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30 minutes ago, 2112 said:

There are some posters on here who have a know it all attitude, regard other posters as idiots and think they know best. 

To be fair, I really do know it all, other posters really are idiots and I do know best. 

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4 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

If they were willing to edit out a sort of racist gaffe by a buffoon, which whilst a bit embarrassing for all concerned, wasn't particularly that serious. It doesn't really fill me with confidence that they wouldn't do the same for more serious things. In fact quite the opposite

they are always an edit, so are transcripts of court proceedings...

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Just listening to Trevor telling the committee how it is. He likes to use hypothetical hyperbole. And phrases such as "there has been some suggestion that...." and then inserts something or other, and replies to it with a load of self aggrandisement.



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Reading through the reports and listening to what was said; what seems to come though it all is the sheer arrogance of all concerned. It just exemplifies to me all that is completely wrong with the IOM and what will continue stop a proper diversified and big tax paying free market private sector developing. They are putting on an event that WE pay for through our taxes. The event relies on a huge number of people and groups who provide their time for free (from marshalls to boy scouts doing the scores), it also relies on normal residents putting up people in their own homes year after year, and without those people the event could not possibly happen. Yet clearly those (exemplified by Husseys comments) who are paid as part of this whole exercise of setting fire to millions of pounds of our money, clearly believe that it's the right for government and Departments like the DED to capitalize on the event exclusively for the benefit of itself and the people within IOMG. It's easy to imagine this fuck up is going to cost US another few mill by the time Vision Nine have been bought off as part of this mess as well. These people have fed off government salaries for almost all of their careers. Most have never taken a commercial risk in their entire lives. They probably have no idea what it's like to put your own money on the line to back an idea or an initiative and if you fuck it up its your house on the line, and your family impacted, and your car repossessed. They can play at being entrepreneurs and at being business men with our money and they don't even have to be any fucking good at it as there is no moral hazard whatsoever. If they fuck up we still pay and they lose nothing. Nobody is going to be the next Bernie Ecclestone if they're living on a £60k a year guaranteed salary, and a gold plated pension, and they'll still get it whether they lose millions or not. If they fuck up WE pay for it and their lives are not adversely impacted in any way at all. Yet they're telling many people who might have been out there and taken risks and experienced a whole variety of good and bad business decisions to create wealth that they know best. It's crazy. Anyone with any commercial experience would likely have told them that this was a shit idea 4 years ago. Now we will probably end up compensating Vision Nine after all this evidence has been heard; as there's a high chance that this has been a badly executed shit idea from a bunch of clueless civil servants from the start. But they will still continue getting paid very nice salaries until they retire. And then get very nice pensions for life. It's only the taxpayer assuming the risk for some apparently not very successful or competent people on secure salaries and benefits playing at being Bernie Ecclestone. . 

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Seems a fair assessment  "JC".

I'll own up to being a motorcyclist and a Southern/TT/MGP supporter but the DED in my view are doing their best to alienate the marshals/volunteers by taking them for granted and assuming that they will always be there for free  (Marshals pay to marshall , ID photo's , petrol and misc expenses).

Those on the mountain in previous years  have had to wait to get off the course until the DOI chaps had replaced all the signage/cones etc , many felt this was driven by the fact that the DOI lads had to be paid but the marshals were 'free'. When marshals raised this as a problem they were told to desist as "there was nothing to complain about" , the situation has improved since but not before  quite a few marshals voted with their feet ( emails and letters to "management" from myself and fellow marshals were ignored and went unanswered).

Many of the marshals are 'retired' and I have seen little evidence of younger folk being 'encouraged' to join up ( it is one hell of a commitment for folk who work and have a family ).

It may seem to the casual observer that there are sufficient marshals as evidenced by them being "mob handed" at the Creg  etc , we're down to minimum numbers at many points on the mountain.

Just saying:flowers:


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Not often I've said this, but superb post JackCarter.

And to add to the equation on the side of what we put into motorsport is the incalculable goodwill of the general population, given up mostly in a good spirit, to put up with the high level of inconvenience caused by frequent road closures and increased risk to life and limb caused be the more excitable visitors and locals at race times. This is all taken completely for granted by the powers that be.

As for civil servants masquerading as entrepreneurs, this is entirely factual and I've experienced it many times. I would add though that some of those at the head of public companies are just as bad. Fond of risk if it is with shareholders' rather than their own money and always quick to benchmark their own executive compensation via "remuneration committees" against those in similar organisations in an ever increasing inflationary spiral. The difference is that in the private sector non-performance can get you the sack, albeit usually with the inevitable "golden goodbye". In the public sector you simply get shuffled sideways or onto your more than comfortable pension.

