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Zac Goldsmith is a loser


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Just saying it how it is.


Is it a good thing or a bad thing for the UK government that its majority is down one and a pro-EU lib dem has increased the Lib Dem intake from 8 to 9?

Zac represented himself for many years as a good liberal and a libertarian. Which I think he probably actually is. It was no surprise at all that he was originally able to win the seat from the Liberals. He ruined that reputation by running such a nasty campaign for London Mayor.

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I'm not entirely buying the Liberals' jubilation that all the remainers and soft-brexiters are going to swing in behind them. But everyone else has left the centre ground, nobody else is making a case against leaping of the Brexit cliff without a parachute, so I hope they continue to make their voices heard.

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I'm not entirely buying the Liberals' jubilation that all the remainers and soft-brexiters are going to swing in behind them. But everyone else has left the centre ground, nobody else is making a case against leaping of the Brexit cliff without a parachute, so I hope they continue to make their voices heard.



I think it is gradually becoming clear, despite all the rhetoric, that the so called hard-brexit is not going to happen. There isn't adequate support for that and nobody knows how. Nobody voted to end free-movement or to leave the trade area (they may think they did but that question was never asked). David Davis and Boris Johnson are both starting to prevaricate. And it's doubtful that Johnson has ever supported full withdrawal.


Whatever happens in Italy over the next few days and whatever happens in France next spring, I think that this is the high water mark for English populism. But also the point at which real reform of the EU might actually begin to happen (what Cameron was arguing for).


Perhaps Corbyn will take his cue from Hollande and realise what a party leader needs to do when there is no chance of success. It was a pity that Labour bothered to stand in Richmond.

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Just saying it how it is.


Is it a good thing or a bad thing for the UK government that its majority is down one and a pro-EU lib dem has increased the Lib Dem intake from 8 to 9?




Government majority of one? According to this it is or was 13.




He said down one, not down to one.

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Just saying it how it is. Is it a good thing or a bad thing for the UK government that its majority is down one and a pro-EU lib dem has increased the Lib Dem intake from 8 to 9?

Zac represented himself for many years as a good liberal and a libertarian. Which I think he probably actually is. It was no surprise at all that he was originally able to win the seat from the Liberals. He ruined that reputation by running such a nasty campaign for London Mayor.
he ran in the wrong place londonistan,too many mopheads.
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I'm not entirely buying the Liberals' jubilation that all the remainers and soft-brexiters are going to swing in behind them. But everyone else has left the centre ground, nobody else is making a case against leaping of the Brexit cliff without a parachute, so I hope they continue to make their voices heard.



I think it is gradually becoming clear, despite all the rhetoric, that the so called hard-brexit is not going to happen. There isn't adequate support for that and nobody knows how. Nobody voted to end free-movement or to leave the trade area (they may think they did but that question was never asked). David Davis and Boris Johnson are both starting to prevaricate. And it's doubtful that Johnson has ever supported full withdrawal.


Whatever happens in Italy over the next few days and whatever happens in France next spring, I think that this is the high water mark for English populism. But also the point at which real reform of the EU might actually begin to happen (what Cameron was arguing for).


Perhaps Corbyn will take his cue from Hollande and realise what a party leader needs to do when there is no chance of success. It was a pity that Labour bothered to stand in Richmond.



I am not at all keen on Brexit but it seems to me that the only option available is a Hard Brexit. The EU are not going to provide any special deals and access to the Single Market depends on accepting Free Movement (of capital, labour etc...) which gets us back to where we started (with less influence). Many in Parliament won't like the result but I can't see most of them voting against the referendum result.

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Goldsmith is an indolent, over-rated, culture of expectation, Tory-Boy. Whatever political capital he had evaporated as a consequence of his catastrophically awful London mayoral campaign...dreadful stuff.

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