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Kids these days, they sure do grow up fast

Dale Cooper FBI

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What a clock of shit. Fox News really is The Day Today / Brasseye.


He was able to shoot a gun? How did they discover that? Are we supposed to believe that the foster parents took the refugee from a wartorn country to a shooting range for fun? Of course the Americans don't question that, a country where taking children to shooting ranges is considered normal. Also a country where toddlers kill using their parent's guns.

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What a clock of shit. Fox News really is The Day Today / Brasseye.


He was able to shoot a gun? How did they discover that? Are we supposed to believe that the foster parents took the refugee from a wartorn country to a shooting range for fun? Of course the Americans don't question that, a country where taking children to shooting ranges is considered normal. Also a country where toddlers kill using their parent's guns.


You're seriously trying to argue Fox News has made this up out of thin air?

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What a clock of shit. Fox News really is The Day Today / Brasseye.


He was able to shoot a gun? How did they discover that? Are we supposed to believe that the foster parents took the refugee from a wartorn country to a shooting range for fun? Of course the Americans don't question that, a country where taking children to shooting ranges is considered normal. Also a country where toddlers kill using their parent's guns.


You're seriously trying to argue Fox News has made this up out of thin air?



No, they took it from The Sun, who took it from The Daily Mail. No idea who originally made it up but its a old story that has been debunked months ago.


Can I safely assume you don't actually think its true?

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I don't see any reason to not believe it. You say it was debunked months ago? Okey dokey, it'll be easy for you to debunk the story then.


Still waiting.......


Ok, i'll bite.


Here is the story in The Sun that Fox News have picked up on - https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/2030373/migrant-foster-mum-reveals-her-horror-at-discovering-12-year-old-refugee-in-her-care-is-actually-a-21-year-old-jihadi/


Read through that story and several things don't make sense. The story claims the foster parent noticed how adept he was a firing a rifle and quickly he could strip down a gun. That in itself raises several questions. Why would someone fostering someone who comes from a country torn apart by violence take that person to a rifle range? In fact why would any foster parent take any foster child to a firing range? Seem very odd to me, what's your take on that?


If the boy/man had terrorist and pornographic content on his phone and had threatened to kill the foster parent why didn't they go straight to the police? No mention of that or the person being arrested or least questioned by the police. Or is going to a national newspaper a safer course of action?


Other that that, the story looks suspiciously like this one from The Daily Mail published in February 2016 - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3455875/Adult-asylum-seeker-claimed-just-12-assaulted-foster-carer-caught-looking-child-porn.html


Its all rather convenient that story has just broken a few days after all the discussion about accepting child refugees from "The Jungle" over in Calais. It all just seems a bit fishy to me.

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It cannot be debunked with a simple online search, because it is a complete fabrication... from the minds of your manipulators.


I would say show me solid evidence that this is true..BTW evidence is not a media article or 'story'...surely you are all not this stupid, you must see the agenda for such nonsensical fear porn...

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That Fox news report is very good evidence showing the wests complicity with the fake "terrorist" agenda.


Western agencies created the new jihadist and this is how they then sell it to us, to me the value of these news clips are showing people how stupid they think we are. The world is nowhere near as dangerous as we are lead to believe.


They created it, and they continue to sell it, the beheading videos all fake, every one of them, the attacks by so called IS, all planned drills by government agencies involving crisis actors. Lap it up suckers the next time you change your facebook profile picture to a European nations colours in sympathy for people that probably never died, whilst the real criminals commit their crimes against us all, and missed by the majority whilst they are debating ISIS and the great threat of Islam for they are laughing at us.

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