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Tony Blair is coming back to save us all


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Is it wrong to just hope that he'll die of something awful before he successfully saves the UK from Brexit?




I'm sure even remainers would prefer Brexit to the successful resurrection of a piece of crap like Tony Blair.


It just shows you the power of NLP.

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Is it wrong to just hope that he'll die of something awful before he successfully saves the UK from Brexit?




I'm sure even remainers would prefer Brexit to the successful resurrection of a piece of crap like Tony Blair.


It just shows you the power of NLP.

He's poison. No chance. Epitome of self-delusion if he thinks he has any future in British politics.

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Is it wrong to just hope that he'll die of something awful before he successfully saves the UK from Brexit?




I'm sure even remainers would prefer Brexit to the successful resurrection of a piece of crap like Tony Blair.


It just shows you the power of NLP.



I would welcome a truly social democratic opposition, led by someone somewhat like Blair. At the moment, I could not vote Labour because I regard Corbyn as a naive and incompetent man entirely lacking in leadership qualities, and because I support the concept of the independent nuclear deterrent.


The Tories would hate that, whereas they are absolutely loving Corbyn.


If I had the choice between Brexit and Blair (which of course I don't) I'd choose the actual Blair over Brexit because it would be less harmful for Britain's future and for the future of Europe as a whole.

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The EU is more harmful to Europe. It will fall apart in acrimony as it was always destined to do, UNLESS it reforms itself back to a trading area as originally advertised. Blair is actually the best thing that could happen if he is embraced by the remoaners. No bigger turn off could there be.

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"The EU is more harmful to Europe. It will fall apart in acrimony as it was always destined to do, UNLESS it reforms itself back to a trading area as originally advertised. Blair is actually the best thing that could happen if he is embraced by the remoaners. No bigger turn off could there be."



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Not mentioned Blair prior to today. No doubt you're a fan of his.

So what did you make of "A Journey" - because presumably you're well read...?


But with your almost constant pathological condemning of the EU you really are becoming boringly tedious..

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I have my own opinion of Blair which, I think, coincides with those of most people. I certainly have no desire to read his.


I have said nothing outlandish about the EU. All pretty mainstream for someone who sees it as a failed bureaucracy with pretensions to being a superstate. You still haven't responded to my asking what is so great about it, but I can see how that would be difficult. If it just shrank back to being a trading area without all of the political trappings that nobody asked for or voted for then I wouldn't have a problem with it.

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To an open-minded individual, let's call them a liberal, reading a piece like "A Journey" explains a lot about cause and effect. To a bigot, of course, it would explain nothing because they just wouldn't want to know...


I've already posted up why I think being in the EU is better than being out of it. Amazed you don't remember that - not.


Your predictability is getting as boring as your bigotry to the EU!

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