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Tony Blair is coming back to save us all


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No. You are imagining my writings again. I did not say I was a fan of George Galloway and nor did I say anything about Lehman Bros. You are fond of repeating your errors. I said "lax regulation on his watch. This is indisputable." Which it is. And it led to the calamity of RBS.

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No. You are imagining my writings again. I did not say I was a fan of George Galloway and nor did I say anything about Lehman Bros. You are fond of repeating your errors. I said "lax regulation on his watch. This is indisputable." Which it is. And it led to the calamity of RBS.

Ah yes, the RBS debacle that led to Fred "The Shred" Goodwin losing his K. So no blame attached to him then...


So after the odious Thatcher creature de-regulated the banks according to you it was then up to the current PM and the Chancellor to keep a watchful eye out to ensure the Board of Directors of all the myriad UK financial institutions didn't self-destruct?


This planet you're on, can you see Earth from up there?


And you do like the insults Galloway heaps on Blair. But it's just George "The Cat" Galloway who in the grand scheme of things is just inconsequential noise.


Unlike my posts of course....

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Interesting that his Brexit lobbying scheme has really stirred up the HoC. Because I can't really think of why as it might not even get off the ground!

Given the glaring media bias from both camps it might be a bit premature to claim Blair's causing a stir. I'm less than convinced this carries any weight or fruition. He's using Brexit as a tool to raise his profile because he's brazen opportunist.


The problem is the too-easily swayed voters and the cult of personality that so bewitches our culture. Considerable sections of our society adore sophistication and superficiality; the bland leading the blind with choreographed banality. People will vote for a nice smile and a good suit, without consideration; their political awareness adding new depth to the meaning of shallow. Happens here.


Be interesting to see how loud the calls for a new inquiry into his conduct become.

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Matthew d'Ancona, former editor of The Spectator, former political editor of the Sunday Telegraph, writing in The Guardian:



With unnerving speed, authoritarianism, allied to the ugliest forms of populist bigotry, is sweeping the free world. Todays joke candidate is tomorrows commander-in-chief ...


Whatever you think of Blair, do not despise his efforts to plug the gap ... If those who oppose the nationalist right fail to collaborate, the other side will win by default, exploiting the voters fears, blaming it all on migrants, feminists and ethnic minorities.

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Blair was alright, if he wasn't he'd never have been elected so many times. Labour wishes they could have a man like him now.


It's just a shame the conservatives haven't moved to wipe out the immigration problem of non productive and anti British interests that has plagued us since his reign.

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I liked a letter in the Sunday Times yesterday that went along the lines:


"Blair believes there is a hole in politics today that he can fill. Good. When he is in it, could someone please concrete over the top so that we can never benefit from his self-serving wisdom again."

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