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10 minutes ago, paswt said:

Seems a fair assessment  "JC".

I'll own up to being a motorcyclist and a Southern/TT/MGP supporter but the DED in my view are doing their best to alienate the marshals/volunteers by taking them for granted and assuming that they will always be there for free  (Marshals pay to marshall , ID photo's , petrol and misc expenses).

Those on the mountain in previous years  have had to wait to get off the course until the DOI chaps had replaced all the signage/cones etc , many felt this was driven by the fact that the DOI lads had to be paid but the marshals were 'free'. When marshals raised this as a problem they were told to desist as "there was nothing to complain about" , the situation has improved since but not before  quite a few marshals voted with their feet ( emails and letters to "management" from myself and fellow marshals were ignored and went unanswered).

Many of the marshals are 'retired' and I have seen little evidence of younger folk being 'encouraged' to join up ( it is one hell of a commitment for folk who work and have a family ).

It may seem to the casual observer that there are sufficient marshals as evidenced by them being "mob handed" at the Creg  etc , we're down to minimum numbers at many points on the mountain.

Just saying:flowers:


I think a few stages of the rally this weekend have been touch and go due to shortages of volunteers. The DED need to keep the TT volunteers on side otherwise they're screwed. That sort of public statement does nothing to add to the stability of the event. Unless the ultimate objective is for 800 civil servants to get triple time on Marshalling duties for TT Week and Practice week paid for by us (I wouldn't rule that out) they need to be careful.


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1 hour ago, JackCarter said:

Reading through the reports and listening to what was said; what seems to come though it all is the sheer arrogance of all concerned. It just exemplifies to me all that is completely wrong with the IOM and what will continue stop a proper diversified and big tax paying free market private sector developing. They are putting on an event that WE pay for through our taxes. The event relies on a huge number of people and groups who provide their time for free (from marshalls to boy scouts doing the scores), it also relies on normal residents putting up people in their own homes year after year, and without those people the event could not possibly happen. Yet clearly those (exemplified by Husseys comments) who are paid as part of this whole exercise of setting fire to millions of pounds of our money, clearly believe that it's the right for government and Departments like the DED to capitalize on the event exclusively for the benefit of itself and the people within IOMG. It's easy to imagine this fuck up is going to cost US another few mill by the time Vision Nine have been bought off as part of this mess as well. These people have fed off government salaries for almost all of their careers. Most have never taken a commercial risk in their entire lives. They probably have no idea what it's like to put your own money on the line to back an idea or an initiative and if you fuck it up its your house on the line, and your family impacted, and your car repossessed. They can play at being entrepreneurs and at being business men with our money and they don't even have to be any fucking good at it as there is no moral hazard whatsoever. If they fuck up we still pay and they lose nothing. Nobody is going to be the next Bernie Ecclestone if they're living on a £60k a year guaranteed salary, and a gold plated pension, and they'll still get it whether they lose millions or not. If they fuck up WE pay for it and their lives are not adversely impacted in any way at all. Yet they're telling many people who might have been out there and taken risks and experienced a whole variety of good and bad business decisions to create wealth that they know best. It's crazy. Anyone with any commercial experience would likely have told them that this was a shit idea 4 years ago. Now we will probably end up compensating Vision Nine after all this evidence has been heard; as there's a high chance that this has been a badly executed shit idea from a bunch of clueless civil servants from the start. But they will still continue getting paid very nice salaries until they retire. And then get very nice pensions for life. It's only the taxpayer assuming the risk for some apparently not very successful or competent people on secure salaries and benefits playing at being Bernie Ecclestone. . 

An excellent assessment of the scenario, and quite eloquently put. No doubt before long someone will be counter arguing on behalf of DED. JC - your post regarding the Rally is very topical and true, but sadly it's been the case for a while. The rallying community have had difficulties finding Marshalls for the rallies. I'm surprised the September Rally has gone ahead. As I have said on previous posts before, I think Tynpotwalders should get out of their ivory towers and volunteer their time as a TT/FOM Marshall - say on Mountain - perhaps for the whole 2 weeks. They may get to mix with the common people, and it will do them some good, teach them of other aspects of life. Yes it may be a gimmick but it may set an example to other sectors in society. Perhaps Government could offer tax breaks to those who volunteer as an incentive - getting involved in society. 


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Thanks 2112. I agree with it all except for the last bit. It's volunteers who are keeping these events going not conscripts. Years ago the MHKs and civil servants mixed with ordinary decent people at the TT and other places because they were ordinary decent people.

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