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Contract To Promote TT.....


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This is the reason the IOMG should be nothing more than a glorified administration entity with zero input into anything approaching commerciality, other than appointing qualified consultants from relevant organisations to advise on legally and contractually binding matters. Too many people in there with no real world experience playing around with other peoples money.

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How can a contract not be amended if it isn't agreed by both parties and signed as such?

This contract is dead. Kaput. Finito. Finished. There isn't a prayer that this deal can be resolved, there had to be trust. Can you seriously trust IOMG? There is only way this will end up - Courts! There will be one winner - Athol Street lawyers, and we as taxpayers will be fleeced again. Still the money made from Pinewood shares will come in handy.

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Cost to taxpayer - £100 per TT Visitor.

I believe that is the cost before any revenue is calculated. Things such as TV rights, sponsorship, economic benefit etc. etc.




How much is the cost to the taxpayer after these rights trickle in?

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How can a contract not be amended if it isn't agreed by both parties and signed as such?

We have already discussed this. V9 were appointed by Tynwald and by implication had a contract. The written contract only serves to agree the detail.


Yes, but that details is the foundation for everything that follows.

Tynwald appear to have only confirmed that they were comfortable (rightly or indeed wrongly) with Vision 9 as a counterparty.


Anything else that happens is subject to contract and ratification.


If I am building a house and i put the contract out to 4 parties - I get the 4 tenders back. If i'm then comfortable to work with X company i will advise them and then, subject to contract, we move forward.


I'm not legally bound to use them because we might not be able to reach agreement on the details of that contract. What is different here?

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But MHK's and MLC's announced the partnership from what I remember with a big fanfare !! Clearly it was more than a chatting about a possible promotion !! Either that or someone has jumped the gun in a massive way ! Why would they put info on there websight without some certainty it was happening .. will we arrive at truth .I don't think so sadly

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It may well be. But what sort of company or deal is ever assumed to have been done with no contract in place?


It doesn't matter that Tynwald ticked up Vision 9 as a counterparty. That, to me, is probably 25% of the job done. The hard part is formulating the framework and contract for finalising and signing.


Vision 9 had no mandate to start splashing money about without the above being sorted.


I'm not denying it's a mess. But let's not pretend the government are the major issue here.

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