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It all looks rather odd.  If you look at the Twitter account for Hansard, they actually issued the warning just before the session started at 2:30pm[1]


SYSTEM ISSUE: The Listen Live Service is currently Offline, we are working to resolve this. We provide an update when we have more info.

They then said it was back online at 2:48pm before going into private session at about 3:56pm.  

They then heard "evidence from Mr Hussey, former Head of Motorsport, DED" at 4:47pm, which presumably was not in private, unless former civil servants are just as much delicate flowers as some current ones, before concluding at 6:13pm.

The Tynwald Info Service tweeted that "All public evidence will be available on Listen Again.", but nothing appeared that day, which is unusual given how quick they normally are (segments of Tynwald usually go up more or less immediately after they have been completed).  This was probably due to the late finish, but it looks bad, as if they were busy overnight doctoring the files.


[1]  Twitter has this really irritating convention where all content is time-stamped with the current time on the West Coast of the US (presumably because their HQ is in San Francisco.  I have adjusted accordingly for the fact they are 8 hours 'behind'.

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Only sketchy reporting on this too on MR and 3FM sites...although Skelly has apparently stated that this debacle will damage IoM's reputation in motorsport world (if not further).

That the hearing was not able to be broadcast was a disgrace (IMHO).

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

It all looks rather odd.  If you look at the Twitter account for Hansard, they actually issued the warning just before the session started at 2:30pm[1]

They then said it was back online at 2:48pm before going into private session at about 3:56pm.  

They then heard "evidence from Mr Hussey, former Head of Motorsport, DED" at 4:47pm, which presumably was not in private, unless former civil servants are just as much delicate flowers as some current ones, before concluding at 6:13pm.

The Tynwald Info Service tweeted that "All public evidence will be available on Listen Again.", but nothing appeared that day, which is unusual given how quick they normally are (segments of Tynwald usually go up more or less immediately after they have been completed).  This was probably due to the late finish, but it looks bad, as if they were busy overnight doctoring the files.


[1]  Twitter has this really irritating convention where all content is time-stamped with the current time on the West Coast of the US (presumably because their HQ is in San Francisco.  I have adjusted accordingly for the fact they are 8 hours 'behind'.

"As if they were busy doctoring the files"  spoiled a decent post that Roger.

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36 minutes ago, notwell said:

"As if they were busy doctoring the files"  spoiled a decent post that Roger.

It does happen, seen it myself in relation to"Ombudsman's Enquiries"  when files were "weeded" and " a memo ...two weeks on the window cill = two years in the file.

I always kept my own copy of every letter/ report that I sent during my LG career after seeing the lengths some 'managers' would go to to get 'difficult' folk sacked and/or to put themselves in a favourable light.

Just saying:flowers:

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43 minutes ago, notwell said:

"As if they were busy doctoring the files"  spoiled a decent post that Roger.

Indeed, it's not like previous hansards have omitted an entire passage in which an MLC, talking about having trespassed on airport land as a boy, banged out the comment:

"I do not think I was wearing a towel over my head or looking Middle Eastern at the time"

As Roger says, it was probably due to the late finish, and the above was perhaps the result of a cock-up, but it can't be disputed that it doesn't help create the best impression when these things happen at times that look convenient for Tynwald.



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To be honest, I haven't followed the whole TT thing so I have no idea what's going on. That said, I do know people on here routinely post complete bollocks about things that have gone on or do go on in government and they pretend they know it's a fact when I've been personally a party to some of these things and know what they've said has been complete bollocks. Just my thought for the day. 


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22 hours ago, notwell said:

"As if they were busy doctoring the files"  spoiled a decent post that Roger.

22 hours ago, notwell said:

Doctoring Hansard reports and recordings?  Lol

Hah, hah, notwell again displaying utter ignorance and stupidity.

It is not unknown for Hansard to be surreptitiously doctored. Usually it can be done without notice, but sure enough the 'towel head' remark was removed as if it was never there, but unfortunately for the perpetrators of the conspiracy, the remark was referenced later. I don't know if it was ever replaced.

There's a thread on it notty. Search for 'towel head' or similar. The most remarkable thing of all was that the thread was started soon after the remark was made on air, and the op actually anticipated that the remark would be removed from Hansard.


edited to add: damn, had to take notwell off 'ignore' to quote his two posts.


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13 minutes ago, gettafa said:

Hah, hah, notwell again displaying utter ignorance and stupidity.

It is not unknown for Hansard to be surreptitiously doctored. Usually it can be done without notice, but sure enough the 'towel head' remark was removed as if it was never there, but unfortunately for the perpetrators of the conspiracy, the remark was referenced later. I don't know if it was ever replaced.

There's a thread on it notty. Search for 'towel head' or similar. The most remarkable thing of all was that the thread was started soon after the remark was made on air, and the op actually anticipated that the remark would be removed from Hansard.


edited to add: damn, had to take notwell off 'ignore' to quote his two posts.


So, you have one incident of a flippant borderline racist comment by some doddering old twat as being evidence that this is a common occurence for matters of a public enquiry (rather than the ramblings of some farming fossil)?

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Flippant, doddering old twat (Member of Tynwald all the same), borderline racist...whatever. It is Hansard. So what is recorded as being said in Tynwald, depends on what a civil servant feels should appear?

OK, I'm sure you notwell agrees with that sort of system.

Borderline Kafkaesque though, innit.

One example is one too manym but it has happened on numerous occasions.


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