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Tony Blair is coming back to save us all


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The EU is more harmful to Europe. It will fall apart in acrimony as it was always destined to do, UNLESS it reforms itself back to a trading area as originally advertised. Blair is actually the best thing that could happen if he is embraced by the remoaners. No bigger turn off could there be.


Spot on. I see the next phase in 5 to 15 years time being the EEC mark 2.

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A closet Blair fan then. Who knew?


Are you kidding me???!!!!


I can understand a George "The Cat" Galloway admirer wanting to keep it quiet but me a closet Blair fan?


I shouldn't tease you I know but you really do spout the most tedious hairy sphericals sometimes. Take this latest pathetic effort:


.... blah blah blah sowing the seeds of the financial crisis by lax regulation on his watch.

So Blair is responsible for the world-wide financial crash of 2007/2008 and brought down Lehman Brothers? Well, who would have thought it?


I have no time for Gorgeous George Galloway's politics, but I do find him always on the money when it comes to Blair. "Tony Blair could crawl under a rattlesnake whilst wearing a top-hat"

So you're a fan of George Galloway because he can come up with particularly nasty, lowbrow insults about Blair. I mean, how admirable...


Well, here's an idea to get hold of to increase your efficiency. Dream up your own nasty, lowbrow insults about Blair and cut out the middleman. "I find him always on the money" ie it doesn't have to be true as long as it suits your agenda. And you complain about the quips of others.


And as for your constant banging on and on about "liberalism" and the EU being to blame for all the ills in the world, well, try giving your arse a chance for once eh?



Didn't take a lot to draw that out did it? So you really are the chap who still rates Blair. That really does explain a lot. Maybe even the hysterical rants.


Which bit of "I have no time for Gorgeous George Galloway's politics" did you not get? I don't think anyone familiar with his take on the world and then reading my posts could believe I was a fan. However, I do find him entertaining and, on occasion, his comments are apposite. As on Blair, and on his one man whipping of the US Senate Committee on Iraq, who clearly thought they were going to show him who was boss, well, really, one can only say "Bravo that man."


As for dreaming up my own insults about Blair, I rather doubt that there are any left unused. It's all been said. I look forward with interest to his return to frontline politics. I fancy there isn't a seat safe enough in the UK. I doubt that even he is THAT deluded. What price Lord Blair of Islington?

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Which bit of "I have no time for Gorgeous George Galloway's politics" did you not get? I don't think anyone familiar with his take on the world and then reading my posts could believe I was a fan. However, I do find him entertaining and, on occasion, his comments are apposite. As on Blair, and on his one man whipping of the US Senate Committee on Iraq, who clearly thought they were going to show him who was boss, well, really, one can only say "Bravo that man."


As for dreaming up my own insults about Blair, I rather doubt that there are any left unused. It's all been said. I look forward with interest to his return to frontline politics. I fancy there isn't a seat safe enough in the UK. I doubt that even he is THAT deluded. What price Lord Blair of Islington?

Hmmm. McToffee suddenly declared MF unsafe and horlicksed my postings! Curious.


If you read my post properly you will see at no time did I claim you thought Galloway's politics were admirable. Just that you admired his lowbrow insults about Blair. The person who complains about quips from others. Oh the irony! So for me your:


"Which bit of I have no time for Gorgeous George Galloway's politics did you not get?"


is just a non-cigar smokescreen.

I also doubt that Blair will ever return to "frontline" politics and the idea of him trying to become an MP again is, frankly, as totally ludicrous and delusional that liberalism and the EU are responsible for all of the worlds ills. But it gives you an opportunity to run him down which you clearly get off on. However for me it's just another non-cigar smokescreen...
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So why did you accuse me of claiming you thought Galloway's politics were admirable for any other reason than trying to dodge the issue that you liked his nasty, ugly, lowbrow accurate insults?





So you like the way George "The Cat" Galloway insults Tony Blair. How predictably inconsequentially shallow....


So now let's move on to your accusation that Blair caused the 2007/2008 financial crash and brought down Lehman Brothers. Evidence...?


ETA: Am I the only one getting McToffee warnings that MF is unsafe?

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Only in the last 5 minutes. Gimme a chance. You're obsessed!


I didn't mention Lehman. I said lax regulation on his watch. This is indisputable.


From your own favourite comic:




Actually my favourite comics are PE and The Daily Mash.


But hey, keep punting your opinions as facts...


So how did, I guess Gordon Brown as it was his watch under Blair, destroy the US sub-prime market?


Because as we all know, the US economy sneezes and the Western World gets a cold! (Have to admit I read that somewhere)

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You are Tony Blair and I claim my £5. It was the dissing of Brown that finally gave you away.


Oh dear, really struggling now!


So how did, exactly, the Labour administration cause the Global Financial Meltdown of 2007/2008 and the demise of Lehman Brothers?

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