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Tony Blair is coming back to save us all


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Teasing aside I've always been deeply suspicious of all this "parliamentary lobbyist" stuff that seems to go on. Presumably folks with access to the corridors of power, like Blair, seek to influence the decision making processes for whatever their paymasters want. Or in the case of Mohamed Al Fayed's chief gopher Ian Greer to hand over instructions plus brown envelopes to sleazy MP's like Neil Hamilton, Tim Smith and others.


So what Blair thinks he can achieve via lobbying is a little difficult to figure out. But clearly he thinks he can. As per it's not worth paying any attention to the UK press on the matter as they will, almost without exception, be towing the proprietors line like they always do.


So I guess it's all speculation until Blair's announcement in the new year. Always assuming there is one....


If it happens I wonder who will be funding it...?

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How can Blair not see how widely loathed he is? He really does take the biscuit. 10 years in power with the most benign of financial conditions in his favour and he achieved very little apart from bloodshed and sowing the seeds of the financial crisis by lax regulation on his watch. He talks as though he is a beacon of wisdom. Goodness knows what gives him that idea. He even wanted to go into the euro and what a picnic that would have been.


I have no time for Gorgeous George Galloway's politics, but I do find him always on the money when it comes to Blair. "Tony Blair could crawl under a rattlesnake whilst wearing a top-hat"


The Killing$ of Tony Blair was partly crowdfunded and it may well be that the only people who watch it will be those who forked out to have it made. Which is a shame, because while it does not tell us anything particularly new about our former prime minister, it is a meticulous documentation of Blair’s odious, immoral and almost unbelievable money-grubbing-from-despots venality — and indeed the process which led to the catastrophic and illegal invasion of Iraq, the deaths of perhaps a million people and the region being plunged into sectarian chaos.


Galloway is a terrific presenter, dapper in his left-wing hat, all boilerplate rhetoric, biblical quotations and growled sardonic asides. It has to be said that there is not much equivocation: George does not go in for ‘on the one hand’ sort of stuff — but it may well be that the time for equivocation is over. Instead he interviews a long succession of people who hate Blair — former allies, such as the lovely and decent Clare Short, political enemies such as David Davis, a succession of appalled lawyers and former diplomats and, rather irritatingly, one or two boring luvvies like Will Self and Stephen Bloody Fry. They all dutifully stick the boot in, some with great insight, others (Fry) with less.


By far the most damning sections of the film are the clips of Blair himself, wreathed in false sincerity, that Messianic arrogance burning through. Particularly emetic is the clip of him praising the Kazakhstan dictator Nursultan Nazarbayev for his ‘toughness, subtlety and ingenuity’ — shortly after the repulsive tyrant had overseen the murder of striking oil workers. Blair was paid £16 million for handling Nazarbayev’s international PR, but he trousered a lot more over the years from Kuwaitis and Saudis and the international contracts he ‘facilitated’ for J.P. Morgan — no former British prime minister has come close to Blair for sheer, naked avarice. If there was a fortune to be made at the bottom of a sack of shit, Blair would dive in head first (having been given a helpful push by his wife).


There is not much room for nuance, sure. Galloway’s thesis is that this amoral wheeler-dealer ruthlessness lay at the very centre of Blair’s political make-up and so the point is rammed home at every available opportunity, with the usual far-left dissing of Rupert Murdoch thrown in for good measure. And this is where I have some disagreement with the film’s thrust. While I do not for a moment doubt Blair’s greed — who could? — I think Galloway overlooks another of Blair’s faults in his monomaniacal insistence upon greed: utter stupidity. The invasion of Iraq was based on a calamitous misreading of the Muslim world, the arrogant and plainly wrong assumption that they want the same as the rest of us, the same hankering for liberal democracy, the same aspirations. An idiocy Blair took with him to his new, post-PM role as — so hilarious it defies satire — Middle East peace envoy.

But it is Iraq for which we will remember Blair; for the million dead, for the chaos that ensued, for the chemical weapons we used (white phosphorus and depleted uranium). As the former UK ambassador Craig Murray puts it in this film: ‘If Tony Blair isn’t a war criminal, then who is?’

You can download Galloway’s film on iTunes and Amazon for about a tenner. It’s worth it. Galloway is very good at this — someone give him a series. And an editor.




Anyone still a fan of Blair? Really?

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A closet Blair fan then. Who knew?


Are you kidding me???!!!!


I can understand a George "The Cat" Galloway admirer wanting to keep it quiet but me a closet Blair fan?


I shouldn't tease you I know but you really do spout the most tedious hairy sphericals sometimes. Take this latest pathetic effort:


.... blah blah blah sowing the seeds of the financial crisis by lax regulation on his watch.

So Blair is responsible for the world-wide financial crash of 2007/2008 and brought down Lehman Brothers? Well, who would have thought it?


I have no time for Gorgeous George Galloway's politics, but I do find him always on the money when it comes to Blair. "Tony Blair could crawl under a rattlesnake whilst wearing a top-hat"

So you're a fan of George Galloway because he can come up with particularly nasty, lowbrow insults about Blair. I mean, how admirable...


Well, here's an idea to get hold of to increase your efficiency. Dream up your own nasty, lowbrow insults about Blair and cut out the middleman. "I find him always on the money" ie it doesn't have to be true as long as it suits your agenda. And you complain about the quips of others.


And as for your constant banging on and on about "liberalism" and the EU being to blame for all the ills in the world, well, try giving your arse a chance for once eh?

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