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Contract To Promote TT.....


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1 hour ago, Andy Onchan said:


Deary, deary me........ it gets worse.

"He was surprised to learn before they submitted the final bid that they would be expected to take on a ’key’ individual within DED who would receive 5 per cent of whatever growth was generated. He confirmed this was a ’done deal’ between the DED and that individual."

Isn't that borderline illegal? For a government employee to openly and contractually pocket a proportion of the profit on a commercial deal?

I know we're used to this thing happening in brown envelopes but....

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Its secret because they know they've done something wrong.


What is this 5% of growth payment to a member of DED? That sounds dodgy as fuck. The figures of what the TT brings to the isle of man in terms of money are always vague, so quite how they'd measure this is beyond me.


Everyone knew at the time that this vision 9 thing was a mistake, what appears clear now though is that someone with some fucking sense IS required to take over the running of this event.

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26 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Everyone knew at the time that this vision 9 thing was a mistake, what appears clear now though is that someone with some fucking sense IS required to take over the running of this event.

Laurence Skelly is my recommendation. Got some great ideas that bloke.

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37 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

Isn't that borderline illegal? For a government employee to openly and contractually pocket a proportion of the profit on a commercial deal?

I know we're used to this thing happening in brown envelopes but....

The individual in question was to resign DED and join the successful bidder.

Sounds to me as if, as a bidder, you declined to even employ that individual (let alone agree to an arbitrary calculated 5% growth) then the chances are that you wouldn't be awarded the contract.

That's a very strange way of doing business and certainly not textbook or even a conventional procurement process.


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47 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

The individual in question was to resign DED and join the successful bidder.

Sounds to me as if, as a bidder, you declined to even employ that individual (let alone agree to an arbitrary calculated 5% growth) then the chances are that you wouldn't be awarded the contract.

That's a very strange way of doing business and certainly not textbook or even a conventional procurement process.


I'm sure whoever it was wouldn't be foregoing his or her perks, continuous service and government pension contributions to move across to a random organisation who'd just popped up a few months before. Unless he/she had other links to said company.

The whole thing is dodgy as fuck and needs smoking out.

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17 minutes ago, The Duck of Atholl said:

So someone employed by DED was going to go to the successful bidder with a guaranteed  5% cut of "the growth" which was already agreed between DED and the said person? Did DED have the right/power to cut that deal? Why would they do that?

Because it's 'The Isle of Man, Where You Can.... do whatever you want with impunity'. If you're on the inside.

I can see the merits in embedding a government employee into a partner organisation on secondment, in such a new venture for the island... but taking a cut of any profits?

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The irony is that this strange arrangement (which sounds quite similar to the Christian & Pinewood arrangement) might have gone unnoticed if DED had consulted with other departments. Had they got all the departments onside then it might just have gone through on the nod and we'd have been none the wiser.

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Quite simply? To cover Skelly, Cretney & Co's arses. And Mr 5% Man. And doubtless the losses to sort out the debacle where applicable. Then lessons will be learned, nothing to see here, move along. As always. Ad infinitum.

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