all the blame for this on Skelly/DED.

It is unfair to put the blame on anyone until all the facts are known.
Well by that reckoning, nobody will take the blame as they are hiding behind sub-judicie. Before long commercial confidentiality will be mentioned. Let's face it, IOMG and COMIN and Tynpotwald are incapable of telling the truth. If push comes to shove they will cover for themselves and their reputations. The newbies sadly will watch the older MHKs behaviour and become accustomed to it, they will think it's acceptable to mislead the Manx public. I'm sorry if people think I'm being harsh - These idiots have got away with things for too long, hiding behind bullshit instead of manning up and saying 'I've screwed up, for the good of island I resign, and I won't contest the next general election'............ cowards!

That is not what I said. The matter is not sub judice as no proceedings have commenced, although neither party would be well advised to discuss the matter in public. We don't know what happened, it looks a mess but we don't know whose mess.


We can all have an opinion, but unless you know all the facts how can you decide what happened and who is to blame?

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The CEO of V9 stated that it should serve as a warning to any firms wishing to do business with the Isle of Man.


That's pretty serious.


The bill for entertainment is rising. What about tinycowgate, amongst others, how much is that going to cost us?


Monkey's in charge of the zoo.

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Mr M R Coleman MLC. Committee Chair​ Mr T Baker MHK. Committee Member​ Mr J Moorhouse MHK. Committee Member
Howard Quayle said the issue was being referred to Tynwald’s economic policy review chairman, Michael Coleman MLC.

Read more at: http://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/isle-of-man-news/chief-minister-s-statement-about-vision-nine-collapse-1-8264347
Howard Quayle said the issue was being referred to Tynwald’s economic policy review chairman, Michael Coleman MLC.

Read more at: http://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/isle-of-man-news/chief-minister-s-statement-about-vision-nine-collapse-1-8264347
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Whatever way you try and gloss this over, or shall I say the Government try and gloss this over, it is an absolute fucking shambles.


I can say confidently, that I have no intention of glossing over this or any other matter to do with the IOM Government. It is my conviction that at its core the systems of Government in the IOM are putrid and long overdue for total exposure and then reform. It is my opinion that the IOM Government and the members of the Tynwald are for the best part incapable of policing their own conduct and it requires outside intervention to achieve it, and soon. As for "shambles" I think you have seen nothing yet.

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Quilp, ''The CEO of V9 stated that it should serve as a warning to any firms wishing to do business with the Isle of Man.''


That's a rather strong opinion to issue BEFORE the final notice from the DED. Rather points to their knowing that it was pear shaped?


Did they know long ago? Were they just hanging on in the vain hope?


Would such a statement endear them to the IOman govt?


A rather unprofessional response to an unprofessional handling?

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Quilp, ''The CEO of V9 stated that it should serve as a warning to any firms wishing to do business with the Isle of Man.''


That's a rather strong opinion to issue BEFORE the final notice from the DED. Rather points to their knowing that it was pear shaped?


Did they know long ago? Were they just hanging on in the vain hope?


Would such a statement endear them to the IOman govt?


A rather unprofessional response to an unprofessional handling?

I don't know what the answer is but he sounds pretty much pissed-off with iomgov plc.

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Quilp, ''The CEO of V9 stated that it should serve as a warning to any firms wishing to do business with the Isle of Man.''


That's a rather strong opinion to issue BEFORE the final notice from the DED. Rather points to their knowing that it was pear shaped?


Did they know long ago? Were they just hanging on in the vain hope?


Would such a statement endear them to the IOman govt?


A rather unprofessional response to an unprofessional handling?

I don't know what the answer is but he sounds pretty much pissed-off with iomgov plc.

In all honesty wouldn't you be pissed off with IOM Government plc? I would imagine he has been fed bullshit.

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there was an urgent motion in the house of keys in the folloẃing words:

That in light of the current extremely negative and confused publicity surrounding the collapse of the proposed Vision Nine contract with the Department of Economic Development, in particular the recent comments made by Julian Topham of Vision Nine on MTTV, and the damage that this is doing to the image of the Isle of Man Government, the Chief Minister should, as a matter of utmost urgency, explain the Government's position.


there were four members stood to allow the urgent motion to be ĉonsidered and then a vôte whether the motion ßhould be heard, which the house agreed:


Mr Baker
Mrs Beecroft
Mr Boot
Mrs Caine
Mr Cannan
Mr Malarkey
Miss Bettison
Mr Moorhouse
Mr Peake
Mr Quayle
Mr Robertshaw
Mr Thomas

Mr Ashford
Mr Callister
Mr Cregeen
Dr Allinson
Mr Harmer
Mr Hooper
Ms Edge
Mr Perkins
Mr Shimmins
Mr Skelly
The Speaker abstained




mr robertshaw then spoke to his motion, the chief miñister duly replied. no one else wanted to speak. so that, surely, was that (?)


then, for reasons i'm not sure about, there was another vote for the motion and this time the voting was differeñt:


Mr Baker
Mrs Beecroft
Mr Malarkey
Miss Bettison
Mr Peake
Mr Robertshaw
Mr Ashford
Mr Boot
Mrs Caine
Mr Callister
Mr Cannan
Mr Cregeen
Dr Allinson
Mr Harmer
Mr Hooper
Mr Moorhouse
Ms Edge
Mr Perkins
Mr Quayle
Mr Shimmins
Mr Skelly
Mr Thomas


i'm not sure why or what people were voting for the seĉond time, or what they were voting against. and why didn't anyone else speak if they weren't happy, (although the motion only asked for a statement from the cm, which he gave)


can anyone ĉlarify this?


the hansard is here:



the audio is here:


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