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Contract To Promote TT.....


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4 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Yes, good points.  So what was the distinction he was making?

I wonder if he was trying to make the point that it's becoming more of a business....in the eyes of DED, keen to milk it for everything it's worth, to include the odd 5%s...and less of a sentiment/tradition type thing, which most TT fans see it as....their sport, their event?


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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Actually practically everyone is a taxpayer.  Every child buying sweets is paying VAT.  There's all sorts of other duties, NI and so on.  There seems to be this odd English attitude[1] that only Income Tax is 'proper tax', entitling those who pay it to some sort of special privilege.  But it's all money in the end, so it's an even odder distinction really.

[1]  Promoted by their newspapers, the owners of which famously tend not to pay tax to the UK.

Even the Guardian which is fond of running campaigns against others who are economical with their tax contributions.

VAT is difficult to escape of course, but income tax is largely voluntary for the extremely wealthy. It all depends how good your accountant is.

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On 05/05/2017 at 0:31 PM, gettafa said:

The Hansard officer in charge insisted that Hansard has a reputation to uphold and the transcript is verbatim. Verbatim (give or take the occasional hummph, cough, splutter etc). Whether the words be poorly chosen or not and by whom is entitely irrelevant. The words were said. In Tynwald. They go in Hansard. That is the point. Obviously


This is the important point. Verbatim means what it says. If you start making exceptions to cover embarrassment or for political correctness, it is not a giant leap to the slippery slope of doing so for other "public interest" purposes. You can make a case for the suppression of all kinds of information for "public interest" reasons, but it's a subjective judgement that nobody has the right to make.

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3 hours ago, Non-Believer said:

I wonder if he was trying to make the point that it's becoming more of a business....in the eyes of DED, keen to milk it for everything it's worth, to include the odd 5%s...and less of a sentiment/tradition type thing, which most TT fans see it as....their sport, their event?


I wonder what those who give their time free at a grass roots level year after year to make the event happen thought of his comments? It's clear that 'they' are only interested in growing the event to keep 'them' in jobs. I can't imagine anything worse than and event that now basically seems to be run by civil servants who view it as a means of employing more civil servants as it grows. Time to kill it. 

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2 hours ago, hboy said:

I wonder what those who give their time free at a grass roots level year after year to make the event happen thought of his comments? It's clear that 'they' are only interested in growing the event to keep 'them' in jobs. I can't imagine anything worse than and event that now basically seems to be run by civil servants who view it as a means of employing more civil servants as it grows. Time to kill it. 

Totally agree. One thing that isn't mentioned is the sacrifice that homeowners or residents make who live inside the course. The businesses inside the course who lose money by having to close - Snugborough Trading Estate etc. The civil servants seem to view other 'stakeholders' as either an irrelevance or a hindrance. Certain posters will view them with contempt and agree with the DED view. Generally speaking without a lot of goodwill from the islanders the event of TT/FOM wouldn't be as successful as it is. 

1 hour ago, woolley said:

Don't you just hate people like that?

There are some posters on here who have a know it all attitude, regard other posters as idiots and think they know best. I can only assume they must treat people like dirt, and they are a lousy manager at work.  I quite like reading a multitude of opinions on here, it's a bit like brainstorming sometimes out of the crap comes a logical and brilliant suggestion or analysis of the situation. 

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