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Football sex abuse scandal


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Seeing the men struggling to come to terms with what was done to them as children has been pretty shocking TV. When it came on the evening news with my children watching my first instinct was to turn it off, but the Missus said no, this is something to discuss.


So we did, telling our kids to speak out if anyone ever touched them and not to suffer or repress it.


Seeing the footballers release emotions bottled up for years and the suffering that is causing them shows the terrible damage done. I hope their coming together to try to deal with it helps them and allows them and others to get help.


And the perpetrator? The sooner he is convicted and in a cell the better.

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There's a new and extra dimension to paedophilia within football though; and it's the culture within the game that until now has prevented these men from talking about their horrific childhood experiences with scum like Bennell. Even now - and we'll see it this afternoon on terraces up and down the land - the laddish and infantile machismo within the game, on and off the pitch, will turn the courage these men have shown into double-entendre and mockery. Football's awash with it, and the tribal identity 'humour' that goes with 'following' a team runs deep. It's football's twelfth man.


It may be a minority, but it's what's stopped them speaking out before now. I salute Andy Woodward and his fellow players for what they've revealed this week. Good on yer lads. The real fans should cheer them to the rafters at every club this afternoon.

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We have one who lives on the island who i believe has been convicted fore kiddie fiddling,served his time etc,but read some of his tripe on fb "honey darling blah blah" and you would not believe he was up to this kind of thing,well i have loved ones who are being coached in different sporting disciplines,and i just hope the "vetting" protocols the government have in place are routinely spot checked and none of these animals cannot molest our young ones.

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