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As well as the incorrect (or if you want to be more challenging, untruthful) use of the sub judicial excuse by the fat lad from Middle, Kate "my principles are for sale, so give me a Minister's job) Beecroft is now defending Skelly. Politicians eh?


If you listen to what Beecroft actually said about Skelly, it's rather less than a complete exoneration of Skelly and certainly not of the DED. All she says is that he acted "in good faith" personally, which doesn't exactly exclude him being a gullible idiot who just signed everything that was put in front of him and read out whatever nonsense the civil servants told him to. Which come to think of it, was pretty much the required Ministerial job description under the Bell regime.


There's a danger that too often the Ministers involved are expected to take the full responsibility of the disasters that occur while the civil servants who actually thought up and pushed for these things (often with a personal agenda) escape completely.


The whole Vision 9 fiasco bears all the classic signs of a Bell-era mess-up in that the proposal seems to have been mainly dreamt up so that it would look good, with absolutely no thought as to how it would actually work. When other Departments started pointing out practical and legal difficulties, the whole thing fell to pieces. But then the DED was basically created to be a Department of Swanning About for (and by) Bell, and like his later creation, the Cabinet Office, was an example of the modern tendency to think if you employed enough people to tell you how good you are, then you magically become a genius.


The fiasco also suggests the continuing disaster that is the Attorney General's department, which should have been expected to be closely involved in monitoring such a complicated arrangement as was proposed - especially after the Signature cock-up. instead it seems to consist of people who don't even know what sub judice means.

Rog - whilst I still think Beecroft is moving nicely along the Ministerial double standards track I accept your analysis of this reflecting a classic Bell era cock-up. As to the competeing arguments as to why the fat lad from Middle retained Skelly in DED I'd venture that the reason is simple - pay-off for a CM vote.

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Whilst I have little sympathy for Skelly, the CS in that department are incompetent to the point of being dangerous ! When you have someone who has a rampant ego and a god like belief in their ability as many have said when they come up against real world businessmen they are found out ! Bullshit can only get you so far !!

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Picture the scene ?


The phone rings in the Cretney household and David answers it !!


Hello,Dave C here who is this ?


Hi Dave it;s me Lawrence ,I was hoping you could give me some advice on the Vision On matter !


For fucks sake Lawrence !! It's 3.30am I'm trying to sleep here and apart from that it's not Vision On it's Vision 9 Ok!!!!


I,know,I know,I know but I;m worried sick Dave! What can I do to cover my arse ?


Hmmm!(Thinking) Ok I think I know what to do . Hold a disco for the old dears that always works!!


But,but ,but you said that last time with the Villa and look what happened there !


Yea I know you dozy twat ,but when I said hold a disco and get the Jacksons , I didn;t mean "THE "Jacksons I meant Mr and Mrs Jackson from Hillside Avenue they do a great buffet really cheap , for fucks sake !!


Oh,oh ok!! But,but ,but Ive already tried that once and it didn't work,is there anything else I can try ??


Hmmm, Well there's one thing you can do but it's a long shot !!


Anything ,anything I;m really in the Doo,doo here!


Ok .Here it is !! Get your arse down to Percy Morrisons first thing tomorrow and buy a good Camera ,then go to the Fairy Bridge and take some Photos , you know? The Bridge ,flowers that sort of stuff !! Then post it on facebook!


Ok ,ok I'll do it but how will it help me ?


Well it probably won't to be fair , but I was planning on walking down there tomorrow myself and taking a few pics ,but if you do it it'' save me the bother !!!

Now fuck off it's 4am and I,m knackered BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP (Line goes dead!)




To Add;


No offence intended to above mentioned Peeps, as I have a lot of time for Dave C !!

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Chris Robertshaw has it nailed.




Personally, this whole affair in my opinion has tainted the Civil Service as incompetent beyond belief. They have stood by and allowed the whole deal to proceed and to then scupper it making the island a laughing stock.


If there are no heads rolling shortly, there is no hope for this island!


Incompetent? Very probably.


Outwith their sphere of commercial experience and capability? Most definitely.


It's a while since the government executive were seen, either by themselves of by the taxpayer, as humble functionaries. Under the Bell administration they have allowed to become all-powerful and have clothed themselves with mysterious powers that allows them to be instant experts in every sphere of their operation.


It's time to get back to basics.


Policy to be driven by the elected representatives with a commercially experienced cohort of advisors from the private sector (NOT executive government). Once a Policy has been agreed then the necessary laws (if required) should be enacted.


Those policies to be carried out by the executive.


Nothing more, nothing less.


Government is not the solution to the problem. Government is the problem.

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It's time to get back to basics.


Policy to be driven by the elected representatives with a commercially experienced cohort of advisors from the private sector (NOT executive government). Once a Policy has been agreed then the necessary laws (if required) should be enacted.



Government is not the solution to the problem. Government is the problem.

