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4 hours ago, Max Power said:

I think Honda needed something to distract everyone from the new Fireblade's performance while it's being developed. They'll get plenty of coverage with GM. 

he wouldn't race at scarborough due to a bike.....

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36 minutes ago, mojomonkey said:

Love you too woody2, are you actually this angry and unpleasant in real life. I suspect not.

never angry and always get the job done my way, which is why clients book me.....

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8 minutes ago, Gizo said:

Can we keep this thread on track please. You'll find plenty of other guy Martin wanking threads elsewhere. This thread is one of MF better ones, please keep it that way. 

Better Ones ???? LOL, FFS

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16 minutes ago, Gizo said:

Can we keep this thread on track please. You'll find plenty of other guy Martin wanking threads elsewhere. This thread is one of MF better ones, please keep it that way. 

There's just a lull in the action while waiting for the next round of evidence I guess? 

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1 hour ago, Gizo said:

Can we keep this thread on track please. You'll find plenty of other guy Martin wanking threads elsewhere. This thread is one of MF better ones, please keep it that way. 

Not that you would want provoke a reaction then ???

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If I might drag the discussion back from the usual sock-puppet hunt[1] that far too many current threads degenerate into, the evidence given by the five DED-heads and Mr Hussey (ex-) is now available on Hansard for those of us who couldn't bear to listen to all of it or couldn't believe what we were hearing.

Hussey comes across in print as just as much of an overbearing windbag as he sounded[2].  During his 88 minute session, he only faced 8 numbered questions.  In 78 minutes (of the open session) the DED Five took 63.  I suppose the Committee were giving him enough rope to hang himself.  But he's clearly someone who doesn't believe in listening to other people.

But the interview of the other five is also very revealing (or at least the bits we were allowed to hear).  Take for example this exchange between Tim Baker (the MHK for Ayre and Michael) and David Ronan the former Deputy CEO of DED (lines 301 ff)


Q205. Mr Baker: Within that forum, was there any dialogue where other Departments were saying, ‘We are concerned about the ramifications; can the Island really cope? What about travel arrangements; what about hospitals, policing, sewerage, etc?’

Mr Ronan: Not specifically. I think the first meeting which flushed out[3] any of those issues – they were not specifically about visitor numbers – was the meeting on 9th May where there were a number of issues raised, and the subsequent meeting on 2nd June which addressed the majority of those issues.

Q206. Mr Baker: That is 2016?

Mr Ronan: 2016, sorry, yes.

Q207. Mr Baker: So it has been going four years; everybody has known what the proposition was, and yet it has taken until the end of … well … (Mr Ronan: 2016) to actually focus on these issues? (Mr Ronan: Correct.)
It obviously raises a lot of questions as to, with that amount of talent in the room[3], and expertise, why the issues took so long to come out?

Indeed there are things to make you raise your eyebrows on every page


[1]  A bit like a witch hunt, but less scientific.

[2]  He even manages to interrupt the question when he is asked his name.

[3]  I wish I thought that this was a joke.

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