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Contract To Promote TT.....


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7 hours ago, The Duck of Atholl said:

That is very bad

It's shocking but it's been said here before that what we are starting to see is almost a Russian style oligarchy setting itself up as services are decentralized from government. The civil servants know that their time on the gravy train is numbered so they line up lucrative "commercial" deals for themselves under the guise of trying to pass certain services off to the private sector. But they also control how the contracts are handed out and what the contract terms are. Exactly how the ex-soviet civil servants became industrialists and bank or factory owners at the expense of the state. So here we seem to have been tendering for a company to pay somebody who had been paid by the taxpayer a nice chunky salary plus 5% of the action for getting the contact that his department was tendering for. 

This is appalling and no wonder it's being heard in private.

The Chief Minister needs to deal with this and deal with it hard. It's just taking the piss out of the taxpayer.

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Just now, La Colombe said:

Lol. Nothing is dealt with either hard or otherwise. Ever. This one wouldn't be out of place in Private Eye's Rotten Boroughs. 

I agree but Quayle should use this as a chance to make a public show that things have changed. Skelly is walking wounded and could easily be collateral damage. How he has lasted so long is beyond me. He should be fed into the machine and spat out into a bucket. 

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4 minutes ago, La Colombe said:

But they haven't. 

It hasn't concluded yet. Quayle is a good opportunist. If it was me I'd fuck a few of them over publicly in a really embarrassing high profile way and then use that to produce media messages that things are changing (whether I meant it or not). Skelly should be walking dead. Put them through the wringer and make people think that attitudes are changing. 


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Just now, La Colombe said:

I wouldn't hold your breath. 

Maybe not .... but I remain vaguely hopeful that a complete opportunist will see a really good way of making himself look good by fucking a few people over.


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6 minutes ago, integrity said:

This new administration lead by Mr Quayle does not need to pursue the culture of secrecy of previous administrations.

The voting public understand what an incompetent department the DED are.

Get a grip Mr Quayle.


The above seems to be advocating hijacker tactics. Stick a few people out on the runway in front of the cameras and shoot them to show you mean business. 


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1 hour ago, JackCarter said:

It hasn't concluded yet. Quayle is a good opportunist. If it was me I'd fuck a few of them over publicly in a really embarrassing high profile way and then use that to produce media messages that things are changing (whether I meant it or not). Skelly should be walking dead. Put them through the wringer and make people think that attitudes are changing. 


But think about the government of national unity.

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5 hours ago, Max Power said:

A short application time from announcement, the job must have already been allocated....



You are probably correct. The job is highly likely not required and probably duplicated with other civil servants doing the role. My guess is that someone will retire from one job and move into another job. There again it's two fold 1) Isle of Man Where you Can and b) it's not what you know but who you know. Also how many times have IOM Government stuck an advertisement looking for a well paid performing seal, the candidate chosen well in advance? 

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I would suggest that anyone interested should listen to Barrie Baxter's evidence to the Economic Policy Review Committee, which he gave on Wednesday (Hansard is not yet available) and on which the media stories are based[1].  I haven't listened to the whole thing myself yet, but just the first 30 minutes are completely jaw-dropping.

The revelation about the 5%[2] 'backhander' is only the most striking revelation.  The overall picture is one of complete incompetence and lack of professionalism by the DED and their consultants.  The whole purpose of the bidding process seems to have been to award it to whoever came up with the biggest load of bullshit, irrespective of whether it had any contact with reality or not.


[1]  It's also surprisingly long.  Normally sessions last an hour at most with a number of witness.  Here a single witness gave evidence for 85 minutes.

[2]  5% of what is a good issue to consider as well (and one left unresolved).

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In my experience it's not unusual for an employee to move from one contract to another in order to maintain a certain level of continuity in a project.

However, I have never come across situation where it was made implicit that a financial advantage for that individual should be part of the decision making process either during or before the tender dox were issued. Financial and other compensation is usually left to the individual to pursue with their new employer and outwith any negotiations between the contract holder and any bidders. In any case that individual should not be taking part in the decision making process as they would have a vested interest.

The costs of 5% growth bonus (for want of a better word) could and probably would at some point be passed on to IOMG. Which means that the taxpayer would still be funding that individual.

This debacle will continue to twist and turn, like a twisty turny thing!


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5 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

whoever came up with the biggest load of bullshit, irrespective of whether it had any contact with reality or not.



The governance of the IOM in the last 20 years, in a nutshell.

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