The 'ministerial' form of government was engineered by Charlie Kerruish + mates to be deliberately open to cronyism with too much power in the hands of very few - the old Boards system which sounds much like your proposal was slower in reaching decisions but took in a wider range of opinions.

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Chris Robertshaw has it nailed.




Personally, this whole affair in my opinion has tainted the Civil Service as incompetent beyond belief. They have stood by and allowed the whole deal to proceed and to then scupper it making the island a laughing stock.


If there are no heads rolling shortly, there is no hope for this island!


Incompetent? Very probably.


Outwith their sphere of commercial experience and capability? Most definitely.


It's a while since the government executive were seen, either by themselves of by the taxpayer, as humble functionaries. Under the Bell administration they have allowed to become all-powerful and have clothed themselves with mysterious powers that allows them to be instant experts in every sphere of their operation.


It's time to get back to basics.


Policy to be driven by the elected representatives with a commercially experienced cohort of advisors from the private sector (NOT executive government). Once a Policy has been agreed then the necessary laws (if required) should be enacted.


Those policies to be carried out by the executive.


Nothing more, nothing less.


Government is not the solution to the problem. Government is the problem.


When the Civil Service ignore the mandate of the elected representatives, writing them off because "They don't understand how we operate", then you know that the real power is in the hands of the bumbling but educated and non elected few!

I know that several members have expressed their desperation with the 'Sir Humphrey' attitude of several Chief Executives, it's high time that something was done about it!

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"it's high time that something was done about it!"


Yes, but how? You are talking about people who are fully employed with the weight of employment law (and irritants like Moffatt) behind them, sat in the chair for years. Versus someone who "parachutes" in based on getting 500 votes at an election who (a) could be moved on to another department in a couple of year and (b) could be out altogether in 5 years.

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"it's high time that something was done about it!"


Yes, but how? You are talking about people who are fully employed with the weight of employment law (and irritants like Moffatt) behind them, sat in the chair for years. Versus someone who "parachutes" in based on getting 500 votes at an election who (a) could be moved on to another department in a couple of year and (b) could be out altogether in 5 years.

You're right,but there are really only one of two ways this is going to alter. Either the representatives grow a pair and deal with the issue or we carry on until the whole thing is completely impossible to financially continue.


Sadly I'm not betting against the second option being the more likely outcome.

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As well as the incorrect (or if you want to be more challenging, untruthful) use of the sub judicial excuse by the fat lad from Middle, Kate "my principles are for sale, so give me a Minister's job) Beecroft is now defending Skelly. Politicians eh?


If you listen to what Beecroft actually said about Skelly, it's rather less than a complete exoneration of Skelly and certainly not of the DED. All she says is that he acted "in good faith" personally, which doesn't exactly exclude him being a gullible idiot who just signed everything that was put in front of him and read out whatever nonsense the civil servants told him to. Which come to think of it, was pretty much the required Ministerial job description under the Bell regime.

I tend to agree. The fact that Skelly is still in situ I hope does not set the template for the new government. I had rather hoped that Quayle only kept him in that post as a human shield to receive the crap when it finally, and inevitably, hit the fan. Then move someone clean in. Maybe he's finding it hard to find a replacement who believes in the EIS as much as Skelly pretended to do.



Wholesale reorganisation of corporatist DED is what is required

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As well as the incorrect (or if you want to be more challenging, untruthful) use of the sub judicial excuse by the fat lad from Middle, Kate "my principles are for sale, so give me a Minister's job) Beecroft is now defending Skelly. Politicians eh?


If you listen to what Beecroft actually said about Skelly, it's rather less than a complete exoneration of Skelly and certainly not of the DED. All she says is that he acted "in good faith" personally, which doesn't exactly exclude him being a gullible idiot who just signed everything that was put in front of him and read out whatever nonsense the civil servants told him to. Which come to think of it, was pretty much the required Ministerial job description under the Bell regime.

I tend to agree. The fact that Skelly is still in situ I hope does not set the template for the new government. I had rather hoped that Quayle only kept him in that post as a human shield to receive the crap when it finally, and inevitably, hit the fan. Then move someone clean in. Maybe he's finding it hard to find a replacement who believes in the EIS as much as Skelly pretended to do.

I think Quayle kept Skelly in situ, a) It was the hand Quayle was dealt with in the choice of MHKs he could appoint to the role and b) Quayle probably thought you made this mess, your going to clear this up. I think one of the newbie MHKs will be given the role, possibly Shimmins.



Mr Shimmins does recognise the importance of new tech, & should have charge of a specialised Enterprise Development Agency when Mr Quayle sees the sense of doing away with the misnamed DED & giving control of economic policy back to Treasury

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Mr Robertshaw is calling for a committee on joined up government


I like the American idea of having a constitution & all public servants swearing allegiance to the Manx state

If departments don't talk to each other making them a 'single legal entity' will make no difference.

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