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Contract To Promote TT.....


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Aye, the very same lycra lad.


1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

You need to read the whole thing to see what I mean about the Clerk's questioning - it was even more marked to the other two witnesses.  None of them were particularly bad questions and would have not been unusual coming from a Committee member, but they were more inquisitorial than you would normally expect from the Clerk.

Your right about the Phillips thing of course, Hussey's evidence is a wonderful example of 'protesting too much'.

The Clerk has been instrumental in extracting salient information from witnesses at these committees. The MHKs are, after all, laymen although some certainly excel in these roles (others simply don't).

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Main Entry: corruption
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: dishonesty
Synonyms: breach of trust, bribery, bribing, crime, crookedness, demoralization, exploitation, extortion, fiddling, fraud, fraudulency, graft, jobbery, malfeasance, misrepresentation, nepotism, on the take, payoff, payola, profiteering, racket, shadiness, shady deal, shuffle, skimming, squeeze*, unscrupulousness, venality
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2 hours ago, Max Power said:

Spoiled children apparently, a bit rich since members of a government department colluded and falsified statistics to steal their 90 year old event and re-brand it as something else. The event at the time was bringing in  c.10,000 people and contributing £5m to the economy, for very little outlay in comparison to the CTT today.  


In light of the fact that we are now where we are, with inquiries, committees and Lord knows what else to come, perhaps Mr Hussey, it could be construed that those TT organisers with their knowledge and experience are being proved to be right?

Whereas you and your inexperienced/unqualified/incompetent (delete/insert as applicable) pals, Mr Hussey, have irrepairably tarnished the IoM's reputation and have potentially cost us a great deal of money.

The arrogance is unbelievable. 

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59 minutes ago, Gizo said:

Paul Phillips? Isle of Man cyclesfest, Paul Phillips?

There is more than one "senior" DED official involved with Cyclefest is there not? I wouldn't be so sure of the name on this one as I had heard another name mentioned in addition to the three. Obviously I won't be mentioning it here as yet. This really is starting to look very embarrassing for all concerned. I have no doubt that Cyclefest is yet another clique of civil service chancers paid from the public purse to deliver a loss making event that they all somehow seem to profit from in one way or another. 

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I 'help out' at  "Jurby  Day" which is run /organised by the local branch of the Vintage Motor Cycle Club and last year I remember being told " Make the most of it because next year it'll be all part of the CTT and run by the government" . 

Now I know that a lot of folk talk a lot of cr*p but when the Rudge Owners Club did a parade lap of the course ( organised by the gov not the VMCC) they claimed they were told by a gov employee that included in the price of their "parade lap" was a further "parade lap " at  Jurby Day. 

It was explained to their surprise that 'Jurby Day' was not run by IOM gov ( arrangements were made to allow them  to 'have a lap' ).

It is evident that on occasions some government staff involved in the CTT ( MGP) may perhaps   "make it up as they go along".

Just saying:flowers: 

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2 hours ago, notwell said:

I don't agree about it being "defensive on behalf of civil servants"...

Lol, you wouldn't! As RM has suggested, notty, read the whole thing but before you do, remove the establishment butt-plug from your arse... 

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12 minutes ago, quilp said:

Lol, you wouldn't! As RM has suggested, notty, read the whole thing but before you do, remove the establishment butt-plug from your arse... 

To be fair I was commenting on the dialogue Roger had posted.  And as I pointed out correctly that particular dialogue doesn't really imply civil service bias.

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