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Contract To Promote TT.....


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8 hours ago, 2112 said:

You are probably correct. The job is highly likely not required and probably duplicated with other civil servants doing the role. My guess is that someone will retire from one job and move into another job. There again it's two fold 1) Isle of Man Where you Can and b) it's not what you know but who you know. Also how many times have IOM Government stuck an advertisement looking for a well paid performing seal, the candidate chosen well in advance? 

I was probably an error to allow someone from another crown dependency to tender. He's probably got live experience of how grubby little tinpot civil servants operate as most of them do, I'm sure, operate in the same way and he was perhaps not surprised to discover that it was the same in the IOM. This really needs to be concluded publicly and some heads put on spikes at Government Offices. It's already been said but this is probably the best opportunity HQ is going to get to prove to the public that things are changing and that accountability is starting to happen. 


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Is it actually illegal to run a tender process when it has already been decided who the winning bid will be made by? If you listen to Roger Mexico's link from 76:00 onwards, Mr Baxter leaves it to others to suggest malfeasance has occurred but he clearly believes the decision had already been made. Even if it is legal, it makes a laughing stock of the government's tendering processes both past and future. It has often been suspected that contracts go through on the island with a nudge and a wink, but has that ever actually been exposed? Why would anyone bid for a government tender in future unless they know in advance that they have already won it? I wouldn't. 

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13 hours ago, JackCarter said:

I agree but Quayle should use this as a chance to make a public show that things have changed. Skelly is walking wounded and could easily be collateral damage. How he has lasted so long is beyond me. He should be fed into the machine and spat out into a bucket. 

I actually sat next to Skelly on the plane once. I cracked on I never knew who he was and played dumb to a lot of the conversation to see how switched on he was when the subject came to the island and how things currently look.

If he was involved in any kind of commercial negotiations I shudder to think of the cost to the taxpayer.

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You have to remember that it was Laurence Skelly who requested that this affair be put before the economic policy review committee. It is not something which has been brought about by any other party.

Government is a strange animal. We have a handful of elected officials with varying levels of skills and abilities, who are held responsible for an army of people who are paid well to be experts in their particular field.


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7 minutes ago, Max Power said:

You have to remember that it was Laurence Skelly who requested that this affair be put before the economic policy review committee. It is not something which has been brought about by any other party.

Government is a strange animal. We have a handful of elected officials with varying levels of skills and abilities, who are held responsible for an army of people who are paid well to be experts in their particular field.


Stop trying to justify this mess for anything other than it is - incompetence and cronyism.


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2 hours ago, La Colombe said:

Is it actually illegal to run a tender process when it has already been decided who the winning bid will be made by? If you listen to Roger Mexico's link from 76:00 onwards, Mr Baxter leaves it to others to suggest malfeasance has occurred but he clearly believes the decision had already been made. Even if it is legal, it makes a laughing stock of the government's tendering processes both past and future. It has often been suspected that contracts go through on the island with a nudge and a wink, but has that ever actually been exposed? Why would anyone bid for a government tender in future unless they know in advance that they have already won it? I wouldn't. 

I think the DED process was ultra vires. Sounds very much like the MEA & Pinewood debacles. There's a human common denominator somewhere in all of this.

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And people still want other ferry operators to express an interest and get involved in a costly bid process to run the Steam Packet?? Against a current operator with tentacles into government and a monopoly on the berthing slot?

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8 hours ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Get the cops in I say.

But not the Manx ones....worthy and hardworking though they are IMO, a bit too close to the Manx establishment to be impartial.

Eta. You've also got to take into account the various ex-bobbies who serve(d) on the motorsport committee.

If it came to it, it would have to be from off-island.


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6 hours ago, Max Power said:

You have to remember that it was Laurence Skelly who requested that this affair be put before the economic policy review committee. It is not something which has been brought about by any other party.

I'm not really sure that Skelly had much choice in the matter.  Presumably the Committee could have decided to investigate off their own bat, or more likely, Tynwald would have instructed it to do so.  To try to resist this would have just drawn even more attention to the issue. 

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