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As well as the incorrect (or if you want to be more challenging, untruthful) use of the sub judicial excuse by the fat lad from Middle, Kate "my principles are for sale, so give me a Minister's job) Beecroft is now defending Skelly. Politicians eh?



If you listen to what Beecroft actually said about Skelly, it's rather less than a complete exoneration of Skelly and certainly not of the DED. All she says is that he acted "in good faith" personally, which doesn't exactly exclude him being a gullible idiot who just signed everything that was put in front of him and read out whatever nonsense the civil servants told him to. Which come to think of it, was pretty much the required Ministerial job description under the Bell regime.


There's a danger that too often the Ministers involved are expected to take the full responsibility of the disasters that occur while the civil servants who actually thought up and pushed for these things (often with a personal agenda) escape completely.


The whole Vision 9 fiasco bears all the classic signs of a Bell-era mess-up in that the proposal seems to have been mainly dreamt up so that it would look good, with absolutely no thought as to how it would actually work. When other Departments started pointing out practical and legal difficulties, the whole thing fell to pieces. But then the DED was basically created to be a Department of Swanning About for (and by) Bell, and like his later creation, the Cabinet Office, was an example of the modern tendency to think if you employed enough people to tell you how good you are, then you magically become a genius.


The fiasco also suggests the continuing disaster that is the Attorney General's department, which should have been expected to be closely involved in monitoring such a complicated arrangement as was proposed - especially after the Signature cock-up. instead it seems to consist of people who don't even know what sub judice means.

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Chris Robertshaw has it nailed.




Personally, this whole affair in my opinion has tainted the Civil Service as incompetent beyond belief. They have stood by and allowed the whole deal to proceed and to then scupper it making the island a laughing stock.


If there are no heads rolling shortly, there is no hope for this island!

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instead it seems to consist of people who don't even know what sub judice means.

It's a bit like when people always used to use the word 'allegedly', thinking they were being smart and legally safeguarding themselves.

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I think that of everyone, Laurence Skelly is as innocent as Vision Nine. I hope that the details will come out sooner rather than later as they will have wide ranging implications for the island and our governments ability to function.

But you are obviously close to this and scared that you will go down too??


Nobody on this thread is asking where all of Mr Jelly's consultancy fees went, and why the Vision 9 thingy has gone FUBAR.




I heard that this crew drew up all the docs with some other geezer called King (I think). That is the smoking gun. Jelly, Corlett and Cretiny starry eyed before the awesome knowledge of the consultants. But err...

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I think that of everyone, Laurence Skelly is as innocent as Vision Nine. I hope that the details will come out sooner rather than later as they will have wide ranging implications for the island and our governments ability to function.

But you are obviously close to this and scared that you will go down too??


Nobody on this thread is asking where all of Mr Jelly's consultancy fees went, and why the Vision 9 thingy has gone FUBAR.




I heard that this crew drew up all the docs with some other geezer called King (I think). That is the smoking gun. Jelly, Corlett and Cretiny starry eyed before the awesome knowledge of the consultants. But err...


Why would I go down?


I think that is the question which everyone is asking, how has our civil service put this down when they obviously should have been aware of what was happening at the time of tendering?

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Interesting that he believes we are all subsidising the TT when the government always tells us that it is a money spinner for the island.

Yes, but if I was a promoter taking it over, it would be natural to paint as negative a "before" picture as possible, before performing a miracle and then announcing what a transformation had taken place in the "after" picture. This is what I would expect.

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As well as the incorrect (or if you want to be more challenging, untruthful) use of the sub judicial excuse by the fat lad from Middle, Kate "my principles are for sale, so give me a Minister's job) Beecroft is now defending Skelly. Politicians eh?



If you listen to what Beecroft actually said about Skelly, it's rather less than a complete exoneration of Skelly and certainly not of the DED. All she says is that he acted "in good faith" personally, which doesn't exactly exclude him being a gullible idiot who just signed everything that was put in front of him and read out whatever nonsense the civil servants told him to. Which come to think of it, was pretty much the required Ministerial job description under the Bell regime.

I tend to agree. The fact that Skelly is still in situ I hope does not set the template for the new government. I had rather hoped that Quayle only kept him in that post as a human shield to receive the crap when it finally, and inevitably, hit the fan. Then move someone clean in. Maybe he's finding it hard to find a replacement who believes in the EIS as much as Skelly pretended to do.

I think Quayle kept Skelly in situ, a) It was the hand Quayle was dealt with in the choice of MHKs he could appoint to the role and b) Quayle probably thought you made this mess, your going to clear this up. I think one of the newbie MHKs will be given the role, possibly Shimmins.

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The question perhaps being, precisely what Skelly can actually know or do to square all this up? Just reading the q + a session with iom newspapers in the Independent and it's dodge, duck and sub judice to every question. He's like a fish out of water.

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When they get hit with this kind of shitstorm I do wonder if they ask themselves why they put themselves through the whole process for a lousy 50 grand a year. Especially when you're the front man for the cock-ups of others in the shadows who seem bulletproof.

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